
Is revenge really sweet? or Love prevails.

She made a choice to live every thing behind and start a new life. Melissa was hurt by the people closest to her and had to grow quickly like a bred chicken.

Kolobe · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 6: biggest mistake

The biggest mistake

"The last thing he said to you…" She trailed off, "You mean he died after talking to you?" She said that while covering her cheeks with her hands. "No he did not die. He is not dead but leaves like a dead person."

"Huh?" Linda asked with confusion all over her face. "I mean he is not dead but is in a coma. He has been like that for four years now and I put him there. I regret every single thing I did to him and Melissa. Listening to mom and my own selfishness was the biggest mistake that I have ever done in my life."

"How did he get in to a coma?" She probed further. "Car accident." The car went totally silent after saying that. Josh had his eyes closed as he was relating this to Linda. She on the other hand had more questions to ask but could not say anything at that moment. After some time passed he continued telling his recollection.

"After he drove off, I went back in the house and found mom and dad arguing. I calmed them down and told them about Melissa's pregnancy and that she has disappeared. Dad was not happy that his grand child will be raised outside and he never know him. Mom on the other hand was livid and said that she wished that Melissa would have an abortion. They started arguing some more."

He breathed out again and went on. "Mom then called Morris but he did not pick up. She kept calling him and he eventually picked up. The phone was on speaker so we all could hear him. He sounded irritable and exhausted. Mom wanted him to came back home to talk and that he must make Melissa abort the child and divorce immediately.

He told mom that she can marry Nicole to the family but he will never be the groom because he is already married and he will divorce over his dead body. The last thing he said over the phone was that he found out where Melissa went and he is heading over there to bring her back. The next thing that came from the speaker was the sound of the car crashing."

He covered his face with his hands and took a deep breath. "I felt relieved when he said that he found out where she went and that he is on his way there to get her back. That feeling only lasted a few seconds then the crash. We called out to him at the same time but no response came. We all became frantic at the time.

We called him for a while but he did not pick up but after some time his phone was picked up. The person on the other end informed us that he was one of the officers at the scene. He told us the driver of the car passed out and was taken to the hospital. After telling us all the information we needed, I drove mom and dad to the hospital and I went to the crash site.

When I got there I met with the officer I was talking to over the phone. He gave me Morris's phone and everything that he could take out of the car. He then showed me his car, the wreckage looked bad and I was not allowed to go near it as there was a lot of fuel leakage around it. While busy doing paper work with the traffic officers, the exploded.

Linda gasped on the side, she could not believe what she is hearing. "The fire fighters quickly put the fire out. I then called the insurance company to deal with the car. When I arrived in hospital, Morris was in the operation theatre and I joined mom and dad in the waiting room. His operation took about four hours. He had three ribs broken, his left hand was broken and he hit his head hard. The operation was a success but my brother still has not woken up till today."

"So you mean he is still in hospital?" Linda asked looking more worried. "No. We took him out of the hospital after three months and moved him to a rehabilitation house. He has been there all this while."

"Wow. This is really heavy." She said that while breathing in deeply. "Yeah. I told you that you will not like what you hear."

"So is this the reason you do not want to be in a relationship?" she probed.

"Yes. That's the reason. Tell me how can I be in a relationship or a marriage for that matter where as I destroyed someone else's marriage. Worse part is that I destroyed my own brothers' marriage. Do you think I deserve to be happy with a family of my own while his is broken? I broke it."

"Do your parents know how you feel or they just want you to get married?" "No. They don't know my feeling about marriage. Dad thinks I'm gay and mom still wants that Nicole to be Married into the family. "Dad still does not know that mom and I planned that incident four years ago. He may disown me if he found out or divorce mom for that matter."

"I think that you worry too much. He is your dad after all, he will understand. Now that Melissa is back, I think you need to come clean with your dad. Maybe he might have a better plan on how to meet her and find out about the baby." Linda comforted Josh.

"Yeah you may be right I have to tell dad at some point and now seems to be the best time." "I need a strong cup of coffee. Linda said that while getting out the car and heading to the shop. Josh also got out the car stretch his limbs.

She came back with two cups of coffee and a chocolate bar. She handed one cup to josh and they both got back into the car and sat for a while more. Linda broke the chocolate bar in halve and offered one halve to josh. "I don't like sweet stuff you know that." He said that while wrinkling his face at her.

"I know that but from all that you just told me, you need something for you soul. Coffee with chocolate is good for that." She said that while stuffing it in to his mouth.