
Is This Love{Discontinued}

Yandere Emperor X Oc

Random_Weeb10 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 2

Manius P.O.V

I laid in bed day dreaming about my precious Aimi. It's been about a month since I proposed to her and a month since I seen her. The moment she had left I couldn't stop worrying about her. But today I could finally see my lovely bride.

I made sure everything was perfect for our wedding. I gave the chefs and decorators a list of her favorite foods and flowers. I had a seamstress make a special wedding dress for her. Then I hired some of the best musicians I could fine to play her favorite songs.

Not many people accept my new bride. Those including my mother and grandmother. They try to introduce me to many noble and royal women, but nun could even begin to compare to my Aimi. They where to spoiled and stuck up.

Most likely only wanted to marry me for money and status. Know I've been Lenient of my mother and grandmother for continuously trying to hook me up with other women when they know I have already found my love.

But this weekend if the try to ruin my wedding or try hurting my bride I'll have to go to resort to some extra precautions. I looked in the mirror and straighten up my Suit and walked out into the hall where my staff was waiting.

"Good Afternoon Your Imperial Emperor", they all said as they bowed.

"The Carriage should be here any moment know", one of my maids said as we walked outside. I just nodded and stood on the steps as all the other staff members got in position.

Hopefully my mother and grandmother get over there little attuites and come out to greet there soon to be new empress. It would be very rude and highly disrespectful if they didn't.