
Irisbow: A World Of Witches

"Hopefully we will meet again, Nesa. That's my request, " Nesa Zemora's life changes after meeting a strange man in her dream. Starting from when he found his father's wand, which is similar to the wand belonging to the man in his dream, he was thrown into a world very foreign to him, Irisbow, the world of color wizards. "Your birth was a mistake, DIE!" Nightmares started coming to him after Nesa came to Irisbow, but he was determined not to give up. He will unravel riddles about himself. . . . This book is participating in a win-win competition, please support and cooperate so that we can get a bonus together.

Melsdar · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
154 Chs

In The Middle Of A Crisis

"It started with your ancestor Oxara who wanted to unite the two worlds, the human world, and the wizarding world,"

"The witches disapprove of your ancestor's idea because humans and witches can't coexist, they're too different."

"But your ancestor still insisted, all he did so that the two worlds could unite,"

"The higher-up mages are confused as to why Oxara is so adamant about uniting the two worlds. In the end, they did an investigation."

"You know what they got?"

Deloz approached me and glared at me.

"They know that Oxara is in love with a human and that's strictly forbidden in the wizarding world,"

"Angry citizens started attacking Oxara's residence,"

Deloz walks behind me, he whispers in my ear.

"Damn Oxara,"

"You bring bad luck,"

My head started hurting hearing Deloz's story, the words he spoke made my chest tighten.

"You shouldn't fall in love with humans,"

"Stop it," I said quietly. My tears fall slowly.

"That's what they say every day in front of the Oxara residence,"

"The cursed family,"

Deloz stared at me intently, my breath starting to feel tight.

"Stop it," I looked into Deloz's eyes.

"They threw stones and carried out various attacks on Oxara saying,"

"Kill him,"

Deloz's hand gripped my shoulder.

"kill his family"




"Please stop it,"

My body shook violently, I shook my head at him. I can not bear to hear the continuation of the story, every time I hear the word death I feel like my ancestors felt.

"I told you you're not ready to listen, you're mentally unstable,"

Deloz lifted me onto the bed.

"Now rest, I will continue when your condition stabilizes. I don't want to see you cry."

Deloz smiled and hugged me. My body is still shaking, the word death is still ringing in my ears.

Nesa POV off

Deloz came out of Nesa's room, he rushed to his brother's room. When she was in Nesa's room she felt a witch coming, she didn't want Nesa to know, Nesa should only know if no witch was looking for her.

When he reached his brother's room, his brother and Zee were already there, as were the two wizards, Ivory and Lagoon.

"I ask again, you kidnapped Nesa, right?"

Lagoon looks emotional but Ivory tries to calm him down.

"Do you have any proof that I kidnapped her?" asked Vred.

"You know if he's an Oxara and he has a cane, you think you'll shut up?" replied Lagoon, his hand ready with his wand. Zee who saw this also took a cue.

Vred patted Zee's shoulder. "You want to attack me? Are you sure?" asked Vred while chuckling at the Lagoon.

"Control your emotions," said Ivory, holding Lagoon's hand.

"If you don't kidnap Nesa, can you let us surround your palace?" Ivory glared at Vred.

"And also the potion from your world when Nesa was attacked is proof enough that if you ever targeted Nesa, am I wrong?"

Vred laughed. "Okay, check as you please,"

"Vred," Zee said disapprovingly.

"Don't worry, he won't find anything," said Vred, smiling sarcastically at Ivory.

"Tell all the vampires that we have guests, so welcome our guests well," said Vred to the guards.

The guards immediately left, the sound of trumpets starting to sound. Lagoon looked at Vred suspiciously.

"Relax, it's a sign that something important is going on in the kingdom."

Ivory and Lagoon immediately exited the room and went around. Many vampires looked at them cynically but not a few female vampires looked at them with seductive eyes.


"You hear us?"

Ivory and Lagoon called out Nesa's name but there was no answer. They looked at each other and nodded, they were about to split up to leave faster.


Ivory opened the doors one by one but he didn't find Nesa, what came out was only a curse from the vampires because he opened the door at will.

His ears heard something, he strained his ears, a painful moaning sound. The voice sounded upstairs, he rushed upstairs.


Ivory's eyes widened in shock, as did the two people whose doors Ivory had forced open. They stopped their sex activities which were interrupted by the arrival of a stranger.

Ivory quickly closed the door, this time he heard the voice again, he carefully sharpened his hearing, he didn't want to be wrong this time. The sound of people in pain and gasping for air, he rushed over.

He came to a dark alley, there was almost no light here. He sharpened his hearing again, the sound of gasping breath getting louder. Ivory walked slowly, he found a door.


Empty, nothing. Ivory clenched his fists in anger, he couldn't have heard wrong. His gaze was fixed on the open window, he quickly checked it but there was only a bat flying outside with a mouse in his grip.

"Haven't you gone a little too far Ivory?"

Ivory turned around, he glared at Vred sharply.

"Didn't you say I can do as I please?"

"Opening the door of my men as you please, do you think that's polite?"

"You even interfered with my activities with Frasty, you have to take responsibility," said Mory annoyed. Her face was red because her passion was not over yet.

"Where did you hide Nesa?" Ivory approached Vred, his white eyes starting to shine brightly.

"You've proved it yourself, haven't you? He's not here,"

"You think I trust you?" Your aura is too rotten, you can't lie to me."

Vred burst out laughing at Ivory's words.

"I didn't expect the higher up magicians to be this stupid,"

"You are in a world of vampires, a world of darkness. You think our aura is clean?"


Lagoon barged in, he shook his head at Ivory. He also did not find Nesa anywhere.

"Your subordinates didn't find it either, did they?" Vred laughed.

Lagoon clenched his fists in annoyance, he couldn't believe that Nesa wasn't kidnapped by a vampire.

"Go back to your world before my subordinates attack you, they obey me but their hatred for magicians is greater,"

Vred lowered his body, letting Ivory and Lagoon out. Ivory's fists were clenched tightly, he wanted to attack Vred but he knew it would cause trouble.

"We're back,"

"But Ivory," said Lagoon disapprovingly.

"I said we're back,"

Lagoon sighed in annoyance, he obeyed Ivory's orders. He followed Ivory out of the room.

"You are very rebellious," said Deloz looking at Nesa who was sleeping.

He had a hard time getting Nesa to sleep, he needed violence until Ivory heard Nesa's voice, luckily he managed to escape by changing his form.

"See you witch,"

Deloz smiled sinisterly as he watched Ivory and Lagoon slowly disappear back into the wizarding world.

"Are we really going back?" asked Lagoon in disbelief at Ivory.

"We can't go home in vain like this,"

Ivory stopped in her tracks. "We can't prove that Nesa is here,"

"Can't you feel Nesa's aura, you said Nesa has a strange aura,"

Ivory shook her head. "No, the foul aura here is very strong. I can't feel Nesa's faint aura at all,"

Lagoon shouted, he was really angry but there was nothing they could do but go back.

They were shocked when they reached the wizarding world, there were guards everywhere. Residents also look cautious.

"Are there any other attacks while we're gone?" asked Lagoon.

Ivory just shook his head, he went straight to the main hall, he wanted to know what happened. When they arrived there were Vermilion, Tuscany and Ebony who were looking at them with worried faces.

"What happened? Why are there so many guards outside?"

"Was there an attack while we were away?" asked Lagoon.

The three of them looked at each other but neither wanted to speak. Tuscany sighed, he finally relented.

"Ebony informed the diamond order that one of them was the ringleader of the academy fire,"

"The Diamond Order didn't believe it, they ended up cursing Ebony. The onyx order, which did not accept it, finally retaliated until there were students who attacked each other,"

"You," Ivory glared at Ebony, he was furious but he tried to contain it.

"Sorry," said Ebony quietly, he didn't dare look at Ivory.

"How is the situation in the village?" Ivory asked.

"The situation in the village is worse than in the academy but no one is attacking each other, I have ordered to tighten the guard there," said Vermilion.

"Gather them all, I will make an announcement,"

Tuscany immediately called the guards outside to gather everyone in the field.

"What are you going to tell the citizens?" asked Lagoon.

"I'll tell you the truth,"

"You are crazy?" said Vermilion disapprovingly.

"That will add to the anger of the people,"

"I don't want to lie to the people,"


Vermilion didn't continue, he looked at Tuscany who was holding his shoulder. Tucany nodded, he was sure Ivory wouldn't make things worse.

Residents have gathered in the field, they whisper to each other what they are gathering for. The diamond and onyx orders are still arguing with each other. The atmosphere on the field was really noisy.

"Shut up,"

"Shut up," Olaf tried to calm them down but no one was listening.

"Shut up!"

There was a moment of silence as Ivory shouted. Ivory walked towards the center of the field with sparkling white eyes that showed he was angry. They immediately lined up neatly, they had never seen Ivory angry.

"On behalf of the higher-ups, I apologize for the commotion that occurred and also apologize because we have just responded to what happened,"

"I'm sure all of you are shocked by the rumors circulating but what you've heard is all true,"

"So it's true?"

"The order of diamonds really commits a crime?"

Whispers began to sound, they looked at each other in disbelief. The order of diamonds started screaming because they didn't agree with what Ivory said.

"Me," Ivory's voice rose, suddenly becoming silent.

"I'm as shocked as you guys are that this just happened."

"But I'm sure someone must have done something to him, because I'm as sure as you guys are that the order of diamonds, my own order, cannot possibly commit a crime."

"Me and other high-ranking officials promised to catch the culprit behind it, so I hope no one argues anymore let alone attacks each other because that's what the perpetrators want,"

The citizens nodded their heads, what Ivory said was true, they should not attack each other.

"We have to protect each other because we don't know what attack will happen again."

Ivory finished his speech, he headed for the main hall with the other higher-ups. Residents have started to calm down, especially the diamond order because their higher-ups also believe that their own order cannot possibly commit crimes.

Cheer me up, so I'm excited to write the next chapter! Thank You

Melsdarcreators' thoughts