
Is this Hell

The world completely collapses in an apocalypse In simple words carnage,chaos death and every other aspect of depravity let us watch an individual live in this world Is he now living in hell? He will experience pain As the question whether this is hell is answered How can one experience happiness in hell.... or life

Lifeajourneyofpain · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Apocalypse emerges

'WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!?!' I asked myself in utter fear as I was currently in a convenience store hiding under the reception desk.

As he heard in utter horror the screams of people,the unhuman guttural roars of humans that shouldn't even be called humans anymore as they chased down anyone and anything they saw.

A single bite or scratch would turn any one who was inflicted the wound into them.

Well if they were given the chance as they would utterly devour their prey when they were in groups leaving behind almost utterly nothing.


Why did this happen everything was completely normal a few minutes ago.

I was living a completely normal life,hell I was even shopping with my wife but now she's dead!!!

I thought as I saw a young man out of the corner of my eye about seventeen running for his life as he was being chased by what I would now refer to as zombies.

Everything was in chaos there explosion occurring every single second there was fire everywhere cars where crashing and or where already crashed people were running for their lives only to become...


'This must be hell' I thought as I could feel the will for me to live leave my body.

First of these beings were fast and extremely so not all as they seemed to have different characteristics others were strong as I saw some lift up cars in order to get to their prey or simply bulldoze with an incoming car and come out almost unscratched but still visibly injured.

Their features were sharp and extremely so as their claws could cut through cars and their teeth were so numerous they resembled a shark's.

It had only been a few hours since this started but I had seen more blood,organs, betrayal,sacrifice and cruelty than he had never imagined could happen even with all his years in the military.

A testement to what he had witnessed was a pile of puke next to him that flowed everywhere even getting into contact with him but he could hardly care.

Is it even possible for me to survive he said as he continued to watch as silently as he could but not all hope was lost as he had seen that these beings had no sense of sight and he was speculating smell also as they had not discovered him yet even though he had barf right next to him or was it covering his human scent he didn't know.

As I was having my thoughts I started hearing gunshots.

'Wait the military!?' I'm saved I won't die!!

He thought as he lifted his head a little bit up the counter in his hopes to see the military but how could someone be so lucky.

It was just a ragtag group of individuals who were currently shooting the zombie horde that was following them currently.

"Fuck!!! How could our luck become so bad we had just gained these weapons from the police station DAMN!"

A burly man just said as he manned a machine gun on a blacK armored S.W.A.T vehicle as I could only deduce they had also stolen while his companions shot with a multitude of weapons ranging from shotguns,pistols and semi automatic guns.

'Their not going to live long'

I could deduce as more zombies kept joining the hoard.

But well he got more information that gave him hope.

These beings were not immortal and that guns could injure them.

But from what he could see is that you head to destroy the heads which most likely meant that you had to destroy their spines which was going to be hard even for those burly man.

Well at least I'm quite fit or else I'd just give up.

After I graduated I had joined the military at 20 than I spent five years there than I became a fitness instructor for about a year and during that period I met my wife.

She had been infected as we had tried to escape she was currently a zombie and like all the others she had been chasing those unlucky men.

She from what I could observe was a speed type and as testement to her or it's speed it was at the very front of the hoard where she eventually got killed with a shot to the head leaving only the bottom part of her head.

'Yes these men are leading them away my chance is about to come.' I had calmed down this wasn't time to panick a chance had been presented and he would be an idiot not to take it.

So as he watched these men that had given him this opportunity drive off stripping the entire street of zombies 'They will not survive' as the zombies left he immediately jumped the counter.

I can't waste a single second, I should head to where weapons and decent clothes that could protect me are .

So I started heading for the weapons aisle in a rush as he had already seen all the zombies in the store head out.

Well what would you expect in a morden day world how would you expect to find decent weapons as he looked towards the kitchen knives.

These are fragile they won't do.

'Let me keep on looking'

I was currently standing in front of a shelf where what stood before me was the most beautiful thing he had seen a 20 inch long machete with a serated edge at the back of the blade and was matte black.

It's even in my favorite colour he smiled as he took two 'Im definitely going to need two' He said as he thought bitterly about the abnormal strength and speed of those creatures.

Let me go get suitable clothes as he had black shorts a normal white t-shirt and flip flops.

Not the best apocalypse gear if you want to survive.

As he left the aisle he wore black out door survival boots,black military pants,black military survival jacket that had a hoodie as well as a pair of sunglasses with tactical gloves and a waterproof watch that he covered under his sleeves.

'ive been here for seven minutes I need to go I don't want anything undesirable occuring 'he said as he headed towards the food aisle to fill up the military bag he had just picked up.