
Is It Wrong For A Hero To Be Mentored By A Dragon In The Dungeon?

In which Bell Cranel finds himself being mentored by a deranged and sadistic Dragon in the ways of Heroism. Said Dragon also happens to be a Veteran Isekai victim. Oh Dear... This is my FIRST EVER story so constructive criticism will be genuinely appreciated! and thank you for reading! Truly! And have a nice day! Also! Reviews people! Need them reviews! Updates will vary on motivation and desire to write. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. For real support the original works, they are much better than this fanfic lol Cover is not mine! nor the dragon art which was AI generated! Now at 122K words! (Cause Length Is Important!) Chapter Length: 2000-6000 words per chapter

BurgerNoTomatoes · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Training And Strange Behavior?

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Author note start-

Hey people! long time no see! hope you guys enjoy the chapter, I've been kinda busy these past few days and unfortunately it seems I am going to stay busy for the near future. Enjoy the chapter anyways! And have a fantastic day!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

Bell POV

'I wonder what are they talking about?' I wonder as I make my way towards my bed having been shooed away by Merlin-san so he could talk to Kami-sama alone.

*Sigh* I let out a tired sigh as I lay on my very comfortable bed, that oddly smells like Kami-sama.

'Whatever, too tired to think anymore...Having finally finished this very long and chaotic day. Leveling up, Summoning Merlin-san...Debt...I hope I don't get nightmares...Time to sleep' I think exhaustingly lastly before the land of dreams takes me away.

-Time Skip-

Bell POV

As the sun rises on the Dungeon City of Orario to mark the beginning of a new day.

*Chirp* *Chirp* *Chirp*

I begin to wake up to the sounds of the birds chirping outside. As I tiredly start blinking my eyes open. My ruby eyes meet amethyst ones. A draconic face with sharp teeth mere inches away from mine.

"Do you want to have good dreams~?" The dragon whispers in a purr

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I let out a girlish shriek, jumping out of my bed in a panic, landing on my feet and my heart beating 200 beats per minute.

"HAHAHAHAA! Nothing wakes a guy in the morning like a good old invasion of privacy! HAAHAHHAHA!" The Dragon, No, Bastard, No, Merlin-san laughed good-naturedly? as he practically gave me a heart attack.

"W-Why would you do that!??!!?" I CALMLY ask him the obvious question befuddled with his antics in the morning

"Geez, calm down, your shrieking here like a banshee. What if you wake up the others? Some consideration towards others. Like damn, hero basics right there." Merlin-san responds not answering my question in mock disappointment. Completely intent on making me mad in the first 2 minutes of the day.

"And to answer your question! I felt like it! Nothing more!" Merlin-san decided to humor my question with a dumb answer as he points to me all smugly with his hand paw thing.

"Hah...Let's just go eat breakfast" I say as I close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm my heart and nerves.

"Let's go! I am absolutely famished!" Merlin-san responds enthusiastically as he hops on to his "usual" spot on my right shoulder as we make our way to breakfast.

-Time Skip-

-Hearth Mansion Kitchen-

Bell POV

As we all sit down to eat the breakfast Mikoto-san has made since she wakes up the earliest of us all being the most disciplined it seems. I notice her not being very... composed?

"Mikoto-san are you alright?" I ask in concern as I stare at her conflicted face between a bite of her rather delicious food

"H-Ha? I-I am alright Bell-dono, thank you for your concern, I was just thinking about something! I am alright, promise!" Mikoto-san responds to my inquiry rather defensively and nervously. Making her lie pretty obvious, even to me. But we obviously decide not to breach the subject, as she seems eager not to share her concerns.

As I, Welf and Lily make eye contact to transmit the unspoken message and agreement. Investigate the problem Mikoto-san seems to have.

"You're not very good at this lying thing are you Mizoto?" Merlin-san tactlessly speaks his mind with a pitying expression as he stares at Mikoto-san

'But you wont fool me with your "weak" lie game Mizoto. You are definitely setting up here a 2 layered trap... Briliant! You have my praise... But you cant outsmart me! Not ever!' Merlin-san thinks vindictively as he reaches a rather delusional conclusion towards Mikoto-sans poor lying skills.

"W-What are you talking about D-D-Dragon-dono?" Mikoto-san asks nervously as sweat pouring out of her now shaking figure

'Damn she's good...' Merlin-san thinks to himself impressed. Further strengthening his delusion.

"Leave it at that Chibi-Dragon! Don't dig into a girl's secrets! Yo!" Kami-sama commands, saving the day and flashing Mikoto-san a reassuring smile. Upon which calms Mikoto-san and calms her nerves.

As we quietly continue eating our dinner, making small talk in between as we split off to our respective off-dungeon routines. Having agreed of course to take a week break after the War game.

I go to ask Mikoto-san if she will join me in todays sparring.

"No, sorry Bell-dono, I need to think through somethings and go meet a few friends. Sorry!" She apologizes as she gives me and Merlin-san (He on the shoulder my guys) a 90 degree bow.

"It's alright Mikoto-san! get better soon!" I respond with a reassuring smile as I bid her farewell.

"She's obviously planting bombs under your beds..." Merlin-san whispers to himself as he narrows his amethyst eyes at Mikoto-sans distancing figure?

"What did you say?" I ask Merlin-san wondering what he said

"Nothing...Anyways Kid! Todays the first training session! So show me what ya got and impress Lil ol me alright?" Merlin-san says enthusiastically with a toothy grin, hyping me up.

"Hai! Merlin-san!" I respond excitedly finally being mentored by the literal Mentor of Heroes. of course I salute my mentor in response. (How could you forget?)

-Time Skip-

Hearth Mansion Courtyard

Bell POV

*Swish*, *Swish*, *Stab* *Swish* I stab and dodge in quick motions, doing image training, doing practiced swings and much more for Merlin-san to gauge on how to train me as he stands a decent distance away.

This follows for a few minutes until.

"Stop. Come here kid." Merlin-san commands me as he stares at me

"Hai! Coming!" I immediately stop my training and make my way towards him in a run


"KYAAAAAAAAA" I got surprised by a suddenly extremely long tail suddenly appearing near the right side of my head, as I jump to the side in a panic.

"And...Dead. 2 lessons to take away from this Bell. Firstly, never let your guard down, no matter the circumstance, if you are to become a hero, you will be well known and famous, and certainly a figure of strength such as yourself will never be attacked when you're ready. They will wait, and when you are most comfortable, when your guard is completely down. They strike, ending your life. You can allow yourself negligence only and ONLY when you are so ridiculously above in relative strength and skill to the world around you... Like me!" Merlin-san No SENSEI lectured uncharacteristically serious and professional giving way to a little of his usual self towards the end as he lifts one finger.

"Hai! Merlin-sensei! I will be more on guard!" I respond to Merlin-sensei in a salute

"Secondly, Answer me this Bell. What level are you?" Merlin-sensei askes in a lecturing tone

"Level 3, Sensei!" I responds with another salute

"Mhm, and what is the highest level of the currently active adventurer?" Merlin-sensei continues his question trying to prove a point? I think.

"Hmm... Level 7 Sir?" I ask him not getting his point

"Well, that tail strike I gently demonstrated on you, would of definitely killed you in an instant. That was only 250% faster than how you were moving... By my calculations that would be comparable to a mid level 5 adventurer. My point is, the peak is so incredibly far away. And you... aiming beyond that point in order to become a hero, can easily die to a mere mid level 5 with being able to do absolutely nothing against such an overpowering adversary. Now Bell, what does that mean you need to learn?" Merlin-san explains in a lecturing tone as he waits for my answer.

'I need to get stronger no? No... that isn't it. It's probably?' I think to myself deciding to throw mere guesswork as an answer

"I need to learn how to defeat an overwhelming enemy?" I hesitantly answer Merlin-sensei's question looking at him under confidently.

"Hmm, Good answer!" Merlin-san answers with a smile nodding to himself as he stares at me as I flash a happy smile

"Good answer for a stupid kid like you! WRONG! ABSOLUTELY UTTERLY WRONG! What kind of things do you think you can do as a level 3 to defeat a mid level 5? I ain't teaching you overpowered skills forget about it! Kid, The answer is. You need to learn to SURVIVE against overwhelming enemies and odds. After all if you live then you win. That is the law of the jungle." Merlin-sensei yells out and explains in a sage-like manner to the stupid me.

'Woah! Amazing! He really is a mentor of heroes! I never would've guessed on my own!' I thought in wonder finally impressed with his presence, gaining my unadulterated respect and admiration!

'I mean...How did he not think nor know about it? Considering he's going to a deep no checkpoint type of dungeon, I'd expect focus on survival and escape be the general and core principle in some kind of guide book or whatever they use to teach newcomers to the dungeon... Are they idiots?' Merlin-sensei thinks to himself in exasperation utterly appalled by my stupidity and in consequence the stupidity of the adventurers of Orario as a whole.

"So kid... Lesson 1! As someone with a speed build and style like yours! We will build on your strengths and teach you to survive against opponents stronger than you!" Merlin-sensei announces as he points at me his first lesson! So exciting! I think to myself.

"Wear this blindfold." Merlin-sensei commands of me

"Hai!" I foolishly put my blind trust in the dragon as I wear the blindfold he got from "somewhere" and see absolutely nothing

"Hmm... What now sensei?" I ask curiously


"OUCHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I feel a sharp pain on my head and the sound of a bonking on it as I yell out. before I ask the meaning of the child abuse Merlin-sensei begins to explain

"That was a very round and Extremely large stick... Now! VERY BIG monologue time!" Merlin-sensei explained and warned me to prepare my little head for the word-fest he is about to unleash upon this mortal plane.

"I'll explain the meanings behind this lesson and exercise. So spare me the questions and guesswork! I will be attempting to smack different places of your body with this stick of mine in a fixed speed with very minor fluctuations, you will attempt to dodge, counterattack, block, and whatever keeps you out of harms way until you can go for 10 minutes without getting bonked. However, once you pass the 10 minutes mark, I increase the speed of the stick and you will try to adapt once again until you can pass 10 minutes on that set speed and we continue until you can dodge something a the very least a LITTLE FASTER than you, blindly. The goal for this? 3 reasons. First, to adjust your body so it can learn to dodge things relative to your strength blindly while your guard is down, this allows your mind rest from eternal paranoia as you give way to trust in your body and instincts. Second, to attempt and force a new stat or skill into your status. As I have through legally questionable methods studied the falnas you "Mortals" have, I discovered how it functions and conclusively, will attempt to ingrain a sensory stat or skill into your status through repeated action, why a sensory skill or stat? If your not as stupid as I hope you are, you can figure it out on your own. Third, we can simultaneously elevate your endurance and agility stats in this training, through movement and bonking damage! *Sigh* That's that! Simple for a first exercise right?" Merlin-sensei released a sigh as he finished his rapid fire explanation behind the exercise leaving me completely gobsmacked with my mouth completely open probably hitting the floor, as I nod stupidly.

"Now, the ultimate goal of this exercise is that in case you meet an unbeatable opponent you will be able to sense his attacks, scrape by, hopefully survive and escape! That's your goal! until your strong or smart enough, forget about being a hero!" Merlin-sensei declared with finality as he pointed to the sky with his arm paw thing.

"W-Wow Merlin-sensei! Let's get started!" I yell out excitedly.

"Kid, That's the wrong way..." Merlin-sensei responded to my enthusiasm by making me look bad

"A-Ah sorry..." I responded sheepishly turning to the direction of his voice while rubbing my head


"YEOUCHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I yell out again

"You stuttered. NOW DODGE!" Merlin-sensei lectured as the training officially began

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I yell out in pain and fear as the training continues

Lily POV

Hearth Mansion Hestia's Office


"W-what is going on?" as I stare out of the window beside Hestia-sama and question the legitimacy of this training method

"It seems Chibi-Dragon is making himself useful! Good! Bell-kun is so cute when he runs..." Hestia-sama answers my question with purring at Bell-samas rather cute running form.

"Well, we did decide to see how Merlin-san will decide to train Bell-sama, I guess this works?" I express my skepticism towards Merlin-sans methods of training Bell-sama.

"Guess we wont know until they finish and Bell-kun gives us his opinion wont we? Come on I have some paperwork to do. So! Shoo! get out of my office! And don't flirt with Bell-kun!" Hestia-sama says impatiently as she dismisses me and warns me not to flirt with Bell-sama

'Tsk, Foolish goddess, I observe then, I attack.' I click my tongue as I plot to myself with a sinister grin as I leave the office.

"What a scary Loli... Yandere material definitely. I shall pray for you Bell." Merlin-san shivered as he threw a glance at the leaving figure of Lily through the window she was staring from.

"Anyhow, back to business!" Merlin-san commented happily, turning his gaze back to the blindfolded Stick victim



Welf POV

Hearth Smithy

"I wonder how Bell's training is going now that the Deadbeat-Dragon is with him?" I wondered out loud as I waited for the metal to heat up.

"Ah, Its probably fine! No need to worry, got to work on this new knife first." I returned my focus to the task at hand, hoping the aforementioned dragon really is doing his job properly.

As the metal heats up and I begin to forge, It's another failure...

"I hope that's not a bad sign..." I say tiredly at the failure of an attempt to make a better knife for Bell.

-Time Skip-

Hearth Mansion Hestia's Office

Hestia POV

As I am about to finish my last dull paper related to the troubles of running a familia with a mansion this large I hear a knocking at the door.

"Enter! But be quick!" I yell out as I stop writing and stare at the intruders, not like there are many options on who it could be.

The door opens and I see Welf-san holding up a COMPLETELY BEAT UP BELL-KUN?! His entire body riddled with injuries from being hit by a... Stick...Hard, Parts of his body are purple and bloated. His lips split and inflated like a balloon, making him look like he was run over by a carriage... then beat up in the streets of Daedalus...

"CHIBI-DRAGON WHAT DID YOU DO TO BELL-KUN?!" I demand an answer in rage as I point at the assailant dragon in accusation as casually sits on the beaten down Bell's shoulder.

"Alright set him down at that sofa." Chibi-Dragon ignores my question as he guides Welf-sans actions

"Heave-ho, alright, you good there Bell?" Asks Welf-san as he sets down Bell-kun whilst Chibi-Dragon jumps off of his shoulder and floats in the air?

Bell-kun nods wordlessly looking ridiculous with his busted lip.

'Didn't know he could do that.' I think to myself forgetting my rage for a moment

"OIIII!! DONT IGNORE ME!" I remember my rage and make Chibi-Dragon it's target.

"You know what I did? I mean you were looking at us training no? You could of just stopped it ya know?" Chibi-Dragon responded confused at my rage

"I didn't think it would be that bad!" I reply in exasperation rubbing my forehead

"Itshh notsh thatsgg badg Kamizh-shama" Bell-kun mumbles as he tries to form a sentence to calm me down

"See? He's good! Now make yourself useful and use your blood magic to make him stronger!" Chibi-Dragon commands of me.

"Fine...After that we treat him...And no stick training for 2 days...It hurts my maidenly heart to see Bell-kun this hurt." I agree painfully and set up a rule to this... this child abusive training.

"Bah! Boring! Now update!" Chibi-Dragon comments dismissively as he rolls his eyes.

I take off Bell-kuns shirt and I witness horrid bruising marks on his back disturbing me.

'H-He really didn't show any mercy?!' I think to myself horrified at the degree of pain Bell-kun must of endured

"Damn, did you really have to beat him up that bad? Are you a sadist or something?" Welf-san narrows his eyes in question as he meets Chibi-Dragons eyes

"What an outrageous accusation! ... I can neither confirm nor deny that statement!" Chibi-Dragon responds basically confirming? Welf-sans suspicions.

"You're a sick bastard you know that?" Welf-san asks as he stares in disgust at Chibi-Dragon as he questions the dragons self awareness.

"I am not disgusting. I am deranged. There is a difference. Get your adjectives right." Chibi-Dragon lectured as he denied the accusation and put a different and quite fitting label on himself pointing at himself confidently.

I ignore this conversation and focus on updating Bell-kuns status as I stab my finger to drop my blood on Bell's back and begin to update his status. I update it and stick it on a piece of paper as I of course erase Bell's cheat skill...

I get off Bell-kuns back and go up to bring it up to the Dragon and Blacksmith to take a look.

"W-Well damn... I guess whatever you guys did that resulted in his current state was worth it?" Welf-san responded in quite a bit of shock to the status presented to him

'It seems I'll be left in the dust huh... What insane growth.' Welf-san though to himself as he begins to creep on the unavoidable truth

"Gah! He didn't get a skill nor stat! Looks like more stick beating is warranted!" Chibi-Dragon responded in disappointment at the status. Hinting to future Stick Training.

"NO MORE STICK TRAINING FOR 2 DAYS!" I yell out to make it final as I stare challengingly at Chibi-Dragons eyes.

'But yes... The training seems to be effective...' I thought to myself at the ridiculousness of it all.

-Status start-

Bell Cranel Level: 3

Strength: I0 >>> Strength I44

Endurance: I0 >>> Endurance H124

Dexterity: I0 >>> Dexterity I60

Agility: I0 >>> Agility I88

Magic: I0 >>> Magic I10

Luck: H

Magic: Firebolt: No chant magic that can be used quickly

Skills: Argonaut: Allows a charge for a counterattack. It requires five minutes (formerly four, and before that, three) for a full charge and can either sound like a small chime or a grand bell depending on the power needed. It can be used for any type of attack but the effects will dissipate when the user is attacked or they lose focus.

Liaris Freese (Hidden): Fast growth as long as the user is in love. The strength of the effects corresponds with the level of the user's feelings.

Summon Mentor Of Heroes: Upon channeling mind and using the incantation, summons the Mentor Of Heroes. Incantation: "I am the bone of my hand. Ex is my body, and Fakku is my blood. I have created over a thousand loads. Unknown to sex. Nor known to girls. Have withstood pain to create many orgasms. Yet, those orgasms will never be with girls. So as I pray, Unlimited Hentai Works." (do note I did not come up with this parody of UBW, credit goes to whomever I copied this off of lmao)

-Status end-

"Sow meh!" Bell-kun asks with his messed up voice as he still is laying down on the sofa

I did as asked by my precious Bell-kun and bring it to him. His reaction is priceless

"CHANK TYU SENSHEEEEEEEEIIIIII!" Bell-kun screams out in gratitude as tears come out of his eyes

"No problem! What? Do you usually not get that amount of stats from training outside the dungeon?" Chibi-Dragon waves off Bell-kuns thanks with a thumbs up with his hand paw thing as he asks a ridiculous question. As I am about to erupt at Chibi-Dragons ignorance, Welf-san beats me to the punch

"Usually this amount of stat points for any regular old adventurer to gain would be the result of literal months of training and exploring the dungeon..." Welf-san responds calmly with his bullshit resistance rank EX.

'It's impressive even when considering the amount of status points Bell-kun usually gets after adventuring in the dungeon...' I think to myself in wonder at the effectiveness of the Dragons training.

"Hmph! As expected of me!" Chibi-Dragon huffed smugly at his achievement?

"Anyways! Bell-kun is on resting duty until he gets better!" I announce leaving no objections, specifically looking at Chibi-Dragon.

As he give his shit eating grin and proceeds to shrug in a what can you do motion, deciding not to argue with me.

'Smart dragon.' I think to myself giving a mental thumbs-up at this little victory over the dragon

"In that case...Don't panic I'm casting a sleeping spell on him" Chibi-Dragon says as he forces Bell to sleep in an instant, making no sign of a spell or magic being done... How absurd

"Guess I'll take him to bed, Heave-Ho, alright I'll be going out to the city for some supplies after leaving him in bed so talk to me if you need me to get you anything alright?" Welf-san asks, politely offering to get me something as he calmly disregards the absurdity of what just happened and takes immediate action

'Impressive composure Welf-kun.' I think to myself opening my eyes in surprise at his composed reactions in regards to dragon related situations. returning to his question...

"How thoughtful Welf-kun! I do need some more ink can you get that for me? Thanks!" I flash a thankful smile and ask Welf-kun to get me some ink... To much writing... Taxes...

"Roger that" Welf-kun bids us farewell holding up Bell in a princess carry as Chibi-Dragon floats in their direction looking a bit ridiculous floating like that...

"Oh, and make sure this dumb lizard doesn't do anything absurd while Bells asleep..." Welf-kun stops and turns his head towards me as he asks me to make sure the manor is not burnt down whilst he is away.

"Don't worry..." I respond taking a long glance at Chibi-Dragon, As he proceeds to ignore me and float along Welf-kuns way.

-Time Skip-

Bell's Bedroom

Bell POV

As I blink my eyes awake to the sounds of chatter around me, I painfully turn my head around to see darkness and notice through the window that the sun has already set.

*Whisper* *Whisper* *Whisper*

"Guess he isn't feeling well enough to go with us... Oh Bell you're awake!" Welf-san whispers as he then says in surprise to see me awake as I notice Welf-san, Lili-san and obviously Merlin-sensei.

"Nonsense... I guess desperate times call for desperate measures! There ain't no way I'm missing some critical advances in the plot!" Merlin-sensei declares as he... COMEPLETLEY HEALS ME?!

"W-wha what?!" I yell out in shock as I without warning feel as if I'm in peak health when I was barely able to move around?!

"STUTTER ONE MORE TIME AND YOU'D BE LAYING 6 FEET UNDER KID!" Merlin-sensei yells out in retaliation.

"SORRY! MERLIN-SENSEI!" I yell back as I hop off my bed as if I was never severely injured to deliver the signature salute. He shakes his head in disappointment and hops onto his usual spot on my shoulder.

"Lili-san wonders why you could not of healed him after the training?" Lili-san asks in frustration as she stares at Merlin-sensei

"Loli. What kind of question is that? What am I? Plot armor?! BAHHAHAHA! I'll heal the kid when it's convenient for my sake only. Don't expect any heals in the dungeon or otherwise life-threatening scenarios. I have very strict self imposed rules and guidelines that I must follow as the Mentor Of Heroes after all!" Merlin-sensei responded mockingly at Lili-sans question by reminding her and us that he will by no means be of any use outside of training me as he stared at her with what seems like a mocking look in his eyes.

'Dang cheapskate Dragon...' Lili-san thought to herself with rising anger

"Leave the arguing to later... Bell, Mikoto-san has been continuing to act strangely all day while you were asleep, she seems to have gone to sleep early, however we believe she will run out somewhere. So... We are going to follow her. You in?" Welf-san quickly explained in a serious tone as he stopped the argument then and there.

"You cannot refuse. Plot relevance demands it! And we've been locked in this mansion for the better part of 2 days! I need to see the outside world!" Merlin-sensei declared my inability to disagree to the proposal of following Mikoto-san, as he stared at me piercingly with his amethyst eyes.

"Don't worry Merlin-sensei! Of course I'll go! Did you even need to ask Welf-san?" I pacified Merlin-sensei's concerns and flash a determined smile as I look at Welf-san

"Had to ask just in case, HAHAH! Now let's hurry" Welf-san chuckles as we walk towards the door

"By the way did I miss anything while I was asleep?" I ask in curiosity

"Well, some hobos came in with the Loli as she returned from her errands whatever, 2 of them if my eyes didn't deceive me. They were looking for some kind of pillow I think? Now I'm all for helping those in need. But did you really have to bring hobos into our home Lili? Couldn't of you given them some money and the pillow while they wait at the gate?" Merlin-sensei explained confused with Lili-sans course of action in regards to the hobos?

'I'll commit dragon homicide..." Lili thought to herself practically steaming at this point, as we continue to walk.

As we pass through my door the chatterbox decides to open his scaly mouth

"Autobots Roll Out!" Merlin-sensei announces with a very motivating and commanding tone of voice? with his paw hand thing pointing forward as we all roll our eyes not even attempting to understand the meaning of his statement, already attributing it to something ridiculous.

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Sorry for the late chapter, I hope this isn't too rushed. I was pretty busy these past few days. I think I will be taking my time writing these chapters so expect a minimum of 3 days per chapter and a maximum of probably 4? Hope you enjoyed this and I'd appreciate any constructive criticism you guys may have! Have a nice day!

-Author Note End-