
Is It Wrong For A Hero To Be Mentored By A Dragon In The Dungeon?

In which Bell Cranel finds himself being mentored by a deranged and sadistic Dragon in the ways of Heroism. Said Dragon also happens to be a Veteran Isekai victim. Oh Dear... This is my FIRST EVER story so constructive criticism will be genuinely appreciated! and thank you for reading! Truly! And have a nice day! Also! Reviews people! Need them reviews! Updates will vary on motivation and desire to write. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. For real support the original works, they are much better than this fanfic lol Cover is not mine! nor the dragon art which was AI generated! Now at 122K words! (Cause Length Is Important!) Chapter Length: 2000-6000 words per chapter

BurgerNoTomatoes · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Shenanigans And A Sinister Plot

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Author note start-

Now guys, calm down, leave those torches and pitchforks down on the ground. I did say I had little time to write this week. Apparently not! So here you go! eat up the chapter! No complaints!

Anyhow, you know the rules, and so do I. reviews, comments, ideas, suggestions and most importantly constructive criticism would be extremely helpful and nice to receive! without them, motivation and improvement of my own writing would be at a low level. And you don't deserve it my dear readers! So! Any thing you find wrong and or plot hole whatever jig catches your eye, do not hesitate in pointing it out. I'd appreciate it a ton!

Thank you for reading and most importantly... Enjoy!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

-Hearth Mansion Kitchen-

Bell POV

I enter our kitchen, with my pet dragon accompanying me... *BONK*

"OWW! Why'd you hit me Sensei?!" I shout indignantly at the abusive dragon. Rubbing my head as I glare at him.

"You were thinking something incredibly rude my student! And rude people need to be taught manners the good old soviet way! How did I know of you're rude sentiments? Have you not heard? Dragons are capable of mind reading!" Merlin-sensei proudly lectured, nodding his scaly head at my foolishness.

"Really?!" I ask for confirmation in surprise.

'W-Wow! I didn't know that! Maybe that's why Sensei is so good at reading people! That would make sense!' I think to myself in wonder, flashing back to instances of Merlin-sensei's rather good people reading skills.

"No. I was just fucking with you. My life would be extremely boring and dull were I to use mind reading skills you know! HAHAHAHHA!" Merlin-sensei indeed confirmed something. Confirmed his bullshitting is what he did. All with a disgusting grin and laugh to add salt to injury.

"Grrr, should've known..." I grumble in irritation at the freak of nature. Decidedly moving in the direction of Mikoto-san who was simply staring at our interaction with wonder and is that... Humor? in her eyes.

As we get close to the NOT food chopping Mikoto-san, Nature's mistake decides to open his "Wise" (Self Proclaimed) mouth.

"Did you enjoy the show of you're very gullible captain being made fun of, Mizoto?" Merlin-sensei commented with his shit eating grin, emphasizing the incorrect name of Mikoto-san. Seemingly switching targets from me to Mikoto-san.

"Merlin-dono, that is still not my name..." Mikoto-san responds, quickly switching humor with irritation and a "lovely" glare, stabbing daggers or katanas in Mikoto-san's case straight into Merlin-sensei with it.

"Bah! Tomato-Tomahto! Makes no difference to me what you're bloody name is! You could be called; "SCHWERER PANZERSPÄHWAGEN SIEBEN KOMMA FÜNF ZENTIMETER SONDERKRAFTFAHRZEUG ZWEIHUNDERTVIERUNDDREISSIG" Or even; "Jugemu Jugemu Goko no Surikire Kaijarisuigyo no Suigyomatsu Unraimatsu Furaimatsu Ku Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yabura Koji no Bura Koji Paipo-paipo Paipo no Shurigan Shuringan no Gurindai Gurindai no Ponpokopi no Ponpokona no Chokoyumwi no Chosuke" And I STILL wouldn't give a single flying turtle fuck!" Merlin-sensei responds vulgarly as per usual, with a wave of his hand. Proceeding to then give names in foreign? languages.

We naturally deadpan and ignore the toxic waste spewed out by the Dragon, unworthy of even the slightest attempt of deciphering his nonsense. I opt for getting down to the task at hand.

"Sorry for the distraction Mikoto-san, I'll help you cook and meanwhile I need to talk to you about Haruhime-san" I smile apologetically at Mikoto-san meeting her eyes, as I explain my intentions.

"Haruhime-dono is it..." Mikoto-san murmurs aloud tiredly, a melancholic smile framing her face.

"Don't worry Mikoto-san, I have a plan. We might be able to get her out of the Pleasure quarter for good, hear me out. (I aint hearing anyone out)" I mention in hopes of calming and fixing Mikoto-san's ruined and downtrodden mood. A reassuring and rather unfitting confident smile on my face. Before she can process the information, the tactless dragon comments uninvitedly.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. WE have a plan... Come on, do I really need to begin the soviet curriculum this early? Quite the piss poor performance Bell!" Merlin-sensei clicks his tongue in disappointment at himself not being credited for the plan. Vulgarly and thoughtlessly chastising me. Which is sort of alright?

"Sorry, OUR plan." I swiftly correct my mistake with a reassuring nod towards Merlin-sensei. Firstly because I was truly wrong. Secondly, I don't want to give the pipsqueak more incentive to vocalize his migraine inducing thoughts.

At that, Mikoto-san's eyes brighten and visible hope begins to appear in them.

"Fine, Bell-dono. Let's talk while we make dinner. Grab the knife and cut those chives." Mikoto-san order's neutrally, tone containing faint grains of hope, but seemingly not completely trusting the possibility of saving Haruhime-san. I begin to make my way to the table.

'Hmm, I see... Bell is about to make the sinister and mysterious Mizoto, Number 6. In my humble and completely based (Self proclaimed) draconic opinion of course! Fascinating! Experience has taught me that I ruin any and all romantic build ups when I'm there. For some indecipherable reason. Ah... The silent sacrifices I make for this kid better be immortalized in his chronicles AND! I better get a 100 foot marble statue of myself erected in my honor at bare minimum for my noble (Self proclaimed) sacrifices!' Merlin-sensei thought to himself in pride and magnanimity. Creating another delusion to add into the already quite filled and nearly endless pile of delusions. Nodding dumbly to himself.

'Seems like the situation calls for: "Not so gentleman Merlin". it's been a while hasn't it? How I missed using that social escape tactic!' Merlin-sensei thought to himself with certainty and nostalgia.

Suddenly, Merlin-sensei appeared in-between Mikoto-san and I floating in the air... Wearing an oddly fitting stylish top hat and magnificent (Self Proclaimed) moustache.

"Dear maggots and mongrels, I must take my leave abruptly due to unforeseen and yet expected circumstances! It has been a torturous experience conversing with you both. I sincerely don't appreciate your company and presence! Until we meet again, may misfortune smile upon your paths!" Merlin-sensei bid his farewell? in a polite and gentlemanly way. Although the message sent was definitely neither gentle nor manly. Tipping his hat with his hand paw thing... And disappearing abruptly, as he always does.

We stare dumbfoundedly at the space, that only a moment ago was occupied by the incomprehensible Dragon.

"" *Sigh* "" Both Mikoto-san and I sigh and opt to remove the nuisance from our thoughts in favor of the more important and serious ones.

I grab the knife and begin to chop the chives with expertise fitting of a Level 3 Adventurer.

*Chop *Chop* *Chop*

"Mikoto-san, our plan is to buy Haruhime-san." I begin bluntly, as I chop the chives.

"Pardon?!" Mikoto-san shouts confoundedly, stopping her mixing of the ingredients to stare at me in justified confusion.

What proceeds is a long explanation as we cook.

"H-Hah, Sorry! I'll explain... So because Haruhime-san is a prostitute... So... And... Then..." I thoroughly explain Mikoto-san MY plan, and our current information at hand.


-Time Skip-

I finish my explanation and discussion with Mikoto-san, upon hearing it all, she quickly brightens up and her eyes lighten up in motivation and assurance. We discussed the need to express this with the rest of the Familia, even beg for agreement if the need arises. But for now, Mikoto-san, although expectedly, seems to be on board and believes as much as I do in the plan.

"By the way, you're close to leveling up aren't you Mikoto-san? We'll probably be going inside the dungeon seriously in two days, as tomorrow we need to prepare and discuss in favor of going in sooner than intended." I ask Mikoto-san casually, as I multitask setting down the plates for dinner and talking.

"Oh, that's correct Bell-dono, Why'd you ask?" Mikoto-san answers affirmatively, returning a question, glancing at me with naked curiosity. (No not that naked)

"Well, I'll be training tomorrow, and it'll most likely be with Merlin-sensei. I'm sure he wouldn't mind training you as well tomorrow. I don't know if you're aware of this but my first training session with him increased my stats abnormally! Like, as if I was in the dungeon instead of our courtyard! Although he seems unreliable, Sensei lives up to his title... Partially. So he could also increase your status even further to allow a level up in the dungeon next time!" I explain excitedly, and compliment, for the first time in a long time, his competence. My eyes brighten at my own words and results of Sensei's rather effective and... *Shiver* painful training.

'No pain no gain!' I think to myself masochistically?

"I-I'd appreciate that Bell-dono... But do you really think he will train someone who isn't his... Hero he is supposed to mentor?" Mikoto-san responds appreciatively and with a tad bit of hesitance. Exchanging an uncertain and yet hopeful look.

"Yes! I believe he will!" I respond confidently, sure of my Sensei's agreement. Nodding and meeting Mikoto-san's eyes to express my certainty.

"Well, if you say so..." Mikoto-san responds more confidently, but showing clearly, a hint of her not being completely convinced.

"Bell-dono could you go and get Welf-dono from the smithy? I'll call Lili-dono from her room." Mikoto-san requests of me as she finishes setting up the tableware for dinner.

"Ah right! They were here the whole time? I mean Welf-san I can understand, he usually is always in the smithy... However, Lili-san? What is she doing?" I ask Mikoto-san with genuine curiosity, not used to Lili-san unproductively shutting herself in her own room.

'Although, granted... We have not been living together for a long time at all... How would I know how she usually passes the time inside her own home?' On second thought, I overestimated my own familiarity with Lili-san, grimacing at my own arrogance.

"Lili-dono seems extremely busy with something private, she requested to be left alone until dinner and strictly asked to knock on her door if she is needed. And most importantly to not enter without permission." Mikoto-san answered my inquiry neutrally, a hint of curiosity on her face. Probably curious at what Lili-san is doing.

'Although I'm also guilty of being curious. I wonder what she's doing?' I think to myself in wonder.

-Lili's Room-

3rd Person POV

Sounds of rustling and objects being moved around roughly can be heard from Lili's room. Upon looking inside we see the young Pallum moving her objects to place a certain stone figure inside a large closet, containing many other stone and wooden figures. She places the final? stone figure at the top, seemingly completing some sort of series of figures.

"Finally! The Bell-sama 30x40 figurine collection is complete! Now with Bell-sama kissing Lili as the final one to finish it off! Kya!!! Hehehehe" Lili says manically, giggling like a psychopath as the sprinkles on top.

"It was worth it to custom order this one from the Hephaestus Familia's architects... despite it's 35,000 valis pricing!" She continues, with her eyes manic and bloodshot.

"Now... Time to start the life sized ones... GEHEHEHEHAHHAHAHAHAHA!" A manic laughter, pure of sinister and impure intent was unleashed by this small Pallum. Fear her Bell fear her!

-Hearth Mansion Kitchen-

Bell POV

"Hmm? did you hear that?' I ask Mikoto-san with a tilt of my head, as I seem to have heard a laughter? whilst we begin to make our way to call for the rest of the Familia, barring Kami-sama and the cockroach.

"No, I don't hear anything Bell-dono?" Mikoto-san responds with a curious glance at me.

"Could of sworn I heard something... Well, let's just get them, I'll eat a small portion of food today, since I ate a hearty lunch today!" I whisper to myself and then tell Mikoto-san that I'll be eating less today than usual.

She merely nods and splits off to go upstairs as I go outside.

-Short Time Skip-

-Outside the Hearth Smithy-

The Hearth Smithy, The most expensive renovation Kami-sama made excluding the Hot bath. A decently sized shack surrounded by flowers. The shack itself is made entirely out of heat resistant stone. Which wouldn't make it a shack? Whatever! Anyways! The shack has an impressive chimney and multiple windows decorating it. An impressive structure and gift from Kami-sama to Welf-san undoubtedly.

I approach the door to our smithy, and upon grabbing the handle I pause, hearing the muffled sounds of a... Conversation?

"Who is Welf-san talking to?" I ask myself aloud in confusion. Only to swiftly reach an obvious conclusion

I open the door to see... And unpleasantly hear...

"Now get this Emiya Shirou! The guy decided it was a damn good idea to add the alphabet to math. So I decided it was a damn good idea to add another gaping, probably life threatening hole in his body without his consent! Like I mean, what an asshole!" Merlin-sensei ranted like a bothered girlfriend. Hand paw thing gestures, tone and all.

"Mhm, damn, that's crazy... Oh? Tell me more..." Welf-san continued to focus on his smithing as he emotionlessly and robotically repeated the same response to Merlin-sensei's weird rant. Eyes completely dead and void of emotion.

"Now don't look at me like that! Did the dude ask for math's consent to just get the entire alphabet added onto it? Hell no! So why should he get treated any differently? An eye for an eye, my sword loving bastard!" Merlin-sensei swiftly attempted to justify his murderous and cruel actions with... morally questionable and ridiculous logic... Not that anyone requested his explanation.

"You tell him Bell!" Merlin-sensei seemingly noticing my entry pointed at me in an attempt to involve me in this absurd mental torture session.

I of course, expectedly had enough of Merlin-sensei's nonsense for the rest of the day and Kami-sama will it, for the rest of my life. So I ignore him and move to save Welf-san and thanks to the current circumstances, get him to eat dinner.

"Welf-san, let's go, dinner is ready!" I tell Welf-san with a gentle look and tone. Pity and sympathy radiating from my every gesture, at his soulless situation attributed to non other than the scaly creature of nightmares.

At that, Welf-san's eyes are filled with life and color, as his soul visually returns to his body. Tears of relief begin to endlessly stream out of his eyes. A literal waterfall.

I reach out my hand waiting for him to grab it.

"Bell... My hero!" Welf-san responds emotionally, grabbing my hand with his in a manly show of brotherhood. As I lift him up and break out into a run with him to quickly move out of the insect infested room, towards the main building and towards the kitchen for the much needed sustenance.

Leaving of course, the Dragon alone in shock and much deserved solitude.

3rd Person POV

-The Hearth Smithy-

'Motherfuckers just ditched me! I was getting to the good part!' Merlin collected himself from his shock, and exchanged his shock for irritation.

Shaking his draconic head he proceeded to ramble

"Tch, kids these days have no respect for the elderly! And here I was benevolently planning to tell him how to craft... Excalibur! Too bad! His lose! Am I right readers?" Merlin clicked his tongue in annoyance, emitting raw tsundere energy.

(Were you really planning on telling him how to craft Excalibur? Wouldn't that alone just break the balance of this world? Also, you've never been to the fate verse).

"Firstly, never doubt my abilities! I can craft Excalibur without even seeing it once! And Secondly, Of course I was not going to tell him how to craft Excalibur silly Author! Get back to work! Don't talk to me! I'm paying you to write my adventures for the ignorant masses! Not to think nor talk to me! Now scram!" Merlin explained in a downgrading and lecturing tone, mercilessly ordering the Author to continue his slave work without argument.

(Yeah... Sure... Also... You Don't pay me...)

"No one needs payment to write about my glorious (Self Proclaimed) self!" Merlin responded arrogantly, one last time before cutting the connection with the 4th wall.

-Short Time Skip-

-Hearth Mansion Kitchen-

Bell POV

I return to the kitchen, accompanied by Welf-san this time to finally partake in dinner!

Upon entry, we see Lili-san and Mikoto-san already seated and waiting.

"Yo, Lil-Lili! Mikoto!" Welf-san greets them casually with a wave of his hand, a skip in his step, due to dragon induced hunger? Probably. As he makes direct and intimate contact with his seat.

"Lili-san! Good evening!" I meet Lili-san's eyes whilst greeting her cheerfully.

"Bell-sama, good evening!" Lili-san returns the greeting rather passionately? A few haggard breaths releasing from her mouth the moment she noticed my cheerful look. How... Strange?

"Wow this all looks so good! Thank you Mikoto!" Welf-san genuinely thanked and complimented our Chef for the dinner.

"I'm digging in! Way too hungry!" Before Mikoto-san could respond, Welf-san dug in the food with fervor, resembling myself earlier today. Practically inhaling the food as if he were an oxygen deprived man.

*Chomp* *Chomp*

"Hmphfg, Shwo Gyood!" Welf-san compliments after the first few inhalations.

His off-character response makes us all gaze at him in wonder. Finally accepting the situation as is and switching the wonder into humor.

"Oh, Bell-dono helped as well!" Mikoto-san commented with a small and humble smile. A touch of humor in her tone as she elegantly held her dignity to not laugh at Welf-san's poor manners. Not that he would care.

*Giggle* *Giggle*

Both Lili-san and I, can't help but giggle at his starved act. However, having seen enough we all dig in ourselves.

*Nom* *Nom*

"Hmm, Aren't we forgetting someone?" Welf-san asks with a severe lack of etiquette in puzzled confusion. Feeling as if our group at the dinner is incomplete. And he would be right, there is someone missing.

"Kami-sama should be back in around 9 hours." I answer bluntly and apathetically, without hesitation. As if I were stating an undisputable fact. Against my better judgment believing in the scaly jester.

"She'll be hungry wont she?" Mikoto-san asks concernedly, pitying Kami-sama.

"She'll be fine don't worry, Hestia-sama is a resourceful goddess! Anyhow Bell seems to know what's going on, if she really were in trouble he wouldn't be here, now would he?" Welf-san responds to Mikoto-san's concern with an offhanded and optimistic remark.

"Lili thinks that makes sense." Lili-san quickly jumps at the opportunity to agree with Welf-san, for as of yet undetermined reasons and or motives.

'Finally, Bell-sama... All. To. My. Self.' Lili-san thought to herself manically, mouth hanging and drool dripping out of it. Sending a noticeable chill down my own spine.

'What was that feeling?' I thought to myself as I take a apprehensive bite, instinct warning me of being close to danger.

'My instincts are screaming at me to go to sleep early today... Else I'll regret it deeply. Something to keep in mind.' I feel a foreboding sensation.

After that, nothing of note has happened.

-Short Time Skip-

As we continue to eat until were just about done and full.


"Now that hit the spot!" Welf-san gave a satisfied sigh as he held his, as of now, rather plump belly. Having more than likely overeaten his fair share of food.

"Yeah... The food tastes so much better when you make it yourself! Right Mikoto-san?" I respond a satisfied agreement towards Welf-san, as the food truly was divine. Understanding Mikoto-san's vehement desire to be the Chef of the house all this time and for the hopefully foreseeable future she'll stay in that position.

"Mhm, But you can only help Bell-dono, I'm the chef." Mikoto-san agreed with satisfaction, only to mark her territory and sending a silent warning. Stating her position in this Familia with finality.

'If the food is this good all the time, I'd let her pass parade me again any day of the week... Okay, intrusive thoughts. Stop. Please! Y-Yamero!!!!!!!!' The food is so good, it results in me having an internal battle with my own intrusive thoughts.

As we are finally done with the food and our collective expressions of satisfaction and gratitude. We set ourselves to prepare for the end of the day routine. Clean up, habits and going to bed, all in all.

We all get up from the table together and begin to clean up after ourselves, of course. As some scrapes and leftovers are left on the table, Lili-san vocalizes her suggestion.

"Lili suggests we leave the scrapes for Hestia-sama! No throwing it away, if she is hungry she can eat it. Else it would be a waste." Lili suggests with fake sympathy to Kami-sama. Not that we noticed it, as a sweet smile seems to be plastered on the natural actor known as Lili-san.

"Good idea Lili-san! Hopefully, it'll still taste good to her..." I praise Lili-san for the idea and move to cover the food. Why is her nose bleeding?

After that we bid each other good night and move to finish up our day's routines and or go to sleep. I, lacking in any skill other than monster slaying and... Farming, have no other side habits or duties to attend to before heading to bed. As such. To bed I go! Not before brushing my teeth of course! Twice a day keeps the Dwarf Dentist away!

After the quick and critical brushing of my teeth. I lay on my fluffy and comfortable bed, in hopes of finally getting a healthy and long sleep. After my hectic few days.

'Tomorrow, I'll need to talk to Kami-sama and the others together with Mikoto-san. They'll agree... They have to, I'll make sure of it. And from there, it's only preparing for the dungeon and training tomorrow.' As always just before bed, all the worries and plans for the future begin to crash down on me like a tidal wave. However, I decide to think positively and try and not to worry about it right now. As that would be truly counterproductive.

I close my eyes and my mind of worries, beginning to slowly but surely fall asleep...

"To kiss your homies good night? Or not to kiss your homies good night? That is the question!" A teasing and humor filled voice can be heard from above me. Upon recognition of its source combined with my disturbed slumber. My eyebrows twitch in rage, but I try and ignore his sorry existence. Keeping my eyes closed and body unmoving.

"Meh, don't answer if you don't want to! I just came to wish you good night! I'll see you tomorrow morning! Make sure to change sheets after you're done humping your pillow your horny rascal!" Merlin-sensei wished me good night, good naturedly with his usual vulgar tone, lecturing me like a parent. Causing me to, strangely, feel both pleasantly surprised and disappointed. An almost perfect score to be honest.

"Mhm... Good night Sensei..." I decide, in my endless benevolence, to bid him good night, exhaustingly and voice muffled by my mouth being blocked by the pillow.

At that, I magically fall asleep near instantly.

Let it be known I had not humped no pillow.

Just to be clear!

(Sure pal)

-Time Skip-

3rd Person POV

-Hearth Mansion-

At exactly 720 minutes after Hestia's arrest, The aforementioned goddess can be seen entering the Hearth Mansion, opening the door rather forcefully. Exhaustion, quiet rage and hunger mixing to create a storm of a mood in the body of the short goddess.

Noticing the lights being off, she moves to the light switch to turn them on. (They have some magic stone semi electricity thingy. Fight me!)

"*Sigh* So hungry... Guess they all went to sleep hah? I didn't get to glomp my cute Bell-kun today... Not even once..." Hestia says in a depressive mood and tone, hands slumped to the side tiredly as she aimlessly walks towards the table. Noticing a letter? on it.

"Hmm? Let's see... Oh! Leftovers from dinner?! M-My children are the best!" Hestia grabs the letter, reading it's contents. Tears of happiness forming around her eyes as she holds herself back from shouting out the last comment. In favor of not waking up her children.

After returning the letter to its original position, she makes hastened and purposeful steps towards the Manor's kitchen. In hopes of defeating mortal kinds most primal and ancient enemy... *Shudders* Hunger.

*Chew* *Chew* *Chomp*

A few feet before reaching line of sight of the kitchen she hears very audible... Chewing sounds. Causing her to freeze in a panic. Her divine mind processing and beginning to form conclusions and theories on who might be in there eating, what is he eating and most importantly... is he eating the leftovers?!

Upon reaching a few disturbing conclusions she runs inside the Kitchen and freezes upon the sight of the scaly menace... Chewing with a dumb and satisfied grin on his face.

*Chew* *Chomp* *Chew* *Gulp*

" *Sigh* Nothing beats the 3 AM full course meal!" The scaly bastard let out a satisfied smile and comment, and then proceeded to continue his uncouth eating.

A few seconds after that he senses a glare sourcing from outside his line of sight. The glare lacking any warm emotions but filled to the brim with cold ones. He decided to slowly and mechanically turn his head in the source's direction. His mouth full of food making his scaly face plump.

Upon fully turning his head he meets death itself in the form of Hestia. If looks could kill, Merlin would of reincarnated another 20 times by now.

*Nom* *Nom* *Nom* *Gulp*

He quickly chewed the food in his mouth, keeping his amethyst eyes locked with Hestia's sapphire ones. Gulping to seal the deal.

"Hmm..." He hums in wonder, seemingly thinking of a way out. He lowers his eyes for a moment at the plate of leftovers. Finding that he has in actuality, just now ate all of it and cannot offer any sacrifice to the hungry and furious little gremlin.

*Sigh* Merlin seemed to give of a defeated? sigh

"A man knows when to admit defeat and accept punishment. the jig is up and I got caught. Although I knew you were coming, I have tempted fate! As per usual HAHAHA! But! regardless! I must pay the price for my tomfoolery!" Merlin began to lecture sagely, accepting his unfortunate fate at the hands of Hestia with a nod of his draconic head.

"Now. Beast! Take me! Do your worst!" Merlin raised his draconic arms to the side, in a surrender. A challenging and yet defeated smile on his draconic face.

"WROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" The Hestia creature lost it's mind completely due to hunger and the other unpleasant emotions running wild in it's head. Roaring a mighty roar, that may or may not of waken up the sleeping cast.

She ran and grabbed the silly Dragon and began to do unspeakable things to him. Also trying to bite him and eat him. Which seems to be ineffective, especially to her continued starvation.

'God drool all over my scales... Looking for the nearest volcano after this one for sure... Hopefully that wont spoil anything!' Merlin thought to himself in defeat and sadness, as he accepts his fate of being manhandled by the Hestia creature. Looking for the most sanitary way of removing the creature's probably toxic saliva.

'Hopefully the next world would be a familiar summoning. I really need to let loose... Last few ones were Hero Mentorships' Merlin thought to himself neutrally and in frustration at his self imposed? handicaps and rules. Hoping that his next destination and adventure would be under a different title and obligations.

He questions his existence, all the while being held and bitten by a hungry goddess.

3rd Person POV

-Ishtar Familia House-

At the very top of the Ishtar Familia house, A gathering seems to be happening. All of the Familia's top adventurer's and executives seem to be gathered for a meeting. It's purpose? Remains to be seen.

The executives split into 2 lines facing each other, aligned militaristically.

As for Ishtar herself, sitting at her designated chair as the patron goddess of her own Familia, smoking her favorite pipe (no not that pipe guys and gals). The vice captain of the Familia and Ishtar boy toy, standing resolutely behind her.

An uncomfortable silence envelopes the entire room, as they await their god's command.

*Phew* Ishtar exhales and decides to get to the matter at hand.

"Kidnap the Little Rookie." She orders deviously, a malicious smile plastered on her divine face.

""Huh?!"" A collective reaction of confusion amongst the collective Familia member's.

Ishtar decides to explain her reasoning upon noticing the confusion behind her order.

"Freya is very interested in him. But, for some reason she does nothing. So we'll take him for ourselves." She explains smugly, and proceeding to form an arrogant smile as she continues.

"If the kid became my slave, what would she think then?" she says with a cruel and scheming smirk on her face. Proud, at her very legal plan.

At that a collective snicker and laughter emanated from the Familia member's, commenting at her plan with glee and a sick sense of humor.

"Ishtar-sama's so nasty~" One of the amazonesse's comments

"How scary~!" Another comments

"Don't try to taste him when you kidnap him. Phyrne especially. if you do, he'll be unusable." Ishtar further commands dead seriously. Pointed glare directed at Phyrne.

"Kekeke, that's so rude. The men become obsessed with me. I can't help it." Phyrne responds with disgusting glee, and mock hurt.

Ishtar puffs smoke at Phyrne's incredibly incorrect claim and emphasizes her command.

"Anyway, I'm first. When I'm done with him, you can have him. Do as you please with him." Ishtar commands seriously at Phyrne and the rest of the amazonesses.

"Right." Phyrne agrees halfheartedly, turning her head to the side.

"The full moon is coming. The killing stone ritual is coming. When it's over, we start a war with Freya. if I have the kid, it'll be easy to provoke her. Hahaha!" Ishtar further explained to the executives the entire plan, and allowed the others to truly comprehend the purpose of Little Rookie in the context of the full moon plan. Upon hearing killing ritual, Aisha's face imperceptibly tensed, unnoticed by others.

"So, how do we catch the rabbit?" Phyrne-san asks bluntly.

"That depends on you, But don't do it in public. We can't let the Freya Familia find out. Does anyone know something about Little Rookie that would prove to be an obstacle" Ishtar answered Phyrne's question badly, but asked for more information for the sake of a smooth kidnapping.

At that, the collective of the amazonesses thought together on what could possibly prove an obstacle to kidnap a low level adventurer except the Freya Familia.

"Oh! I remember Little Rookie scream that he has a teacher~! I think it was M-Merlin?" One of the amazonesses that were present in the kidnapping of Little Rookie, mentioned uncertainly.

"I can confirm Ishtar-sama, he did mention a teacher named Merlin" Aisha followed through and reconfirmed the other amazonesses information.

"Merlin is it? I've never heard of that name before. Look through our contacts for information in any case. For now ignore and proceed as usual, it is extremely unlikely he would prove an obstacle. All level 5's and above are accounted for." Ishtar quickly processed that information and accordingly ordered the other's to continue forward with the plan, only to dig into that Merlin person.

With that, Ishtar got up and began to walk out of the room, finishing up her commands and orders. Now it is up to her reliable Familia to get the job done.

"So, That leaves one option where to kidnap him doesn't it? KEKEKEKEKEKE!" Phyrne-san laughed with glee, coupled with a sinister and disgusting smile.

The other amazonesses were not far from joining her in the stereotypical villainy laughter. Only Aisha seemed to be sensible enough to not join the frog in her gleeful laughter.

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hello people of the Human race and others! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! This has been moving exceedingly slow, Hope that's not too much of a problem for you guys. i'd appreciate tips on how to make this move quicker all in all. But I'm really picky and fixated on dialogue, so i have no idea what to do in that regard! At this rate, the Danmachi section is definetly reaching 300k words at minimum! Ridiculous! But it'll be fine! I'm I'll improve by then!

Again, comments, reviews, ideas, suggestions etc... would provide me more motivation to write and would be a good way to show your appreciation! I'll be happy and thankful to receive them! Constructive criticism would be the most appreciated as I wont be able to improve without knowing what my mistakes are! Thanks for reading and have a great rest of the day! I'll see you guys in a few days most likely! Have a fantastic rest of the week and a proper rest! Yeah!

-Author Note End-