
It's not mom...

JoAnna made few more attempts to talk to Sarah, to warn her of dangers that are lurking anyone who plunges into relationship without thinking, but she could not find any more chances. Sarah was always close to Aiden, and it seemed that she is voluntarily surrendering herself to that madness.

JoAnna decided that she will talk to Sarah later, and she left Sophia's apartment, leaving Sarah and Aiden behind.

Two of them were having diner, when Sarah's phone rang. She glanced at it and saw that it's from Hill family home. Thinking it's her mom, Sarah picked up. "Hi mom!"

"It's not mom...", Edwards voice came from the phone.

Sarah was surprised to hear her father's voice. "Oh... uhm, just a minute..."

Aiden noticed Sarah's mood change and looked at her questionably.

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