
Iris Wit

Iris Wit, a young soldier on a journey to stop the darkness brought on the seven kingdoms by his father The tyrant of kingsland. Blessed by the elemental god of water, he has taken upon himself the responsibility to restore peace to the seven kingdoms.

athosanimewrites · Fantasia
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50 Chs

Chapter 27 Salamis

It's been two weeks since the incident in the village of Calydon. Levi's injury is almost completely healed and he started training with a new sword given to him by Pete after being away from a sword for too long. Kara has been taking basic sword fighting lessons from Levi and Iris. Iris..... Iris has been talking with Lucas, his wife and his son Ajax. He learnt a lot about their family in Kingsland from Lucas. They also spent time with Grandpa Calydon trying to learn about him and where he came from, he always changed the topic when ever they ask about his origin, only answering a few minor questions. One thing they did confirm, he is from a place called Abdera. A city beyond the seven kingdoms he said the people there were strong and that is where he learnt to use the power of qi.

Qi is a natural energy within living beings and sometimes non living things. It is with this energy that humans are able to activate the power of different armor that they use. There are different types of armor, humans make armor with either beast crystals that is the crystals within beasts that they kill. And if a good blacksmith creates an armor from a beast crystal, he can mix in some of his Qi to make the armor have special qualities, making it even stronger than a normal beast armor or weapon.

But the best blacksmiths are the dwarves. They are way stronger than humans and have a good grasp on how to use chi which make the armor or weapons they make sought after by everyone. Another thing the dwarves make is storage artefacts such as the ring that Iris uses. Anything that has to do with art the dwarves are the ones to meet, but there are very few of them in the seven kingdoms.

Most people in the seven kingdoms only know how to use the most basic form of Qi which is to use it to activate the power of their weapons and armor. Although few seem to also know how to use it at a more advanced level such as the spears of Kingsland. For the spears the armor they use come from advanced tier beasts the 3rd tier of a beast. The armor enhances their physical abilities, and with their good grasp of Qi they are formidable warriors.

In Abdera there are powerful families and powerful people who for generations have been blessed by the gods with the ability to control the elements, there are schools and various places where people learn to control their abilities. some who don't want to be warriors choose to be teachers and they find their way to different kingdoms to teach young gifted people.

News have travelled beyond the seven kingdoms that the gods now favor them and a new age is rising. Some of those so called teachers have come to find those in the seven kingdoms who they can pass on their knowledge to, wether for good or bad intentions. Some do it for money some do it to leave a legacy behind, some do it because they sense the power rising from the seven kingdoms, they see a new era and they want to be part of it. Those who couldn't make names for themselves in the lands beyond the seven kingdoms have come to plant their seeds here to build their name from scratch in these pure and untainted lands. Some have decided to partner with those who already have a well established and powerful background, and who better to partner with than the one who holds the most power currently in the history of the seven kingdoms. The tyrant of Kingsland now known as the tyrant of the seven kingdoms, king Steven Blade.

Iris already received word from Pete that a well drawn picture of him is all over the seven kingdoms and that there are bounty hunters looking for him. Right now he is in the backyard of the Wit residence with Levi and Kara, he just Finnished a small sparring session with Kara. Iris was addressing her when the air shimmered beside him, he stood on guard and held his sword in front of while taking a few steps backwards, Levi stood up and pushed Kara behind him. The light died down and where the light was a woman stood, as the sunlight fell on her hair, it's color changed, causing it to seem like it was alive, her eyes were ocean blue the same colour as the dress she wore. She looked about 5'5. Iris squinted his eyes, she felt familiar but he just didn't know why.

"Hello Iris" Salamis spoke with a gentle voice and a warm smile, "you look confused me you seem not to remember me." Levi and Kara were awestruck by the beauty and appearance of the woman before them. But Levi shook his head waking himself from his stupor, "Iris? " He called loudly "do you know this woman," Iris' brow furrowed, he knew her, he knows her. Salamis smiled she moved her hand and a blob of water formed in the air I front of her, she moved her hand and the shape chabged forming a circular shape, it went behind her and she sat on it. Just then Iris' eyes widened, a memory flashed in his mind, a very old one. The image of a very beautiful woman kissing a baby on the head.

"Oh now you remember," Salamis floated closer to him, this caused Levi to raise his sword "put the sword down child, I will not harm you."

"S-salamis. .." Iris spoke.

"As in the goddess Salamis. ?." Kara asked.

"Yes child" Salamis responded causing Levi's jaw to drop.

"Should we kneel" Kara asked, but Salamis shook her head "No, all I want is some alone time with Iris"

Levi composed himself "No problem my lady " he took Kara by the army and pulled her into the house leaving Iris alone with Salamis.

Iris was confused by her sudden appearance, not knowing what to do or how to act at the moment, he took in a deep breath and asked, "Why are you here?"

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