
Is this Hell

The world completely collapses in an apocalypse In simple words carnage,chaos death and every other aspect of depravity let us watch an individual live in this world Is he now living in hell? He will experience pain As the question whether this is hell is answered How can one experience happiness in hell.... or life

Lifeajourneyofpain · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Police station

I was unable to...




Contain my excitement as I had managed to reach with my last attempt even though with only my arms holding me up.

'Well guess I'm not dying for now'

As I had that thought I looked down and I undoubtedly knew I was going to die if I fell down if not from the fall than from the fire.

I felt myself slipping so I immediately pulled myself up.

I had no time to rest as my goal wasn't one that would become easier with time and thankfully this time the distances between buildings was not that big and if they were my built up momentum allowed me to travel across them.

I had finally reached my destination after a few seconds and as I had thought 'NO UNDEAD!!'

I went off the building and as I was about to heard into the police station I saw 10 dead bodies of the undead.

With one being 2.8 metres tall and extremely bulky.

Can I not get crystals from them?

As I heard that thought I reached out to the one in my pocket and immediately realized that it had become smaller considerably so.

What why is it smaller!?

Did it evaporate?

No than my pocket would be wet.

Did I absorb it somehow?

Wait 'Why am I not tired or hungry?'

As he had that thought he immediately ran to the bodies even though he didn't know what they did to his bodies he didn't care.

And through a gruesome process I had removed their crystals gaining 7 grey crystals as well as two red and one purple from the 2.8metre monster and from what he could observe has evolved three times.

He even saw these beasts evolve with his very eyes it was so horribls any description would not suffice and it had gladly convinced him to puke his life out on his already rising mountain.

So from what I could observe

First tier-Grey crystal

Second tier evolved undead-red crystal

Third tier evolved undead-purple crystal

Effects of the crystal so far has energized me and kept me in optimal condition other effects to be investigated.

He wrote in a notebook he thought would be useful and it had indeed been so.

He kept all the crystals in his bag.

Than he headed into the police station.

My priorities were to find weapons as well as collect crystals from dead zombies if there were as well as to find a suitable vehicle and than head out of the city.




"Fuck Fuck Fuck Jake what are we supposed to do!?"asked a tied up woman with almond eyes long black hair and was currently tied up which even more highlighted her curvy body as well as her lightly tan skin which showed shs worked outdoors a lot and as she was 24 she didn't look a day older 19.

As she asked her tied up companion Jake an equally handsome man with blonde hair and saphire blue eyes but looks can be very deceiving

"Star how am I supposed to know those men just left us here as bait but who would have thought they would lead those monsters away acting as the bait instead."

Even though they had an opportunity to capitalize on they couldn't as they were currently tied to chairs in an office with door wide open and these criminals really knew how to tie.

"We are going to die aren't we."said Star with obvious dispare in both her voice and eyes.

Seeing this Jake who had an interest in the girl tried calming her down with his calm facade but even his mask threatened to break as he also saw the disparity in the situation.

'Fuck why is crying does she not know it'll attract zombies!?'Jake thought in anger and silent resignation towards his fate.

Star had continued her crying until footsteps could be heard.

She just stopped and looked at Jake who was also shaking in fear.

As everything was silent even though the owner of these footsteps was not loud in this quiet environment and especially to them with every footstep they heard get closer it was as if the grim reaper himself was coming.

With every footstep their hearts almost came to a stop until the footsteps stopped and from what they could deduce it was right beside the door.

Jake just simply closed his eyes while Star simply looked down as tears streamed down on her police uniform.

Tears had also started flowing down Jakes eyes"No I don't want to die!"he said in dispare




I silently viewed these two individuals through a claw mark next to the door and they were tied up but rather unharmed as they also wore police uniform.

So far his not been able to find the armoury but on a good note he had found multiple dead bodies finding himself 30 grey crystals as well as 10 red and 3 purple.

Adding that to his previous find.

He had 37 grey crystals

12 red crystals

and 4 purple crystals

And if you are wondering what happened to one grey crystals it had simply disappeared from his pocket but he did feel slightly faster even though it could barely be noticed it he felt elated at that discovery as that was a cry- nah let me call it core of a speed type so I tried the core of a strength type which is currently in my pocket.

I had also found an underground parking lot with armoured vehicles so I knew where to go after I found the weapons and I had found a very suitable vehicle.

But I was running out of time firstly I had to find the keys for the vehicle and also the armoury in my estimated time of eight-twelve minutes till those creatures from the depth of hell start blessing this area with their presence once more.

These people might be useful.


I said as my hoarse voice immediately attracted their attention.





'Guess we're gonna die'Star thought waiting for her cruel end as she had seen how those creatures devoured people.

"Hello" a hoarse voice said and mildly deep voice

Even though this voice was beyond scary at this moment too these two it was hope ans as they looked up they saw a man fully equipped in black tactical gear two black machetes in hand.

Long black hair tied into ponytail that still reached his neck and calm blood red eyes.

"My name is Ambrose, Ambrose Aurelius"

He was beyond handsome.

"And you two?"