

From being a unwanted child who was locked up in her small village, to a dukes daughter. Will she have a chance to live a normal life or will she always be the girl with cursed red eyes.

SatoAkane · Fantasia
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1 Chs


In a far away place, beyond the trees and mountains there lived a small village. It was named Lambia. In that small village there was everything that they needed. They had never been outside the mountains and trees and why would they when they already had everything. On a snowy day, a little girl was born. Silver white hair and red eyes. The village people said she was cursed because of her devilish eyes. The priests in the village tried to exercise her, but the red eyes remained. Her parents called priests from beyond the mountains, to think they would break the number one rule, never be in contact with the outside. No one knew what was out there, but they stayed because it was safe. Her parents were hanged the next day for breaking that rule. The little girl was alone, no one wanted to raise her or even be near her. She was put in a dark room and was fed every couple hours. But to get food all she had to do was cover her eyes and stay silent.

The girl with cursed red eyes was named Irene, me. Being born with red eyes has made my life a living hell, locked in a dark room with only one small boarded up window and one meal a day. Learning how to talk by mimicking what people said outside that window. I spent 10 years locked away. One day I woke up to screaming and roaring. I looked out the window and saw destruction, monsters everywhere. I was terrified, next thing I knew it all went silent. This story starts with a renowned Duke named Noland who saves a little girl.