
Iris's Lives

Iris should have died. Or at least, been on death's door. And yet, here she was: making a deal with her own life as the reward. She was to save a soul, a soul so important she had to travel beyond the limits of her world. But Iris isn't fit to work under someone else, she could not live with her life tethered to another. Iris's life has only one person in it. That's the way it's meant to be. But when the only way to get her life back becomes more and more complicated, she finds her convictions shifting.

BlurryVision · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 26- Dethronement of the Illegitimate Queen

A couple of weeks later, Iris returned to the castle once again. She had a day or two before her meeting with Netra's father, she had a lot to do. During this time she had looked more into him, now that she had his address. His name is William, he's a higher noble. She didn't have any clue how he and Salina managed to meet and have a child, but it didn't matter at this point in time. 

Thankfully, Netra gained most of her mother's features, because William looks nothing like the deceased king. If she had her father's hair color, Iris probably wouldn't be the Queen right now. Regardless of genetics, William didn't seem to have any fatherly emotions for the Queen though. Contrary to Salina's constant tirades she went on, they did in fact, not have Iris's best intentions in mind. 

According to William's correspondents she looked into, he had a lot of contact with many nobles who wanted to usurp Iris. He seemed to desire her throne. 

"Your majesty, Marquess Bardot is here." A servant informed Iris.

She began heading towards one of the many grand rooms in the castle, her white dress swaying around her feet. 

"Your Majesty," William said as Iris entered the room, he bowed perfunctorily. 

Iris gave a small nod before dismissing everyone else in the room with a wave. 

"Salina has informed me of the recent events in the castle. It saddens me to see how your position has declined." William put on a somber face.

"We should solve the prince as soon as possible, who knows what he's managed to do as your assistant." Iris sat and waited. She was observing the lax way he sat and the way he never met her eyes. He obviously didn't consider this wayward child as a real threat. Perhaps he thought she would hand over the throne if he asked for it.

"If you were so desperate for an assistant, you should have consulted me. I know many intelligent young nobles. In fact, why don't I set you up with one, it's not too late to get rid of the eyesore by your side." William waited for a few moments, he eventually raised an eyebrow at Iris's lack of response. 

"Don't tell me you've grown attached to the boy. You should know better than anyone else that he's not your real sibling. He's just using you, dear." He put on a concerned facade.

Iris was a bit surprised he would say all of this bluntly. He must be very confident he could manage anyone who might hear these words. Iris had made sure they were the only ones in the room, but that didn't mean no one was listening.

"Netra, dear. You don't have to worry about anything as long as you trust your parents. We'll- I'll take care of anything." William continued to endear himself. But he seemed to hesitate a bit as he considered his next words. 

"And since you were your parents you'll help us too, right?" He finally began to breach his true objective.

"Of course…What do you need?" Iris finally spoke.

William seemed relieved, but he likely expected this from the start.

"You know Duke Calton, yes?" He truly thought of her as an incapable monarch. Duke Calton is the father of what will be Reis's most helpful harem members. Cianne Calton, who Iris has already met, and Cora Calton. The twins would convince their father, who already held distaste for the incapable Queen, to aid in Reis's insurrection. 

However, now it seemed like William was one who was currently eyeing their power.

"Yes, it rings a bell," Iris said a bit sarcastically, but William didn't pick up on it.

"That's great! I've been needing to make contact with them, but the Duke hasn't shown up publicly in a while." 

"You can't exchange mail?"

"He won't answer any of my letters. However, gathering allies is incredibly important in this stage of consolidating our throne." He attempted to convince her.

Iris didn't understand why he was asking her of all people to do this. She was the one who invited him here, but somehow he took the opportunity to ask a favor. 

But from his knowledge, she's just an incompetent figurehead. 

"How would I help?"

"Well, his daughter, Cora, is known for often attending events in high society. She would never refuse an invitation from royalty. What if you were to plan an event, a ball?" He said with full confidence Iris would agree.

Iris furrowed her brows a bit. Was he so desperate to make contact with Duke Calton he would attempt to go through his daughter? And even then, there were many other options he could take. Iris could simply invite the Duke to the castle, then William could meet him that way. There was something else going on here. 

"What size were you hoping this ball would be?" Iris asked as she looked down to hide her suspicion.

"Large! The largest you've held!" William became a bit excited and calmed himself with a cough.

"The larger, the higher chance the Duke's daughter will make an appearance."

For some reason, William wanted as many nobles as possible to be here at once.

"I see. I'll do as you wish." Iris said as she saw mockery and disdain flit across the middle-aged man's face. He must have thought everything was going according to plan.


When Iris returned to the study, Reis was there sorting through paperwork.

"Prince Reis." Iris said as she sat at her desk.

"Your Majesty," Reis said but didn't look up from his task. His actions were rude, but Iris paid him no mind.

"There is something I need for you to do for me," Iris said.

Reis instantly looked at her with a small frown. She hadn't asked him to do much of anything since she initiated him as her assistant. He'd usually just look into what needed to be done himself and then act accordingly. Could he interpret this as her relying on him?

"What can I help you with?"

"First, I wish to invite Cianne and Cora Calton to the castle."

Reis felt a bit troubled by this. Cora likely wouldn't have any trouble making contact with, but her twin was infamously hard to reach. She avoided the responsibilities of her high status by constantly traveling and playing.

"Why not invite over the Duke?" 

"Because I plan to host a ball that they will attend. This brings me to my second request, please plan a ball." 

Reis looked at Iris confusedly. Why did she suddenly want to host a ball? Since she was going to die within the year, she wanted to go out with a bang?

"...Alright, for when?" Reis confirmed despite his doubts.

"For later in the year preferably, at least a few months." She needed a bit of time to set everything in motion.

"Alright, I'll do as you ask. I'll need more details, but it should be manageable." Reis requested and the two of them spent some time ironing out the specifics. 

As time passed and the sun set, Reis realized he felt very content. As if he belonged here. By her side. The thought evoked a warmness in him that surpassed their identities. At this moment they were working together as allies, as if he hadn't schemed for her throne. As if she wasn't going to die.

"Your majesty?" Reis felt a closeness to Iris that was strange but not unwelcome.

"Yes?" Iris was absorbed in her work.

"When will you depart from the castle again?" If he was lucky she would spend another couple of days here.

"In a few weeks. I need to meet with the Calton sisters and the matters I've been attending to outside have become more stable." Iris frowned as she felt she had said too much.

"Matters? What have you been doing?" There was no reason for Iris to tell him, but Reis asked anyway. He tried to ask casually, his face holding its expressionlessness. 


Reis didn't press but his curiosity grew.

"And have you…" Reis hesitated.

"Have you gained any more wounds in your excursions?" Reis threw a glance at Iris.

"Yes." Iris didn't lie. She didn't like lying to him for some reason.

"Would you like me to treat them?" Reis tried to extend a tentative, dangerous branch.

"No." Iris would not make the same mistake again.

The two fell into an uncomfortable silence and before long Reis left the room with a lackluster excuse. The scene of him departing painted a sad picture. Iris was left in the room alone with an acrid taste on her tongue.