
Stage One


My phones rings, its Kung again, my friends are here , i get off my bed ,pick up my sweat pants and close the door behind me and head towards the door to open it for my friends. As soon as i open the door they are all grinning. "So....?" Brandon asks with a huge grin on his face , i just look at him and walk away they all follow me to the room ajourned to the bedroom we sit i open the blinds and they can all see the man sleeping on the bed, hes extremely beautiful , thin lips, smooth face, blond hair splashed on the pillow, he looks more of a woman than a man. hes perfet for this month , if he passes this stage i think. 

Here is the thing, i have a game i play, Im always extremely bored so i hook up with someone and i do random things just like any game would do to taste your skills for the next stage, they all fail. some im a little touched they failed others i couldnt care less,  after all they get good sex out of it. 

"Hes cute, whats his name" my other friend Wei asks.. "Yeol, his name is Yeol, we met last night" Lemme explain a little about the room we are in.Its a one sided window. In my bedroom all you see is an illusion of a wall and in this room you can hear and see everything that happens in the house and the bedroom itself. Suddenly his phone rings, we all stare at him

"Yah, really... ok i will be right there" he says , stands up quickly, quickly dresses up finds a pad and right a note and he leaves. This has happened a lot of time they all just leave their numbers and an excuse of going to work, we go to my room and to my disappointment its the same thing. 

We look at ourselves and laugh, we all know where this is going. Where do my friends come into this,because we all have the same perverted ways, they are all couples but sometimes we watch them fuck each other, we share everything ofcourse within reason and set rules within the group.

Im fucken tired. I fucked Yeol at least 7 times last night, the little cunt has some submissive tendencies, well go have some breakfast preparing for work and all and a call that night to the precious Yeol. Disgusting I know but fucking turn on
