
Iris's Lives

Iris should have died. Or at least, been on death's door. And yet, here she was: making a deal with her own life as the reward. She was to save a soul, a soul so important she had to travel beyond the limits of her world. But Iris isn't fit to work under someone else, she could not live with her life tethered to another. Iris's life has only one person in it. That's the way it's meant to be. But when the only way to get her life back becomes more and more complicated, she finds her convictions shifting.

BlurryVision · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 18- Dethronement of the Illegitimate Queen

Iris found herself lying on a luxurious bed. The thick layers of down blankets almost swallowed her. She looked at the large chandelier above her head that showed just how luxurious the owner of the room lived. She tried to understand what just happened, but so much occurred in so little time. She stood up and began looking around the room. Every corner of the room was white, wherever there was a fabric that could be dyed, or a surface that could be painted, it was white. There was also a noticeable lack of technology. From the ornate design of the furniture and the various medieval-like trinkets that littered the room, this was obviously not a modern setting. If Iris thought the last world was backward, this was even more so.

Iris tried to calm her turbulent mood as she scanned the unfamiliar room. Finally, her eyes landed on a conspicuous book on the bookshelf. She took it out and opened the first page, it read 'Congratulations on finishing your first mission!' Iris stared at the words for a few seconds. She had a thousand questions but no one to ask them to.

Right before she had left the previous world, Leon had said her name. Her real name, not Syra. She thought he was simply a fictional character, yet he knew her name. He most likely was from the real world. But why? Why would he show up here, and how was he controlling people? 

And would she meet him again? But what was the point even if she could, he didn't seem to have any relevant memories. 

Iris began reading the book, trying to remember details but was becoming increasingly impatient as she flipped through the pages. This novel was set in a fictional kingdom called Braelon. The setting is inspired by classic fantasy settings, but with no magic. Netra, the person Iris seemed to be occupying at the moment, is the Queen. After her father died she quickly rose to the throne, being the oldest of the king's children. However, Reis, the main character of the book, plots to dethrone her. Reis is the illegitimate child of the king and one of his lovers. He grew up in the countryside with his mother, but was eventually brought to the extravagant castle by the king. He had only been a prince for about two years when the story started. The main plot of the story is about plotting against Netra to get the throne. Eventually he finds out that Netra doesn't have royal blood at all, she's the product of the Queen's affair. 

In this country that treasures bloodlines so much, The king's illegitimate children were eligible for the throne, but the Queen's illegitimate children are all bastards. When Reis finds out this information he, with his entire harem of women he collects throughout the book, reaches his climax in the fight for the throne. 

Contrary to the previous book, there isn't a single female lead. This book is more focused on the male lead and how he captures and cultivates his kingdom. 

Iris turned to the last page and observed the tasks she had to do. 


1. Occupy the throne

2. Ruin Salina

3. Kill Reis"

Unfortunately there weren't very many details about Netra's private life. There were some scenes at the end with Salina, Netra's mother, but not much. It wasn't enough to understand why Netra hated her enough to ruin her. Most of Netra's appearances were to show how incompetent she was, to highlight how amazing Reis was. After all, it wouldn't be a great story if Reis unthroned a competent monarch. It would be difficult to root for such a protagonist. 

This meant that Iris didn't have a great grasp of her situation at the moment. It would be challenging to manage a kingdom she doesn't know very much about. Judging from the papers on the desk nearby, it was currently a year before the story starts in the novels. The details on the tribulations Reis faces in the kingdom will be of no help to her at the moment. Reis had been in the castle for about a year and Netra had been the Queen for about two months. Not very long, but long enough for Netra to mess things up. And long enough Reis to get the idea of usurping. 

Iris walked over to the wardrobe, walking out of her room in her sleepwear would be inappropriate, but she paused when she was met with a swath of white gowns. There was not a single article of clothing that wasn't white. But more importantly, every piece of clothing was in complicated sections that were beyond Iris. Iris walked back to the desk and rang a golden bell. As soon as the sweet sound released into the air, a group footsteps approached the door and entered the room. A bevy of servants immediately greeted Iris and began dressing her. The group of girls completely avoided making eye contact with Iris, staring at the floor. 

As they dressed her, Iris observed her new body in the mirror. She had curly strawberry blond hair and dull blue eyes. Netra already had intimidating features, only enhanced by her foul attitude, so Iris's expressions weren't that contrasting on Netra's face. One thing that Iris was curious about was the large expanse of freckles that covered her entire body. Neither her original body nor Syra had freckles. It was interesting.

After Iris was dressed in a large and luxurious white gown, she immediately started wandering around the castle. Eventually, she found the study. She began sifting through the copious amounts of paperwork, but it only made her frown deepen. The more she read through all this information, the more she realized she couldn't rush to command the kingdom. Right now she would only make uninformed decisions that would do more harm than good. 

It would be difficult to manage the kingdom while simultaneously learning about it. She had confidence she could be an astute monarch, but she might need to step aside for a bit to do so. Besides, there was a plan she needed to enact that might require some time off from Queenly duties. 

Iris gathered up some important papers that she wanted to study further.

"Pack this up." She instructed the nearby servants. Somehow, it didn't feel out of place for Iris to be in this position. As if it was only natural for Iris to be at the top, commanding people. 

She walked back to her room and began packing up some necessities. After she was fully prepared, she walked back to the study.

"Call over Reis." The servants were taken aback by her casual address, but they quickly left to his section of the colossal castle.

Reis frowned when he was met with Iris's summons, but he still headed over. When he arrived Iris looked him over, searching for anything unusual but didn't find anything. He was just Reis. He didn't have any unnatural emotions that wouldn't belong to him. His short brown hair and stern brown eyes were completely unsimilar to Leon's. He looked completely different. 

"How can I help you, your majesty?" He said with a small bow, but his impatient expression showed his lack of respect.

"You will manage the kingdom for a short while." Iris told him succinctly.

Reis snapped his head up as he looked up at her. There were hundreds of people the Queen trusted more than him, her dislike for him was well known. 

"What do you mean?" By doing this, Iris would give an upper hand Reis hadn't had before. He would know about the kingdom and its problems, and therefore Iris's weaknesses. He knew she was foolish, but not to this degree. Was there a conspiracy behind this?

 "As I said. I will leave the capital for a month and you will manage Braelon in my place." She informed him.

"Where are you going?" Not being able to keep tabs on her wouldn't be a pleasant thing. It was one of the few things good about her being royalty. She was practically trapped here. In fear of regicide, all monarchs stayed in the reach of the army of guards and thick walls. It made it easy to watch her.

"To gain a better understanding of my citizens." Iris said nonsense. 

For a split-second, Reis showed a mocking expression. In the two months of her enthronement, the Queen's inadequacy and laziness became apparent. She probably just wanted a vacation.

"I see. If that is what you wish, your majesty."