
Is It Wrong to Try Studying Arcane Magic in a Dungeon?

Haruka Fujimoto, an ordinary high school teenager, dies and is reincarnated as Althea, the twin sister of Ais Wallenstein, in the magical world of Danmachi. Joining the Loki Familia, Althea must adapt to her new life, discover her magical abilities, and uncover the mysteries of her past. Alongside her familia members, she embarks on quests, battles foes, and forms deep bonds. As Althea's journey progresses, she transforms into a resilient mage, facing a climactic battle that reveals her true power and destiny. This captivating story explores themes of identity, family, and purpose within the enchanting realm of Danmachi.

Good_Doggo2001 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Glimmers of Growth

In the serene ambiance of Twilight Manor's captain's office, Riveria stood before the formidable desk, fixated on the updated Status papers in her hands. Her eyes scanned the numbers displayed on a particular girl's profile, a mix of astonishment and pride evident in her expression.

Name: Ais Wallenstein

Level: 1


Strength: E489 > D502

Endurance: E434 > E438

Dexterity: D597 > C605

Agility: C606 > C615

Magic: I0

"Hmm," Riveria sighed, a hint of admiration coloring her voice. "It's been only half a year since she became an adventurer... The rate of her growth is truly impressive."

Seated comfortably behind the desk, Finn glanced over at the other sheet of paper, belonging to Ais's twin sister. A wry smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he studied the numbers on the other sister's profile.

Name: Althea Wallenstein

Level: 1


Strength: F323 > F325

Endurance: F343 > F348

Dexterity: E467 > E472

Agility: E479 > E483

Magic: A847 > A852

"I knew she had potential, but this development is quite remarkable," Finn remarked, a touch of amusement in his voice.

After reviewing the papers, Riveria handed Ais's status document to Finn, allowing him to compare the progress of the two sisters. As he analyzed the numbers side by side, he couldn't help but comment on their contrasting attributes.

"I see... the differences in their attributes are quite striking," Finn observed, his voice filled with a mix of observation and analysis. "Ais excels in agility and dexterity, while Althea has made remarkable progress in magic."

Riveria let out a resigned sigh, her gaze shifting towards the ceiling as she reflected on the sisters' journey. "Indeed, their approaches to combat and growth are vastly different. Ais seeks mastery in the art of the sword, while Althea delves into the intricate world of arcane magic."

The morning had commenced with Loki, the mischievous goddess of the Familia, updating Ais and Althea's Status. Upon the sisters' return from their mission, they wasted no time in informing Finn and Riveria about their new developments.

"At this rate, those two rascals are heading for some crazy level-ups," Loki chimed in while perching on top of the captain's desk, annoyance lacing her voice. "As far as the Familia's concerned, it's all sunshine and rainbows... But personally, I'm not too thrilled about it."

Finn nodded in agreement with Loki's sentiment. "Considering the way they've been pushing themselves, it's not surprising. They've been wearing themselves down lately."

Riveria nodded in acknowledgment, memories of countless training sessions flooding her mind. "Ais always seeks greater challenges, constantly asking Finn and Gareth for additional training. Meanwhile, Althea is relentless in her pursuit of magical knowledge, always seeking guidance from me and other mages in the Familia."

Finn sighed, a tinge of regret in his voice. "Perhaps I was too hasty in granting them permission to explore the dungeon. They've learned to handle themselves in a fight, but brute-forcing their way through won't be enough."

"On the other hand, with the Evils running rampant in the city, it would be problematic if Ais and Althea didn't continue growing stronger. We won't always be around to protect them," Loki expressed her concerns, worry lacing her voice.

Ais's disregard for the toll on her body troubled Riveria, Finn, and even Loki. They marveled at her unwavering determination but couldn't help feeling a touch of anxiety. Similarly, Althea's insatiable thirst for magical knowledge was both awe-inspiring and worrisome. Striking a delicate balance was crucial.

The first-tier adventurers had no complaints about Ais and Althea's eagerness to learn from them. However, their relentless pursuit of strength sometimes caused them to overlook the importance of rest and recovery, fixating solely on becoming stronger.

To be fair, Finn, Gareth, and Riveria were partially to blame. They had witnessed the sparks of potential in the sisters' techniques and skills and couldn't resist the joy of imparting their knowledge. Unintentionally, they had taught them too much, further fueling their eagerness.

"Do you know what the lower-class adventurers have started calling those two?" Loki interjected, attempting to lighten the mood in the office.

Riveria turned to Loki, raising an eyebrow. "What?"

"It's quite amusing. They've given them the adorable nickname of the 'Doll Princess Duo'," Loki said with a mischievous grin, clearly enjoying her own joke.

".... I'm not amused," Riveria replied, her tone stern and unamused.

Loki retorted, trying to persuade Riveria that the nickname suited Ais and Althea's dynamic. "Come on, mama Riveria, admit it. It's rather fitting for those two cute and cuddly adventurers."

"That's not what it means," Riveria retorted, her frustration evident as she stared at the ceiling, contemplating the current situation.

Loki's playful demeanor shifted slightly as she revealed her genuine concern. "I worry about them, you know. Ais's single-mindedness and Althea's hunger for magic... We must maintain a delicate balance."

The quiet confession hung in the air, resonating within the office walls as Finn and Riveria nodded in agreement. They shared the same concerns, fully understanding the weight of their responsibility as mentors and guardians.

The grandfather clock in the corner, a whimsical purchase made by Loki, ticked audibly, marking the passage of time.

To break the silence, Riveria finally spoke up. "Speaking of which, what are those two up to right now?"

Loki shrugged her shoulder as she smiled wryly. "The dungeon, of course. Don't worry, Gareth is watching over them."


Within the labyrinthine corridors of the dungeon, the clash of steel against flesh resounded, echoing through the dimly lit passageways.

A young blonde girl, her sword gleaming in the faint light, displayed remarkable speed and precision, every strike showcasing her skill.



A monstrous creature let out its final cry as her blade effortlessly cleaved through its flesh, swiftly ending its existence. Without wasting a moment, she pressed forward, leaving behind the remnants of a purple moth's body and wings.

With a graceful landing, the young girl continued her determined advance, unwavering in her purpose.



Another creature, a killer ant, found itself at the mercy of the girl's sword, its exoskeleton pierced by the sharp edge, exploiting a weak spot. Blood spurted from the creature's vulnerable interior as it faltered. Ais wasted no time, delivering a decisive blow that silenced the monster.

"Ais, please exercise caution! Take a moment to regroup!" Gareth's concerned voice echoed through the corridor as he called for the girl.

"I can handle it!" Ais replied, her voice brimming with resolve.

Disregarding Gareth's plea, the golden-haired girl continued her relentless advance, her long locks flowing behind her.

"Sigh, what am I going to do with her?" Gareth sighed, uncertainty and worry etched on his bearded face.

"There's no point in calling her back, Mr. Gareth. Attempting to rein in someone as eager for battle as Ais is futile," a casual and nonchalant voice interjected.

Gareth turned toward the source of the voice and spotted another golden-haired girl, strolling over to the defeated monsters, effortlessly collecting the scattered magic stones from the floor.

The dwarf furrowed his brow, frustration and concern evident on his face. "But Althea, she's putting herself in danger. It's my duty as her guardian to ensure her safety."

Althea glanced at Gareth, a mischievous grin playing on her lips as her golden locks swayed with her casual movements. "Oh, I know you mean well, Mr. Gareth. But sometimes, you just have to let Ais spread her wings and soar. Besides, she's more capable than you think."

Gareth crossed his arms, still unconvinced. "I acknowledge her talent, but this place is perilous. It's my responsibility to watch both of you."

Althea chuckled, shaking her head playfully. "Trust me, she's been preparing for this. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. You might be surprised by what she can do."

Gareth sighed, realizing that arguing with Althea wouldn't change her perspective. He shifted his gaze to Ais, who continued to dispatch monsters with effortless strikes, her eyes burning with fierce determination.

"Although I notice her blade is nearing its breaking point. I guess it's time for me to take action," Althea murmured to herself, observing Ais's relentless assault.

With a cunning smile, Althea swiftly reached into her pouch, retrieving an extra short sword she had prepared beforehand. The glint of the blade caught the dim dungeon light as she firmly grasped it.

"Hey, Ais!" Althea called out, her voice carrying across the corridor. In one fluid motion, she tossed the sword toward her sister, who was engaged in combat with the last Killer Ant.

Ais, sharp and alert, heard her sister's call and instinctively raised her free hand, deftly catching the sword. The momentary distraction of the catch didn't hinder her agility.

Without missing a beat, Ais seamlessly incorporated the new weapon into her fighting style. With a swift and precise strike, she delivered the finishing blow to the remaining Killer Ant, eliminating the threat.

The dungeon fell silent, the echoes of battle fading away. Ais and Althea stood there, triumphant and victorious, their golden hair shimmering in the subdued light. Althea wore a satisfied smirk, knowing that her clever thinking had saved the day.

"Nice one, Ais!" Althea exclaimed, her voice brimming with pride. "But don't forget, it was a team effort."

Ais shifted her gaze towards her sister, a soft smile gracing her lips. "I'm grateful, Althea. Your support made a difference."

The sisters shared a moment of mutual appreciation, their bond growing stronger with each shared triumph.


Gareth watched in astonishment as Althea's quick thinking and resourcefulness had turned the tide in Ais's favor, leading to her victory. He approached the two sisters, a mixture of surprise and admiration on his face.

"Althea, that was quite a move," Gareth remarked, his voice filled with awe. "I didn't expect you to have an extra sword prepared. You truly saved the day."

Althea flashed a playful grin at Gareth. "Oh, you know me, always ready for any situation. I couldn't let Ais down."

Gareth's expression softened as he addressed both girls. "You both fought valiantly, but now it's time to return and rest. The dungeon can be unforgiving, and it's important to recover your strength."

Ais crossed her arms, a stubborn look on her face. "I'm not tired! I want to keep fighting and become even stronger!"

Althea placed a hand on her hip, raising an eyebrow at Ais's defiance. "Seriously, Ais? You've practically danced your way through this dungeon. It's time to take a breather."

Gareth chimed in, his tone laid-back yet concerned. "Ais, Althea is right. Pushing yourself too hard won't do you any good. Remember, being a skilled warrior also means knowing when to recharge."

Ais huffed, her stubbornness evident in her voice. "But I don't want to miss any chances to improve!"

Althea tilted her head, a quippish smirk playing on her lips. "Listen, Ais, the world won't run out of monsters for you to slay. Take a moment to rest, and I promise I'll teach you a flashy new move tomorrow. How about that?"

Ais's eyes widened with intrigue, her stubbornness wavering. "A new move? Really?"

Althea nodded, her voice taking on a more mature and responsible tone. "Absolutely. But for it to be effective, you need to be well-rested and focused. Trust me on this."

Gareth nodded, his laid-back demeanor returning. "Althea has a point, Ais. We'll have more adventures and battles ahead. Resting now will only make you stronger and sharper for the challenges to come."

Reluctantly, Ais finally gave in, her determination mingling with a hint of resignation. "Alright, fine. But tomorrow, Althea, you better show me that move!"

Althea smirked, her tone playful yet reassuring. "You've got it, Ais. Now let's head back to camp and recharge our batteries. We'll continue our journey with gusto tomorrow."

The trio turned and made their way back through the dungeon, their footsteps echoing in the corridors.

Gareth couldn't help but feel a sense of relief, knowing that Ais had made the wise choice to rest and that Althea's quippish resourcefulness had come through once again.

True harmony is found not in the absence of conflict, but in the way we navigate and overcome it together.

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