
Is It Wrong For A Hero To Be Mentored By A Dragon In The Dungeon?

In which Bell Cranel finds himself being mentored by a deranged and sadistic Dragon in the ways of Heroism. Said Dragon also happens to be a Veteran Isekai victim. Oh Dear... This is my FIRST EVER story so constructive criticism will be genuinely appreciated! and thank you for reading! Truly! And have a nice day! Also! Reviews people! Need them reviews! Updates will vary on motivation and desire to write. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. For real support the original works, they are much better than this fanfic lol Cover is not mine! nor the dragon art which was AI generated! Now at 122K words! (Cause Length Is Important!) Chapter Length: 2000-6000 words per chapter

BurgerNoTomatoes · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

The Mentor Of Heroes


This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Author note start-

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

Bell POV

As the light begins to clear out, everyone looks at it in trepidation, combat ready, and out comes. a monster?

A small puppy sized western dragon, with the most beautiful golden scales, and the most beautiful color of amethyst on its wings, horns, eyes, claws and long tail. it looks nothing short of majestic. the same thought process went through all of us as we laid our eyes on this monster. No, beast, calling it a monster would be an insult to its majesty, however it could be nothing else but a monster from its looks... that was the conclusion we reached and naturally... (wings and tail are large in proportion to the body if it helps ya)

"M-Monster!!!!!!!!!" I scream out and react first, pointing out my Hestia knife in preparation

Everyone backs off and watches it closely even more ready for combat. but it is not moving. then without warning its mouth opens, we prepare for the worst, and the most unexpected happens.

"Well, not the warmest welcome I've ever gotten, But! it will do! How do you do maggots?" speaks out the monster with a shit eating grin on his scaly face

"WHAT IT SPEAKS?!" We all simultaneously scream out at the same time

"What? never heard of a talking dragon? I believe we are quite famous" says the apparent DRAGON?! widening his shit eating grin revealing sharp amethyst colored teeth.

"D-Dragon?!?!" We all comedically scream out at the same time once again

"Uhm, do you guys like have a pattern to these reactions? where are the cameras?" says the dragon in confusion as he quickly glances around the room, lifting his hand to his eyes to look around

As nothing happens we collect ourselves, but Welf reacts first. (Welf is used to bullshit so he reacts pretty quickly as you may notice)

"So, uhm, Dragon? was it? you are the "Mentor Of Heroes"?" Welf says sweatdropping and emphasizing the title.

"You got it! Well, if you guys didn't react like you were about to get fireballed to kingdom come I would've been able to properly introduce myself! My name is Merlin! Hero training extraordinaire!" says the Dragon, no Merlin as he points his clawed finger at Welf-san keeping his confidence filled shit eating grin and giving him the draconic equivalent of a wink.

"M-Merlin-san?" I ask as the summoner of the clear anomaly of a talking dragon

"Yes... Merlin! wait. did you just add a "san" to my name? oh it's another one of those anime worlds, been getting a lot of those lately. and no! I have absolutely no relation to Merlin of Arthurian legend! So don't ask! I was first! I-think?" says Merlin seemingly arguing with himself to our bewilderment

"WHAT IS GOING ON!?!??!" screams out Kami-sama in frustration, its truly been a long day

"Wowie, calm your bizarrely disproportional titties to height ratio, short stuff, introductions are important, since I'm foreign to this world we need to make this as smoothie smooth as possible ya get me?" says Merlin holding his clawed hands paws whatever they are in a calming gesture while using some crude slang? I think?

"Hmph, these are a blessing from the heavens! AND WHO ARE YOU CALLING SHORT?! LOOK AT YOURSELF!" says Kami-sama in a mood swing while pointing at her chest then at his shortness

'True, aren't dragons usually much larger?' I think to myself as I question his claim

"Lily wants to get to the point already, Lily believes we should let him finish his introduction, Lily is a second away from an aneurysm... Wait did he say he is foreign to this world? Merlin-sama are you not from this world? is that possible?" Lily asks with a massive migraine holding her head

"Thank you, probably legal Loli! As I have mentioned I am foreign to this world, my occupation calls for me to train heroes from different worlds so they reach their potential and blah blah blah! Anyways the important details you need to know are that I'm not from this world! I know absolutely nothing of this one! And my goal is to train the hero who summoned me to the point he reaches his dreams or he dies! Or... Or I get bored! The third option is the most likely to happen! Anyways, before we start with you guys against your better judgement spilling all your worlds secrets to Moi I need to see what we are working with." Says Merlin in a long monologue as he scans us one by one with his majestic (self proclaimed) amethyst eyes.

"D-Dragon-dono I would like to ask a..." "Silence wench, I'm looking for the main character" Says the aforementioned dragon rudely interrupting Mikoto's question, making her visibly deflate

'W-Wench!?!?' she thinks to herself in slight anger and twitching eyebrows

'What a rude creature' Hestia thinks to herself

'What is a "Main character"?' I think to myself in confusion

"You" Says Merlin pointing his clawed hand at me and making eye contact with me.

"Me?" I point to myself I ask in confusion visible on my face absorbed to his eyes

"Yes you, you summoned me correct?" The dragon more stating than asking as he approaches me walking like a dog while keeping one hand paw thing pointing at me

"Uhm, Y-Yes I did, was it wrong to do so?" I ask in slight trepidation

"Not at all, you did fine. But let's see." Says Merlin-san in a calming manner as he releases his gaze from me and scans everyone once again. sending everyone a shiver down their spine.

'I see, I didn't get summoned at the start of this boys story journey whatever, but in the middle. time to ask the signature question for these types of occasions.' Thinks Merlin-san to himself diabolically.

Merlin-san returns his gaze back to me and asks with a grin splitting his entire face

"Kid, Firstly, what is your name?"

"Uhm, Bell Cranel, Merlin-san!" I say all militaristic saluting him

"Bell Cranel is it? Well Bell, I have a question of utmost importance to gauge your current state of progress towards becoming a Hero." Merlin-san says with an air of seriousness around him

"A-Ask away Merlin-san" I answer hesitantly yet excitedly

"So, Kid, how many are in your harem as of now? as far as my eyes can see you already have 2. not the best I've seen when I am initially summoned but decent"

'There was that one time someone had like 46 wives when I was initially summoned, what a fiesta that was... Hilarious! I hope this one doesn't go too far with the harems, they get overwhelming and at some points disgusting in my humble completely based draconic opinion, A nice, wholesome 1 person romance would suffice. "I love Emilia" type stuff. As they say less is more!' Merlin-san thought to himself chuckling as he reminisces on the past. and hoping for no polygamy this time around.






We all reacted accordingly bewildered some of us blushing, except Welf-san, finding the question and my suffering amusing...

"So? How many?" Repeats the Dragon

"W-What? I-I don't have a harem Merlin-san! and what do you mean I have 2 already?!!?" I say loudly, as my face turns the color of my eyes.

'Oh, I see, Dense Protagonist Rank EX skill. Have I not had enough of those? when was the last time I mentored an absolute chad? one with eyeballs' Thought Merlin to himself sighing in disappointment

"Well, never mind then, how old are you Bell?" Asks away the dragon in an interview manner

"I-I'm 14 years ol..."


"YES MERLIN-SAN" I said this time with certainty saluting Merlin-san

"GOOD!" says Merlin-san giving me a pawed thumbs up. As he turns his gaze towards Welf-san meeting his eyes, Welf lifts his eyebrows in question to his gaze

"Emiya Shirou, you seem like the big brother figure of this household, how many are truly in his harem?" Asks Merlin-san with seriousness while looking at Welf-san

'I thought we dismissed this topic! Wait, who is Emiya Shirou?' I think to myself in depression

"Uhm, My name is Welf Croz..." Says Welf-san in utter confusion when he then gets interrupted by Merlin-san

"Emiya Shirou"

"T-That's not my name... Who is Emiya Shirou?" Welf-san surrenders and just asks the relevant question

"That's for the Readers to recognize not you, Answer my damn question!" Said Merlin-san in impatiently.

'Readers? What? This is the most bizarre day in my life to date. without a doubt' I think to myself in surrender

"Uhm Well, I think around 4 in his harem Merlin-san, Yes. 4." Answers Welf-san nodding to himself sure of his answer.

"I see, Impressive Bell, Kid whatever."

'Another harem... Ah what the hell I'll roll with it. We have got time before this thing turns to a horny mess as Bell seems to have the legendary Dense Protagonist Rank EX skill and he seems innocent enough I guess.' Merlin-san thinks to himself in surrender and acceptance whilst throwing a small glance towards me

'They keep mentioning that I have a harem. How come I don't see it?!?! they must be delusional.' I think to myself getting a little angry.

"Well, now, Exposition time, now that I have a moderate understanding of what I am working with. tell me the world structure, where we are, how do you people train, how do you people get stronger, what do you deal with daily and blah blah blah come on, dump it on me! release!" Merlin-san says as he hops on the table laying down staring at us.

"I guess I'll explain, But! We need to introduce ourselves properly! you self-centered Dragon!" Says Kami-sama with a huff of indignation

Merlin-san waves at her claim in dismissal and points to Lily-san

"You start. Name, Age, Race, Combat capabilities in whatever term you guys use and role in this group you guys seem to have" Merlin-san says with a boring look

"Lilly's names is Liliruca Arde. I'm 15, My race is pallum, I'm Level 1 and my role is supporter!" Lilly-san says neutrally

"I stand corrected and apologize. You are no longer a probably legal loli, you are a literal loli." Merlin-san corrects his mistake?

'I swear I used to be good at guessing these things. guess sometimes what you see is literally what it is huh.' Merlin-san thinks as he seems to have achieved some kind of revelation.

At his words Lily wordlessly twitches her eyebrows in rage but keeps silent

"I am Welf Crozzo, I'm 17, My race is Human, I'm level 1 and my role is blacksmith and adventurer!" Welf-san says with a confident smile on his face.

'I knew it, He's Emiya Shirou. just have to get him to admit it.' Merlin-san thought to himself seemingly happy that he guessed correctly?

"I am Bell Cranel, I'm 14, My race is Human, I'm level 3 and my role is adventurer!" I say with a confident smile as well, saluting Merlin-san.

'He will be my trainer, so I should listen to him no?' I think to myself (big mistake buddy)

'14 years old, 2 levels above his buddies, forming harem, and dense? yup yup it all checks out... Why cant I be wrong sometimes? would it not be much more entertaining if... say that little loli was the Protagonist? like a little murder machine or something idk, have not had one of those in a long time as well...' Merlin-san thinks to himself in dread, as he accepts his harsh reality.

"I am Yamato Mikoto, I'm 16, My race is Human, I'm level 1 and my role is adventurer. Merlin-dono" says Yamato-san with a nod towards Merlin-san as he nods back

'I wont forget him calling me a wench...' She thinks to herself in silent rage

"Aaaaaand the saving the best for last! The great Hestia-sama! It's rude to ask a lady her age! My race is Goddess! I have no level! and my role is Goddess and overseer of this familia!" Kami-sama says puffing up her chest as she introduces herself with the confidence of quite literally a god.

Upon hearing Kami-sama's introduction Merlin-san lifts his nonexistent eyebrow

"You're a god?" Merlin-san asks in bewilderment

"Yes! Goddess of the hearth to be exact!" Kami-sama answers with even more confidence

"But you're weak?" Merlin-san asks but it seems more like a statement of fact than a question

'If she is a goddess what in the 9 realms is she doing here? is this like some kind of world where gods and mortals coexist? not the first one I've seen but these ones are particularly rare... still does not explain how she is that weak and still classified as a god. She didn't seem to be lying... Whelp the exposition part will explain everything... Probably!' Merlin-san thinks to himself as he questions the status quo of this world he was summoned into.

As he poses the question, nay, statement Kami-sama slams into the ground from being dealt critical damage.

'Calm down Hestia... He is new to this world he has no idea why...' Hestia thinks to herself gritting her teeth

"I-I'm getting to that, Merlin-san, I'll explain the status quo and NO QUESTIONS TILL I FINISH OK?!" Kami-sama says in impatience.

'The food is getting cold... My hard work...' Mikoto thought to herself

Hestia proceeds to explain to Merlin-san as everyone sits and listens and on occasion see his quite amusing facial reactions to the information as he learns about the world.

"And.... that's the gist of it! Any questions?" Kami-sama says confident she explained well, which she did.

"Are there any more dungeons except the one in Orario?" Asks Merlin-san in a contemplating manner

""No"" We all answer in unison

'Now that just seems like lazy world-building to me. only 1 big dungeon in the entire world? Well it is a good way to concentrate all the goodies and content into 1 place but it invalidates the others, in my humble based draconic opinion.' Merlin-san confirms to himself the new information

"But how sad, Mortal kind needs the help of gods to progress and gain strength? pathetic to be frank with you." Merlin-san says in disappointment and mirth

"That is just the way the world goes Chibi-Dragon" Kami-sama shrugs in a what can you do motion

'She could of just said: "It is what it issssss" but whatever... Wait what did she call me?' Merlin-san enraged

"The fuck did you call me? you useless goddess your only use is fan service and being a humanoid system updater!" Merlin-san bites back in rage

"HUHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?" Kami-sama roars a mighty roar having had enough of this day and Merlin-san breaching her last resistances is about to jump and attack Merlin-san!

"LET ME GO!!!!!!!" "No can do Hestia-sama" Welf holds Hestia back from commiting animal abuse.

"Pffft, HAHAHAHAHAH" Merlin-san roars in laughter at the interaction

Lily smirks at Kami-sama being roasted

"W-Well that was funny, anyways, back to business before I release you from the troublesome stuff, I need to make sure of a few guidelines especially with you Bell, the would be hero I shall be mentoring." Merlin-san says transforming the atmosphere into a more serious one, as I straighten my back and listen

"Alright, grab a pen and paper... Ah no, A quill, ink and paper in this age? whatever, grab something to write, I hate repeating myself. (And I hate writing repetitions) so write down all I am about to say and commit it into your silly little bipedal mind." Merlin-san says with a paradoxical serious and amused expression as he points his paw thing at me.

"H-Hai Merlin-san!" I say saluting him

"Drop the stutter..." He quite literally growls

"Sorry Merlin-san!" I say as I run off to Kami-samas office to grab writing equipment.

I run back and sit down ready to write.

"Alright, here goes. I as your trainer and mentor, will do just that, train you and mentor you. However! Do not expect me to solve YOUR problems, that is just the thing Bell, they are after all, YOUR problems not MY problems. You with me here?" Merlin-san says seriously

"Yes Merlin-san!" I salute Merlin-san once again

'I think he likes the my saluting! I should continue!' I think to myself

'What's with this kid's need to salute every time he listens to what I say? I never asked him to do that... Well whatever, every protagonist and their weird quirk amirite readers? kek' Merlin thinks to himself weirded out and accepting the weirdness in a nanosecond of delay.

Merlin-san continues to explain as I write and everyone else listens.

"I will make you stronger, smarter, wiser and more skilled. I will advise you from time to time. ' and torment him from time to time lmao'. I will ONLY help you otherwise if and ONLY if I feel like it. If you wannabe hero want to save some damsel in distress, don't be begging me to save her, do it yourself, even if your not capable enough to save her, then that's that, lesson learnt, your too weak, too stupid, too whatever excuse you will find to blame yourself for not saving her. you may think me cruel for letting other people die. which is true. But when you're at my state of being and stature, entire worlds being destroyed does not make me blink at all. so keep that in mind and don't beg me for help. you can try, I might amuse myself in saving those you cant but that is all it is. Do. You. Understand?" Merlin-san states completely seriously letting me and the others absorb that piece of information.(very edge, much wow)

'Worlds... being destroyed? is he that strong?' I thought to myself shocked

'He is not lying...' Kami-sama thought to herself in slight shock

While everyone else had similar thoughts a shocked silence enveloped us all as we digested it all.

"Well, do you understand?" Merlin-san asked more gently.

'He's capable of being gentle?!' I think for a second before blinking and responding.

"Y-Yes Merlin-san. I understand..." I answer with hesitance.

"Tell me Bell, Do you want me to beat you up?" Merlin-san asks in complete contradiction to his previous gentle expression as his eye twitches furiously

"Huh...." I answer fearfully

"Scratch that, don't answer the question. let me finish up here and we can all go our merry way to dreamland! me specifically... I need to sleep a little on the new info ya get me" Merlin-san says in surrender (sleep is holy, commit to sleep ladies and gentlemen)

"Anyways! now! As it seems I seemingly "stole" a skill spot from your status whatever it is, I have decided to provide you with 2 boons! What are they you may ask? well they are 2 semi-guaranteed life saving acts or escapes I will provide you when you ask! Now, what do I mean semi-guaranteed? if there is a specific situation I believe would be beneficial to you and most importantly amusing to me I will not save or provide you escape from it! you will have to carry on! that is the grit and proof of strength of a hero! but if it's not one of those then sure yeah ill get ya outa there in giffy. Just don't count on it little Bell! or you might just die from overconfidence HAHAHHAHA!" Merlin-san monologues as I scribble madly on my notes.

"Also from now on, I will ride on your shoulders for the rest of your adventurer career! providing live tips and tricks from the best! Be grateful! And get used to it! I might disappear or fly around some times so don't go looking for me if I do. Comprende?" Merlin-san says in a casual manner that he will be a shoulder burden for the rest of my career.

"And that's that. Any questions?" Merlin-san says as I finish writing the notes

"Yes! Why only 2 boons for my precious Bell-kun?!?! he deserves as many as he wa..." Guess who said that, as she gets interrupted by Merlin

"Fuck you, I answer to no one! To dreamland!" Merlin-san says abruptly and rudely interrupting Kami-sama. As he disappears without a trace, a sound or anything really, seemingly blinking out of existence, as if he was never there and this was one mad lucid dream.

Leaving us all dumbfounded

"Where did you think he went?" Welf-san asks as he as per usual quickly recovers from odd situations

"No idea, cant be bothered... tired and I want food...." Kami-sama says in exhaustion.

"Lily thinks that Wouldn't a small dragon on Bell-samas shoulder be rather attention grabbing and troublesome if he were to just walk around Orario like that?" Lily-san says in a thinking motion.

""Oh damn""

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Thanks for reading! constructive criticism will be appreciated! remember this is my first story so no need to demolish me ok? thanks!

I'll try to update 2-4 times a week probably we will see how it works out

-Author Note End-