
Is the system bugged?

He did not have the same goal as everyone else. Everyone was aware. He wanted to know. That's all. *************************************** NTR - never Yuri - never Netori - most likely Incest - yes The mc will be OP. And when I say OP, I mean it. Ridiculously so. If I someday finish this, I want him to be one of the strongest fictional characters. The beginning will be pretty generic since I took inspiration from numerous novels/manhwas with the same plot, especially from Regressor Instruction Manual, but after that, I'd say it'll be different. This novel will never get contracted. I doubt I'll ever be able to, but if I actually have the chance in the future, I won't. I don't want to make money off of this, I just want to write. Who knows, maybe someone will like it. I don't have a writing schedule. Whenever I feel like writing, I will write. That's about it. Have a good one, folks!

iwtaat · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs



The boy looked up at his father.

They arrived in a park. The trees were standing tall, their leaves rarely rustling. The grass was well maintained with no imperfections. It seemed like no one else was there, the benches being empty. Looking up, one could see the somewhat black sky, with numerous shining stars.


The man, taking the boy's hand, sat down on a bench. He looked up, his eyes showing multiple emotions. Sadness, guiltiness, a tinge of fear, but what predominated was jealousy.

"I love you."

The child squinted his eyes at him.

"I love you. I really do. You are my blood."


The man clenched his hand.

"But I love her too. I love her more. And it pains me that..." he didn't finish, his voice breaking.

The boy felt like something bad was about to happen.

"... she isn't the same. I don't want to blame you, my own son. I don't." he said as he grabbed the child by his shoulders." But I know... My God, I know it is your fault." by now, his hands were around his son's neck, strangling him.

The boy struggled to get free. He kicked his legs hitting whatever he could, and with his hands he pushed his father's eyes back.

"No no no. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't want to kill you..." he said as he grabbed the boy's hands.

Finally breathing again, he began to cough.

"I'm sorry. I truly am. Don't forgive me, but please... PLEASE! NEVER SHOW UP AGAIN!"

"Just... Just stay wherever you'll be placed to. Don't try to regain your memories. Don't try to take revenge." he desperately spoke, tears flowing down his face. "Just... die!"

A glow engulfed the boy who was unconcious by now, making him dissappear, leaving the man alone, crying. He stood up, looking at the sky.

"I know you can hear me! You hear everyone! I don't want his forgiveness, BUT I BEG YOU! DON'T MAKE HIM COME BACK!"

"I'll do whatever you want... just... just let me have my wife back!"




Ertex opened his eyes.

The dream ended.




Something small and wet like a drop of water hit the floor, perturbing the silence in the room.


Water from where?




It was red.

Why was it red?







He was biting his lip. Of course blood will flow.

'That motherfucker..'

More and more drops of blood continued to hit the floor. He clenched the bed frame, his fingers instantly ripping through.

'FUCK! Because of that piece of shit...'

He took a long deep breath, trying to calm down. It didn't really help.

'I'll kill that son of a bitch... I swear on my fucking name I'll make him more miserable than I was!'

He got up, running his fingers through his hair, sometimes pulling it.

He continued to have multiple reactions, from biting his lip to laughing hysterically, to sitting down just to once again get up and pull his hair then again bite his lip.

Not having anything to hit didn't help either, knowing he'll just destroy the whole fucking room if he does.

He opened the balcony door, completely tearing it apart.

Once on the balcony, he gripped the railing, trying with all his might to not break that thing too.

He was inhaling and exhaling with the wind slightly hitting his face, slowly calming down.

'It's alright. It's alright. It doesn't matter. I will find him someday. I know I will. Sure, it'll be awesome if I were to catch him right now, but it's alright. I can wait.'

He blew out the smoke of the just lighted cigar.

Funnily enough, it was still night. This time, he didn't see Artrus in front of the hotel. Now that he thinks about it, he didn't see Artrus at all today.

'He's a big boy. He can protect himself.'

In his peripheral vision he saw something. Looking to his left, he could see a certain someone on their own balcony. That dark shade of black gave her away.

He knew she didn't sleep at all, nor would she.

She was always like this.




He didn't care right now.

He went back in after throwing the cigar. He didn't have anything to close since the door was... not anymore.

He had a nasty migraine, so he went back to bed, trying to sleep it off.




The morning came.

Ertex was woken up by the cloudburst outside. It was even raining inside since there was a pretty big gap where the door used to be.

He got up, ignoring the dry spots of blood on the floor, and after a little while he left, going straight to his old room to get his money.

Ertex looked like nothing happened last night, having his usual expression.

Arriving, he opened the door.

'Not even locked... Was she hoping I'd return, or she just doesn't have survival instincts?'

Hearing someone entering, Arga quickly jumped from the sofa she was sitting on. Seeing Ertex, she ran towards him, hugging him tightly.

"It's alright, it's alright." he laughed, hugging her back, only to feel her trembling.

"Jeez, don't cry now. You're ugly when you do." he said as he kissed her on the head.

She nodded, slowly wiping her tears that were about to roll down her face.

"A-are you ok?"

"Of course! Are you?"

"I am now.."

He smiled, patting her head.

"Don't worry, I won't leave like that again."

"You promise?"


"Yeah. I promise."

He walked past her, Arga following him.

On the bed was only Mary. Edna was holding her hand while sitting on a chair. When she saw Ertex, he looked at him with hatred in her eyes.

"You said she's fine. Yet, she's still like that!"

"How's that my fault?"

She rushed towards him, grabbing Ertex by his collar.

"How wouldn't that be your fault?! I doubt she was like that when you found her, so what did you do to her?!"

Edna was at her breaking point. Just when she though she'll be able to hear mother's voice once again, she just refused to wake up. How couldn't she be mad?

Edna suddenly felt her blood freezing. She felt such an ominous feeling that even her tears stopped, all of her instincts just screaming at her to run.

It wasn't Ertex's doing.

The look in Arga's eyes terrified Edna. If before she was shivering out of anger, now she was trembling out of fear.

Ertex removed Edna's hands that were on him.

"Calm down, mom."

Arga slowly nodded.

"You poor, poor thing... You are trying to lie to yourself that you can be of any help and just want to put the blame on someone else for your shortcomings."

Ertex smiled at Edna, caressing her cheek.

"But you are useless, sweetheart. You can't do anything to save your mother. Even now, you did nothing but accuse me. Yet, I, someone that found her, someone that helped you, someone that didn't even take the money that you owe,am the bad guy? How delusional you can be?"

His hand was now around her neck, without squeezing.

"Just because she didn't wake up immediately after being controlled for almost 2 months means I did something to her? How cute. Stop being desperate, Edna. It clouds your judgement."

He pushed her to the side, approaching Mary.

He took a bottle of water, opened it, poured some in a glass and took a sip.




With the rest, he dropped it on Mary.

She immediately woke up.




"Oh look. She's awake now."