
Chapter 5. Great Ambition

In the morning, when the sun only started risen from the east. Xeols already waked up long ago and killed a hundred of the monsters that included both zombie and mutant beast. Of course, he did it moderately without making a loud sound with his root pierce ability that can pierce any monster to dead after got pierce by it. Even if the monster didn't get the immediately death with the pierced wound, the root can entangled them up through the wounding place that it just pierced just like a hook then absorbing their life essence as nutrients supplement for Xeols grows in any form that he prefers.

"Hubby, you waked up so early." Lucy voices resound from the inside the house. She currently opened the other breakfast of wonder fruit for her meal.


(Oh, waked up already? How unusually for you waked this early.) Xeols teased his wife when seeing how cheerful and lively his wife has been after waked up from the bed. She also immediately has her breakfast sparkled eyes without brush her teeth too.

"Hey! Are you want argue with me again?" Lucy uttered the word in flushed face before going to bathroom while leaving the wonder fruit on the table to washes her face and brush teeth. She knew why her husband pick a fight with her, it all because his perfected lifestyle before and always nagging at her to brush a washes face and brushes teeth every morning before the apocalypse came.

(Of course not, I just become happy with your improve your habit to the positive way remember, early bird get more worm.) Xeols informed her wife while denied her inquired.

Lucy has her breakfast along with whitey below the table eating the cat food. While at it, Lucy become wondered about something that her husband does after became a wonderful tree. After finished her breakfast and wipe her lip with napkin, she decided to asks her husband about it.

"Hubby, it's good becoming a tree? You seem enjoy your life while don't need bother yourself to take a bath and only killing the wandering monster like they just an ant to you. You know?" Lucy has an hopeful gazes while looking the wandering monsters run like life depend on it after get feared with their instinct told them that there a powerful predator is preying on them. Of course, they never got any chance to run from Xeols sensory radar which can determined the living being around 10 kilometers radius with him.

"Herr Herr"

(Hehe, are you jealous looking how your hubby enjoying the killing? Wanna try killing the monster with me?) Xeols has a grin on his tree-liked face. He of course already knew how his wife feeling jealous inside her heart and bore without the electric to watch her complete and downloaded anime and novel on the uncharged laptop.

"Hubby, can I really join killing the monster too?" Even though Lucy was asking to making sure, her sparkling eyes can read like a book without using his ability to reads her thought. She was super excited with her husband giving her permission to join him to killed the monster.

(Of course! I will not taking my word so please don't worry about to making sure what I just said. Therefore, you must not wandering 50 meters away from my radius range for me to making sure your full safety.) Xeols told his wife about the condition to her to follow.

"Sure! But I don't have any weapon can you made me one with your wonderful power." Lucy makes a cute pitiful eyes expression on her face while asked her husband to create her a weapon.

(Okay! Don't worry about it, I make sure that you can use it today to killing the monster.) Xeols confirmed to her wife about the creation process of her weapon will be finished and she can used it to killing the monster. He had prideful aura before started creating the weapon with his both tree-liked clasping hand into each together.

"Well, while hubby making my weapon, I shall choose what cosplay costume that compatible for me to fighting the monster." Lucy muttered while walking to her room and opened her clothes rack and closet to choose the perfected cosplay constume for her.

Xeols of course heard all the word that his wife just muttered. He didn't replied because he also don't know how to respond his wife childish and playful decision. But he decided to accept what the life that his wife choose to live with her own decision.

The weapon that Xeols currently creating was a magic staff that use one of his small branch that suit for his wife's sizes. After the magic staff was complete being created, it has beautiful green jade-like with a snow pattern that seem lively inside the staff which makes it even more beautiful. The staff has a passive ability to heal or restoring the user ability while the active ability is to help the user to channels their power to the staff before making a perfect casting spell with a high damage and low cool down. The staff also only need low requirement of magic power for to the user to cast the spell with their imagination with their personal attribute.

Since his wife already evolve herself to become an esper with ice attribute since yesterday evening. She must has a power to wield it now and use ice magic to kill all the monster with range type ability.

"Hubby, how do I look? Am I beautiful as the priest inside the anime?" Lucy taken more than an hour just to choose and wear her cosplay costume. In addition, she still has thick face to asked her husband about how she looked like.

(Em, it's beautiful. Actually, there no need for you to wear a beautiful cosplay costume just regular cloth is good enough for you to kill the monster. It's not the monster will looked how beautiful you are before get attracted to you, right?) Xeols told his wife in honesty. He too felt that wife was so exaggerated about her own clothing.

"Hump! You knew nothing about it, stupid! Can you just help me enhance the my cosplay costume that I currently wearing? There also might be survivor who can seen me fighting and will worship us like a pair of god and angel that come from heaven." Lucy rebuked her husband word easily and lifted her hand for enhancement of the cosplay costume. She had a smug expression on her face after rebuked her husband and beckoned her finger to tell her husband to hurry do what she just asked..

Xeols was also stupefied by his own wife word. Although angry, he will makes a revenge for later since now he is surely lose badly if he continues arguing with her.

(Of course! Who do you think I am? I am the great hubby being ever live that you can got in this whole world! Lets me do it the enhancement process.) Xeols praised himself with his own word while Lucy looking at her with blushing expression. Since his word was true and touching her heart deep feeling just now. Before she's expression change weird for her husband sarcastic tone.

The enhancement process completed when she just want to rebuked her husband word. The beauty and the new charm of her cosplay costume become beautiful for multiply times. Lucy's imagination yet again run wild while mesmerizing the cosplay costume on her.

"Hubby, I am decided! We should sweep the monster for this whole district and let the survivor worship us as their god and angel. After that, we will create a safety temple for them to stay before we journey to save the whole world to becoming the world god and angel. How about it? Am I genius?" Lucy told her ambition to get them worship by the survivor on the whole word as her dream.

(Okay, as long you don't given up in the middle of the process to achieve you great ambition.) Xeols didn't have anything to do, so he just accept what his wife has decided for them to do.

After a while, when Lucy has try her staff with some warm up with doing some ices spell and shot it to the sky she decided to come down from the house for some kill.

"All set! Hubby, you can let me down now!" Lucy said hurry with excited mood while holding her staff tightly with some excitement.

(Can you be more patience about it! Is not the monster will kill itself.) Xeols replied before risen his tree-liked hand over his head to help his wife down.

"Of course! I always dream to kill some monster when I started watching anime and reading light novel. Fast, I cannot hold myself anymore!" Lucy said while shivering in excited mood.

The wandering immediately started to run after their instinct tell them that there a fearful predator wanted to hunting them. Sadly, the monster instinct radius so small to lets themself survive the ordeal.

"Hehe, Ice Froze" as soon her husband hand reach the ground she immediately jump away from it before casting a spell with her beautiful magic staff that created by her lovey husband.