
Is It Wrong To Be A Gojo in The Dungeon?

Loki had not expected a cute teen to actively join her Familia, she also hadn’t expected him to not be blind and that he was super strong. ‘The first statement is half true, but the second statement’s a Lie.’ Heh, but life’s full of surprises ya know? Kazuo Gojo just happened to be her favorite of them. ‘This is completely true.’

Operation · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Dungeon Exploration?!

"'Loki! Me and Ais are going down the dungeon, and wont be back for the next 6 months tell Riveria not to miss us too much!' The Audacity of him! Not only does he not ask if I'm okay with it, instead of showing concern to me, he's put his attention on Mamaveria?! What the hell is he even planning to be gone for so long?!" Loki drunkenly rambled at the Hostess of Fertility, it was a really common scene honestly, whenever Kazuo left, Loki would complain about it and act as if nothing was wrong a day later.

She's been complaining for a week now though, so that was different.

"It can't be that bad Loki, I'm sure whatever he's doing he's doing it in moderation." Finn rubbed her back consolingly.

"He took Monster Bait! How could you call that moderate?! For all I know he's summoned the Juggernaut to get stat gains while making Ais insta kill mobs for their crystals before switching every ten minutes!" Loki wailed, unaware that what she said exaggeratedly was exactly what he was doing.

-Dungeon, Floor 78-

"Alright Ais, Your turn for the Juggernaut!" Kazuo swapped their places instantly with an application of Limitless Technique Blue for short ranged movement.

Ais didn't respond, just blocking the attack of the Juggernaut with the flat of her sword, Oricon, the one she got from Satoru was strenuous, she realized why he said she couldn't join him in the past, this was really hard!

Ducking a swipe to her left, she instinctively attacked its head with a thrust, blowing it off, only for it to regenerate and kick her at the same time.

'Right, mobs are much smarter at floor 70 and up, some might even talk so it can taunt you, the Juggernaut also must have a form of intelligence. I shouldn't let my guard down after injuring it no matter how severe.' Ais lectured herself inwardly as she flew to the side, a slight gash on her waist as a result of the Juggernaut's kick rattling her bones.

Getting up instantly, and ignoring her injury she kept attacking the Juggernaut, using everything she had including using her Ariel enchantment to the point of mind down.

Kazuo noticing this appeared at her side, before teleporting them to Floor 82, a safe zone where they had set camp at. As she plopped down, Kazuo reached into his bag before giving her an elixir, which she drank gratefully, as he spoke.

"At this pace your stats should reach their limit in two months, and mine should reach theirs in 4, we'll have two months to spare just increasing our development abilities, so make use of that."

"Mmm." She hummed slightly before agreeing. "Okay, what will we do after we Level?"

"Go to Floor 97 to target the Juggernaut there and kill the Monster Rex at Floor 98 for you to Level to 7 when your stats are maxed. Honestly, I wouldn't have taken 6 years to Level Up if I wasn't so lazy after. I can't believe I let those guys get a the higher level than me because I wanted to relax." He answered her, before musing on how he got so lazy.

'Well there's also the fact I was waiting for her to get Level 5 so I could invite her, to join me. I don't want her to feel guilty though, so lets not say that.'

"Truly, Pride is the worst sin." He concluded with a nod.

"It's okay. You're working hard now aren't you?" Ais looked at Kazuo with gentle eyes as she grabbed his hand.

"Hahaha! That's true. It's not like I was going to stop, and sometimes we just need time away from the constant destruction, to enjoy the things that were created instead of focusing on just killing. Don't be excessive like me though, a few months is good enough a vacation, before heading back down to explore."

Ais hummed in affirmation, before asking him about himself. "What were you doing before you explored the dungeon?"

"How far back we talking? I Joined the Loki Familia 15 years ago, and only went into the dungeon a year before meeting you. 5 years before that I was being educated by Loki in history and language."

"How could you not know the language of the world?" She asked cluelessly, not understanding how that was possible, especially when he was 15 years old.

"Hm? Oh when I first came to Orario I used a different language called Japanese, and understood nothing anyone could say, so I was just wandering around Orario, when I saw Loki in a pub and realized I could understand her, so I walked to her and taking a leap asked if she could help me learn the language, ever since she's taken care of me. She's very much like a mother to me, it's also why I can say thing's others wouldn't dare to without pissing her off, even if it's a lie."

Ais looked at him in surprise. "Is that why the others don't like you?"

"Mmm, no. Finn does like me, he's just ashamed to admit it, Riveria Is a tsundere and says the opposite of what she truly feels 90% of the time, and Gareth is the one who's just slightly tense around me, I may have asked about his and Finns height and he's been holding a grudge about it, honestly I was unaware of the significance at the time, and while Finns taking it in stride, Gareth is trying to be cool about it but really struggles to move past racism in general, accident or not, and I can't fault him to be fair, I mean I did call him short indirectly, and ask steryotypical questions, mostly to learn about him and his history in general, but it still didn't change the fact it was ignorant and wrong to ask certain things, if I was anyone else, with general knowledge and asked the same questions he would've put them on a list of hate and not a list of trying to accommodate someone's ignorance because they are trying to move past ignorance. Some people aren't cut out for teaching because of the patience it takes to answer ignorant questions, Gareth is a good teacher in that scenario, very patient, but it doesn't change the fact it's uncomfortable to answer such things."

"Mmm, I get Gareth and Finn, but Riveria calls you a scumbag all the time though?" Ais' confusion made Kazuo choke on his spit, coughing a bit, before answering.

"Hand holding is sacred for elves, so she really likes me holding her hands but not others." He explained simply but also vaguely, Ais was not to be corrupted by the schemes of the lewd.

"She lets me hold her hands though?" Ais stated in confusion.

"Riveria is very special among the elves, she lacks all of their traits, except their uncanny jealousy." Did he just unintentionally call Riveria a whore? Yes, but it was a necessary endeavor for Ais' innocence.

He will hold no regrets. (If Riveria doesn't find out. If she does… he'll ask Loki for hugs later.)

After resting for a bit, Ais stood back up, as healthy as before she got a large gash on her waist, Juggernaut's are indeed strong, but whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger… and a little dirty, as evidenced by her bloody steel plate, but beggars can't be choosers! Well they can, but that's a whole different issue.

"What now?" Kazuo looked at her for a moment, wondered if he should say something about dragging her two floors down, skipping 79 entirely, but instead decided to lie and make her have another lesson about trusting people too much.

"Now we go down to the 79th Floor, and spawn the Juggernaut. Oh there's some really nasty monsters on that floor, and breathing wrong could get you killed, as the air there is completely poisonous, it's how I developed Abnormal Resistence SSS, though all levels can resist it, the poison gets stronger the longer it's in your body. You probably got like… 20 minutes before you start getting dizzy, 10 minutes later your body will slow down immensely, and at that point ill make you fight the juggernaut, for 20 minutes, where your sensory function will basically just be like mapping a maze, before I bring you back here to heal you."

He didn't even give her a chance to comment as he grabbed her and teleported down to floor 80.

"Good luck, have fun!" He waved like a parent sending their student off to school with their friends on the day of an exam.

Then he used Red to destroy a big chunk of the dungeon around them, and proved that he was not a parent wishing the best for their children, but a sociopath telling his kid he hopes they survive after throwing them in an ocean.

Wait, wasn't that basically the story of Yebisu-sama?!

'Oh then she's sure to survive, I'm even here as insurance' he thought.

Maybe dark humor was not the best way to have fun, but at least he didn't mean harm… emotional harm that is.

He watches Ais get jumped by a Juggernaut and a 13 tailed scorpion.

It was a nice shade of green, slightly closer to teal than jade, but that wasn't it's most noteworthy feature.

No it's most note worthy feature is it has 13 Tails! What a surprise right?

Jokes aside, getting hit by one of those tails speeds the rate at which you absorb the poisonous mist in the dungeon, so if Ais like gets hit by all 13 of them… she'd have 5 minutes to fight before he'd save her. The reason why he didn't take her to the dungeon when she was a newbie was simple, you can't teach someone what they are doing wrong if they can't do anything without you being next to them, he's taught her almost everything about the Falna, given her spiritual lessons, and corrected her rough fighting habits, if he took her to the dungeon as well how could she learn without him? A good teacher would teach and allow themselves to be taught. And all students should have multiple teachers, even if the teachers aren't all with the same degree of experience and knowledge, they all have lessons others might not be able to point out, experience is gained theough trial and effort, while understanding is imparted through experience. Kazuo might understand different things than Riveria about the dungeon even with the same experience, just by the ideals they have or the emotions they felt when entering the dungeon and its floors.

That and the fact anyone that wasn't a main character would slow him down, and Bell was out of the question because wasn't he like 5? And Ryuu because, well she was in the same boat as Ais, the Loki Familia Top executives he didn't join in consideration for Ais, learning from them and not him, and so he had to be patient.

He waited 6 years while slowing his leveling so he wouldn't be to far ahead when it was the right time to teach her.

He had his considerations, and he waiting 6 years wasn't a big deal. He realized that many events hadn't even happened during Orario's Dark Age, hell he hasn't even seen Alfia or Zald, and he's confident they haven't died, Bell hasn't shown any knowledge on them, but he'd ask him publicly after he finished wringing Ais to exhaustion.

'Hmm she's really exhausted. I guess I can wait before I use my magic to strain her more.'

Yes you heard that right, he was going to use his Commandment of God Magic to increase this Floor's Gravity, therby increasing the overall difficulty she'd face.

'She's almost out of steam, probably wont be able to move her legs, after this dodge, the poison is also reaching the point of unbearability for her. Around 20 minutes is pretty decent, I got all her bad habits listed, so now It's time to correct them.'

Appearing next to her, he grabbed her, and voila! Now back to the 82nd Floor, this time the damage taken was a little more serious, so he generously gave her healing Via Reversed Cursed Technique.

"How far did you say you went down?"

He shrugged slightly at her question. "The highest I've been was 98, and that was 6 years ago, and Floor 99 is not something we're going to go inside until we're Level 9."

"Why?" Thoroughly distracted, Ais asked the reason for his avoidance.

"To go down further you got to open a door, and let me make this clear, The dungeon throughout each and every floor, you basically go downstairs, so why would there all of a sudden be a straight path after opening a door?"

"A trap?" And Kazuo almost bust out laughing.


"No, no, it's funny you think that. It can only mean one thing, and it being a trap is not one, because technically the dungeon itself is a trap. No, it can only mean that my theory of the Falna is 70% correct, because after Floor 99 is a whole new playground. Especially considering, the fact that the Monster Rex is guarding the door which Is why I hesitate to enter."

"So, Level 9 first?" Ais asked.

"Level 9 first." He confirmed.

Comfortable silence ensued after, Kazuo just letting Ais decide on whether or not to rest for the day.

"I think I'm done for the day." She decided, a very wise choice as Kazuo would've made it harder until she came to this decision.

"Alright, now let's go to the Hostess of Fertility!" Kazuo cheered.

"What happened to spending 6 months in the dungeon?"

"That's an excuse! I could teleport us outta here whenever I want, I just bought us 6 months of free timewhile doing so!"

"That's wrong." Ais frowned

"Are you saying you don't want to play a risky session of hide and seek and tag with our Familia for 6 months?"



"Okay." Ais begrudgingly agreed, it wasn't because she found it to be fun, but because she had to obey her teacher or get punished. That's what she stands by as she hates being given his 'Fist of Love'.

"Haha! Oh wait, wear these sunglasses, and put your hair in a ponytail."

Ais put on the sunglasses, but… "I don't have a rubber band."

"Eh, Sunglasses should be good enough, now… Blindfold off for me, and now I look completely different! Alright let's go!"

He remembered that he didn't need to do much to disguise himself as this was an anime, the slightest difference in appearance will make them unrecognizable! As the bible of anime states.

He selectively forgot that the end result in each anime was them being caught, they just managed to succeed at their overall goal, which was not infiltration.

Grabbing her hand with a swish, they appeared at the front of the Hostess of Fertility without so much as anyone batting an eye….

Mainly because it was night time, but still, his point is valid.

Pushing open the doors, they enter and because they are attractive in appearance everyones eyes were on them.

'Loki's out drinking, normal. Bete's drunk as shit, normal. Gareth is depressed, not normal. Finn is consoling Loki, weird. Riveria's drunk, norm- Wait! Wait! Wait! Riveria's drunk?! I'm saving this in 4k!'

He played record on his phone, he made it when he was bored around 3 years ago. while mimicking him fiddling thumbs as they ordered food.

"Sensei… should you be doing that?" Ais asked in a hushed voice after he recorded Riveria for like 5 minutes, including everything she said.

"It'll be fine. At worst it's blackmail, and at best it's tactic understanding." He waves it off. Finally ending the video after Riveria confessed her love about him and how he was an oblivious idiot who never listens, he wasn't really paying attention, he'll watch it later just in case.

Finally their food came and he idly noticed Mia glaring at him, as she set the meals on the table. "I don't know who you are young man, but whatever you're talking about better not be rude."

"Ais, is my disguise so good she can't even recognize my voice???" He asked with a whisper, forgetting that Mia was in front of him and that whispering did not keep his voice out of her range.

"Kazuo?" She questioned. And with that he and Ais teleported out before anyone from his familia could look at him, taking the table and chairs with them, a giant bag of Vali's appeared in her hand before she could react.

"…Why does he got to make my life harder than necessary?" She mumbled to herself as she walked to Finn.

"Loki, I just saw Kazuo."

Head snapping up, Loki asked with a restrained fury as the alchohol lost its effectiveness.

"Where is he?"

"He teleported away with Ais after I called his name. I'm assuming he's plotting something."

"No, he's too stupid for that, he's probably trying to pull some prank." Loki denied immediately, and with a burst of wisdom, showed why mothers were not to be underestimated with how much they know about you.

-Orario, Forbidden Location#81-

He had panicked. He didn't want to ruin his six month plan to annoy Loki so quickly, it was still the first day after all.

This lead to him teleporting with Ais to a Location he shouldn't have: Hephaestus' secret hideout, that he used as an even better secret hideout, because no one knew Hephaestus lived there secretly, and Hephaestus didn't even know he lived there even more secretly.

Normally this wouldn't be an issue, because he knows her schedule by heart so he could avoid her barging in on him sneaking here.

But remember, he panicked.

And so he forgot she was there on thursdays for the whole night, leading to this.

Standing with her hands on her hips, while he kowtowed on the floor, Ais looking like a puppy on the side while she ate happily as the Goddess of Craftsmen and Fire scolded him.

"…You invaded my privacy! How did you even find out about this place?!" She sighed in exhaustion as she finished her 15 minute rant.

"I'm an adventurer! Of course I'm going to find out about a secret hideout, especially so when it's the hideout that has the answer to the biggest mystery in Orario!" His head was still burrowed into the ground, and he had the shamelessness to still talk back even with a mouthful of marble.

Translation: I stalked you for some weird reason and found out about this place by coincidence, and decided to make it ours, just like a communist.

"And that mystery is not something you should be trying to figure out." She said very tersely, knowing there's only one mysterious thing about her that would warrant active stalking, without intending harm that is.

"Why?" He sounded genuinely curious on why one should not look into such secrets.

"It's ugly."

"You're lingerie collection? I thought it was quite sexy." He openly admitted with no shame, and Ais snapped her neck to him in shock.

"Yes my ey- Wait Lingerie collection?!" Hephaestus was theown a plot twist, unlike no other!

It was super effective!

He could literally see her eye even if it was covered, and if he was being honest it was the most pretty thing he'd seen, reminding him of the starry night, so that wasn't a mystery to him. However, she always had her body measurments covered and he couldn't accurately measure her sizes because she layered her clothing as she was a blacksmith!

"Yes yes! You are always wearing layered clothes, and my eyes can only see through one layer, and so I have no information on your sizes! So I could only stalk you and find out where you live to find out your measurements!"

"That's not the biggest mystery in Orario, sensei." Ais pointed out with a deadpanned stare.

"For me it is! I knew everyone's measurements! Even if I don't want to! But when their is an unknown you always have the urge to make it known, if your instinct says you can handle the danger, then believe in your instinct and discover! So that's why I followed her for 3 months, the first week got me the answer, but then her hideout was too good to give up! A secret hideout in a secret hideout! No one knew she lived there, and so if she doesn't know I live here, No one does! So I had to know her routine, otherwise if she barges in my hideout is no longer secret! The only reason I was discovered was because of Mia making me panic!"

"So that's why her table is here…" Hephaestus realized, before going back on topic.

"How is my measurements the biggest mystery in Orario?"

"Because the Greek Pantheon is something I'm very well versed in. I know of God Hades, Titan Kronus, and Rhea, Primordials Nyx, Erebus, Ouranous, Gaia, and even Chaos, not to mention others, the things I don't really know much about are Chaos himself, and your measurements"

Hephaestus felt like choking him for a moment, but calmed down with a deep sigh. "Excusing the fact you know names of one that shouldn't be known, I'm more curious on how you thought no one knows my measurements."

"Huh? Don't you make your own clothes? You're a craftsman. And the people you bathe with are other gods, so even if they know who's gonna tell me? Loki most definitely won't, she's a jealous momma you know?" Okay, she did make her own clothes, and she hasn't bathed with mortals, so he's got a point, and if Loki won't tell him others most surely won't.

Damn, he's got her in a tight spot when he points this stuff out.

"What about Denatus?" Ais asked helpfully, she didn't even know she was throwing her comrade under the bus, what a innocwnt girl.

"Loki keeps me away from such things, even sends me to the dungeon weeks before so I don't cause mass mayhem during the process. She said something about me being too dangerous, because I'd force my way in to stir some shit as I have a God Complex."

Hephaestus did not question that statement further.

Kazuo explained anyway. "Gods are just evolved human beings with energy much more potent then Mind, we call it Arcanum. The reason you guys seal it is because it's closer to the origin of Mind, and it's too dangerous for the lower world, thus tenkai pulls you back should you use too much of it. I'm an evolved human being too, you know, as I'm the only one to use Cursed Energy and all, so we could say I'm also a god in my own way. Hell even saying my Domain is Negative and Positive Emotions wouldn't be a stretch." He reasoned, very convincingly too, but other Gods would see it as an insult and while she was a tolerant god others weren't.

Not to mention the fact that while he wasn't wrong he wasn't fully accurate either. Arcanum wasn't closer to the Origin of Mind, it was the results of merging the Natural Energy of the World with the Origin of Mind, but that was something they did instinctively in Tenkai and something they can't teach as they were born with the ability to do so.

In the end, they (more like Kazuo, Ais was just an innocent girl lured into his schemes) were excused and going back to the Dungeon the next day.

If anyone in her Familia saw her with a brighter smile, no one said anything or asked questions.

"Did you get laid?! You look like a man made you a woman!" Except for Tsubaki. She asked questions, and said everything.

And that was not what had happened.


-Dungeon, Floor 80-

Now with double the gravity, Ais was getting toyed like a rag doll as she tried surviving everything thrown at her, by the Juggernaut and the Rose Mimic. A fake treasure chest with a Rose dangling on it's head, however, different from most mimics, it doesn't pretend to be a treasure chest, because it spawns in front of your face. In the center of the Rose on top of its head is its crystal, but this was a special monster, as killing it through the crystal makes it dissolve into extremely poisonous gas that weakens your immune system as you inhale the natural poisonous mist, however unlike the scorpion, it's much more dangerous as Ais basically only get 2 minutes to recover with her level G Abnormal Resistance, instead of slowly making her weaken, now she's on a time limit the moment she pierces the crystal.

He didn't give her the information on that though, only telling her to kill it if she sees it, as if it dies it's drops are Hundreds of monster Crystals of monsters on this floor, you just need to open it as if it was a regular chest first.

Otherwise there is no drop item.

He wanted to make sure she understood his lesson that Patience is the greatest route to Victory, even if she can't kill it now, there's always next time.

The Rose Mimic couldn't harm you directly, it was more of an annoyance/distraction mob like the Jack Bird, except that instead of running, it taunted you as you got beat up, and if you're reckless enough to fall for it's taunt andtry to kill it? Well it let's you, because it's only job is to make you prioritize it and whenever it dies it lets out a smirk, as if saying "You may be able to silence me, but you'll never be able to silence the truth!"

It was a very mocking monster.

Ais' eye twitched as she saw it pull down its rose petal showing the monster crystal and sticking its tongue out, as if it was a child pulling their eyelid to do the same.

Except it was blatantly taunting her with it's crystal as it did so. It knew she was struggling to handle the Juggernaut, under double gravity and as a result it was offering 'pity' by allowing her easy access to it's crystal.

She felt a rush of Dizziness flow through her body, and again, they were back at the 82nd floor as she laid on the floor healed.

It went much like this for the next two months for her. Before Kazuo said she had done enough, and did the same for himself the next 4 months except, while she had breaks, he didn't.

His Cursed Energy is impossible to use up, and so he just kept Healing himself and fighting like a madman, using a Longsword to cut through the Juggernaut constantly, dodging all attacks to raise his Agility Stat, before just standing there and allowing it to pummel him, and finally punching through it's body with one punch at a constant cycle.

"Finally your back! Wait, your going back after? No! Take a break!"

"We'll take a break at the end of 2 years, don't worry!" Kazuo responded lightheartedly.

"B-b-but!" Loki's Kazuo withdrawl symptoms were showing, she must've really missed him.

"Don't worry, I'll get you a nice present when we're back." Loki couldn't find it in her to say no, bribed as she was.





Strength: 0

Endurance: 0

Agility: 0

Dexterity: 0

Magic: 0

Hunter: G

Abnormal Resistence: S

Swordsman: S

Spirit Healing: D

Student: B


Ariel- Super Short Chant Magic Enchantment Magic that imbues weapons or your body with wind.

Chant: Tempest


Avenger: Fighting people/monsters you hate, grants a temporary stat boost, stat boost determined by degree of hatred.

Child of The Honored: You've got the strongest as your teacher, how could you be anything other than great? Falna Limitations Lifted to an extent. Gain Student Development Ability. Excelia Gain Is Increased. Excelia Gain Is based off of how much you've learned from your Teacher.

Kazuo Gojo


Age: 29

Level: 7

Strength: 0

Endurance: 0

Agility: 0



Swordsmanship: SSS

Teacher: SSS

Abnormal Resistance: SSS

Mage: SSS

Crushing: SSS

Magic Resistance: SS

Chain Attack: SSS

Luck: S


Cursed Energy Manipulation: You're desire to be a hero led you to awakening Cursed Energy, by utilizing the negative emotions of others you can find ways to make life much more relaxing for them, you also get combat techniques if you really want them.

Commandment Of God: No chant magic, but if you supply your Cursed Energy/Mind to your words anyone/anything can be controlled as long as you have enough Cursed Energy/Mind


Six Eyes: Cursed Energy/Mind is not wasted, in fact you control it so well that your eyes now need a blindfold cause your natural control was so insane that you evolved your eyes utilizing that Cursed Energy/Mind to make it easier to control…. What is wrong with you?!

The Honored: All Falna Restrictions are Lifted to a Major Extent. Your Execelia Gain is Massively Increased. Grants Luck Development Ability. Your Luck Development Ability Tier depicts the extent of your Excelia increase.

Tolerate No Weakness: Your Lessons To Your Student Were So Memorable, that she disdains learning from others, and only goes to you for assistance, guidance, and advice. Grants Teacher Development Ability. Excelia Gain For Your Student(s) Increased. Teacher Development Ability depicts the amount of Excelia Gain for your student(s).

"Ais you got a new skill!" Loki announced with glee.

"Child of the Honored? Wasn't I always his student?" She asked in confusion.

"I never taught you on a personal level that could be acknowledged by the Falna until now. Only verbal lessons wont help you grow, words are meant to guide, but they can only do so much. I never saw you actually fight, only corrected your form in training. After seeing you fight, for a month and a half straight I gave you two weeks of error correction. Like the fact you lunge at monsters that are stronger, faster and more durable than you. I was more shocked at the fact monsters let that happen honestly, but it still needed to be corrected. Getting close to them is fine, but lunging is never the way to do so, most of the time they'll come to you anyway. Overall, our job is to defeat momsters stronger than us using technique more so than brute force, the stat gains we get from the Falna are more so aids, as even at the peak of level 9 monsters in the Dungeon will still be able to harm us easily. Stats should be improved at the best possible capability, but Developmental Abilities, Skills, Magic, and technique are the only true ways to move forward. Still, congratulations on your new skill." Kazuo praised and lectured her without hesitation, before a stray thought came to mind.

"Ais, can you do something for me." He asked suddenly, and Loki's snapped her eyes to him so fast that it was obvious she knew what he was going to say next.

"Mmm." She nodded.

"Call me dad." He stated with an evil mans grin, a smile only possible to be achieved by a truly villanous man.



Loki Smacked her forehead. "Kazuo."

"Yesh Loki?"

"You got two seconds to Leave."

"Yes ma'am" he teleported away, knowing not to press further.

'Should I? But If I call him dad then we can't go on a date together…' Meanwhile Ais' thoughts were much more innocent. Sadly, her feelings were complicated, even if they were innocent.

I mean, she looks up to him like a Father, but she also Doesn't? He's more like a role model that she's deeply enamored with.

Truly what I mean to say is, she see's hik like an older brother, but her heart is in Alabama.

Thankfully only she knew such things, otherwise hell may have been frozen once, frozen twice, then frozen again just incase the first two weren't sufficient with how many hearts she coldheartedly broke.

She had a lot of admirers….


Hello, Hello! not much to say here other than this is the first of Two chapters involving Dungeon Crawling and Falna Update.

Next Chapter is: Octoclops, Level 9 and the start of my own AU plot ! I wonder how many of you will enjoy it. If you don’t like it and care enough to tell me what you didn’t like that would also be nice! Or you could say you hate it without explaining, I wont judge. Maybe the reason is a personal opinion, or just a feeling you don’t like when you read is being brought up.

I am inclusive to all opinions. Feel free to dig hate, feel free to dig love, in the end it won’t affect you and I personally. This is a book focused more towards comradrie and passion, a tinge of arrogant and pridefulness, but mainly just a focus towards improvement in mental, physical and supernatural ways.

And it would seem wrong, to write a book about such a thing, and not let you guys form your own thoughts, opinions, feelings and let you express them as you wish.

Feel free to drop by sometime and talk about some crappy day you have too. I don’t care all that much, I’m not going to pick you out and demean you, intentionally that is, I’ll comment to you guys, but not with intention to demean, I’ll be making a discord server of my own soon, to make it more community oriented, but for now just sit back, relax, enjoy, or lean forward, rage, complain and so on.

Thanks for your time!

Operationcreators' thoughts