
Is god real?

Here is my take on commonly used terms to prove God's existence, and me contradicting them. I will add more over time

Banana_Joe_4877 · História
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Contridictions for commonly used pieces of evidence for God's existence

I would like to contradict your 6 statements

1. When you say the cause-and-effect law, you say that God created this very known universe. This is nothing but unfactual information. The real cause of the universe, so far, is that it started with neutrons and protons, which created a nucleus, and so on. What was before that? you might ask, well we haven't discovered that yet, and probably for a while. In the end, you can say whatever created whatever. This is just like how the Greeks saw lightning. When they saw lightning strike, they could not comprehend how it worked. So, they put it off as a sign of the lightning god Zeus. This can be said for many other religions. Later, it turned out to be science.

2. For your second claim, you say that there must be a designer for the design. Let's use a river, for example, there is a river that perfectly goes around the state boundaries. From the logic of the question, it would state that since it was too perfect for an engineer to make that artificial river. It also stated that since it was so intricate someone must've designed it so that it would flow around the state boundaries. In short terms, they say that complexity requires a designer. What I meant for the designer and the design, was that if a deity can make an intricate and complex design. Then that would also mean they would need just as complex of a mind to create that design. Their premise stated, "That functional complexity requires a designer." That would also mean that the mind of the deity would also, must require a designer. Which gets into an infinite loop of a greater designer, which in turn meant a greater deity.

3. You say that life has to come from another life through the Law of Biogenesis. Well, God did not create humans or chickens, or cows. It can from evolution. Let's take humans, for example, Humans came from a branch of the common ape, and after thousands of years of evolution, they became humans. The same can be said for chickens. First, they came to a pre-existing dinosaur, then from an aquatic animal, and those came from bacteria and cells and so forth.

4. You say that when there are moral standards, there must be a god. The reason why morals became a thing was because of evolution. You see, many animals are societal and thus have varying degrees of what we would consider morals including mourning the dead, caring for orphans, mutual protection, and taboos against theft and murder of a member of the troop. Being a societal animal offered a great reproductive and survival advantage- not only could you band together for mutual defense and acquiring food, but the young of each generation were more likely to survive, and the group was more likely to develop complex behaviors. Any behavior that was disadvantageous to maintaining a cohesive societal group became taboo- hence, morality was born. It's also why we see empathy in many other social animals.

5. You say that free will exists through Your logic. Well, let's take into account that God is an omniscient being. He can see your past, present, and future. This means that whatever he sees is what will become of the future. Let's take this, for example, you wake up in the morning and decide whether you want coffee or tea. You think that it's your choice to decide which one you want. Well, if God saw your future, then he would know that you would choose coffee. So, that means that you are not of your own free will, but that of under God's future that he sees. Let's also say that God too wants to choose whether he wants coffee or Tea. Well, if he uses his omniscient powers, he will see that he chose tea. So that contradicts the fact that God gives you free will. Since he saw his future that meant that he was fated to choose coffee and that he has no choice in the matter.


6. For the fact behind our reasoning well I can explain that if you were to reason whether you wanted to jump a 2-foot jump onto another wall or walk a safe path. Then you would choose the safe path, why? Well, that's because we as humans hypothesize that if you were to jump the gap. That you would have a higher chance to get injured. So, you choose the best option. The reason is an innate ability that everyone is born with. The reason for how we got it. Well, that is through evolution. After hundreds of thousands of years, humans have developed a way to "solve" problems. For example, if you were to hear someone say the word ground you would reason that he meant the word for what's beneath our feet. This happens through natural selection as I said earlier about evolution. After many generations of humans without reason. They began to develop a way to solve problems, and since they survived. While the ones that couldn't solve problems. Generations of breeding humans who could reason. It became something that was an innate trait. Something that was developed by humans millions of years ago. The same can be said for animals. Since they too face natural selection, they learned to solve problems. after generations, it too became something innate.

What I believe in is something that cannot be disproven, something that is factual and not based on faith. As they say, Faith does not equal evidence. If you were to walk into a children's hospital you would see a lot of innocent children who have maybe only months to live. They did nothing wrong, they never sinned. yet here they are, about to die a horrible death. You can probably see parents praying. Praying to God, asking for some miracle, but what I say is. Nothing fails like prayer. You can pray for your heart and soul out but, In the end, nothing will change. That child will still die, and God does nothing. He says that he answers your prayers. yet I see so many people dying, even though they prayed every day. I might believe you if you could prove to me that prayer makes an organic difference in this world. Not just some emotional difference. That would be some real evidence behind prayer. Even after all this time, there is still no evidence leading to an answer. That prayer makes a difference. You could live your whole life being the best person you are, helping everyone along the way. Giving money to the hungry and the poorer. yet, since you didn't believe in God. You were sent to Hell; you could've been the most gracious person in the century. yet, you were sent to Hell because you didn't believe.

You may try and contradict what I say, and I say have a go at it. Just remember evidence comes from something, not nothing.