
Invisible-a Harry Potter FanFic

When the Potters had their second child, they couldn't have been happier that their little one was destined to be the Savior of the Wizarding World! What did it matter if they neglected their eldest son to care for the child? What did it matter if he felt unloved? This is a Translation of the book Invisible by Irethy on Fanfiction.net The Cover Image is AI. I couldn't find a great Translation online to read this so I decided to Translate it myself. There is a P@teron for this book. [P@treon.com/Lucyazomonia]-Replace "@" with "a"

PuddingLord · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Chapter 17

[Thank you ~jesse windham~ for joining the Badass Tier on P@treon...just Why!]

[...Also Thank you ~Rudë~, ~kirt jean~ for joining the Hero tier]

[Also...Thank you ~Johnathon Lewis~ for joining prefect tier!]

After his visit to Diagon Alley, his parents behaved strangely, even though they continued to go out of their way for Brian and there was a huge difference in the way they treated one son, and how they treated the other, at that time they tried to pay more attention to their eldest son. For both of them, that trip to Diagon Alley had been a hard blow, which showed them two things, the first, that they did not know their eldest son, for them he was like a complete stranger, and on the other hand, that their behavior had made Brian have a slight resentment towards his brother. Neither of the two things pleased them in the least, and now they were trying to fix the situation.

James tried to include Harry in his usual Quidditch matches with Brian, in which Harry agreed to participate more than anything to avoid showing rudeness, but he soon discovered that neither his eldest son liked participating, nor his youngest son. In fact, Brian tried on more than one occasion to knock his brother off his broom by throwing very violent bludgers at him. Lily, for her part, being more of a student, tried to maintain more scholarly conversations, but very soon she discovered to her astonishment that the boy not only knew as much as she did, but that he in many ways, surpassed her in knowledge. In short, they discovered to their horror that they did not know their son.

Harry, despite being surprised by his parents' behavior, decided that he was not going to ask questions, instead, he did what he was asked so that his parents would not get angry with him and he would suffer the consequences. The only thing that reassured him was that whatever his parents wanted from him, his brother had not inspired the idea to cause him more harm, because he was really furious at the sudden interest that his parents had taken in Harry.

[T/N: Get Bent little b*tch boy!]

Likewise, Harry was forced to put up with the countless times his brother tried to make himself important while also trying to demonstrate his superiority. From the moment he got his wand, he had done nothing but wave it back and forth and aim it at whatever was in front of him. He kept saying that he would transform the thing in question into another house, sometimes into things so incredible that Harry knew even Professor McGonagall would have trouble doing it. Of course, these attempts usually ended in disaster, that is, the thing in question was destroyed and his parents having to fix it later. Harry didn't care what his brother tried to do, but it bothered him that Brian's favorite target was his cat. Luckily, the feline seemed to know his brother well enough to not only move out of the wand's path, but also swipe him for even trying.

Instead of staying within sight of the danger known as Brian Potter, Harry decided to do much like the other part of his summer and stay in his room as long as possible, although this time looking at both his textbooks and his presents. There had been a small dispute between Brian and him when they returned from Diagon Alley. Brian had demanded that he give him all the gifts, because no one in their right mind would want to give him anything, and Harry, as usual, had refused. The argument could have escalated into something very serious if James, horrified by what his younger son was saying, didn't stop the argument.

Thus, the little boy had a more or less secluded summer, just as he had expected from the beginning, with the only company of his pet and the letters he received from his friends. It was a shame that his parents had taken to including him in their daily situations, because now for fear of being discovered, he couldn't even practice his different skills. The arrival of September 1st was a relief for him since he could return to his sanctuary... a place where he could also get away from his brother. With a little luck, he would only see him from afar during meals.

That morning, Harry woke up as early as was his custom, although instead of the usual silence that is found in a house when all its occupants are asleep, he was met with the characteristic sound of running and nervous voices, and it was not difficult for him to guess that what would have happened. Brian hadn't packed his trunk. Ignoring the chaos that surrounded him, the boy prepared for the trip to school and made sure that nothing important was forgotten. After cajoling Night not to hide and to get inside his carrier, he went to breakfast. It was quite a surprise that Uncle Remus, Sirius, and his family were already at the table. Although he knew who his godfather had come to say goodbye to, it was a real joy to see the werewolf.

"Good morning," he said when he entered and sat on the stool.

"Good morning, Harry." The werewolf greeted smiling, while the rest just nodded and in Mark's case he didn't even pay attention. "Nervous?"

"No." The little boy laughed. "Impatient. There is so much to learn and do."

"And not everyone can say that they have done the first three years of Hogwarts in one year." Remus stated. "I wonder if the teachers will do the same this year."

"I don't know, but I would like to." The boy laughed.

"If that were the case, this course you would have your OWLs..."

"I know."

"Good morning!!" Brian's abrupt entrance cut them off and, in fact, stopped their conversation.

The rest of breakfast was more according to Potter norms, that is, Brian talked and his parents and Sirius listened and participated in the conversation, while Harry and Remus remained silent, hoping to have their conversation another time. Then, as soon as they excused themselves, the two went up to the boy's room to start taking down his things, continuing the talk as they had before being so rudely interrupted by Brian.

The journey to King's Cross was very similar to the one Harry had the previous year, first they floo powdered to the Leaky Cauldron, and then they called a taxi, or rather several taxis, and went through the busy streets of London to the train station, where some angry taxi drivers dropped them off after charging for the ride. The station was, as expected, packed with Muggles, and those who were not Muggles were so well disguised that it was very difficult to identify them differently.

"Well... we better go little by little, otherwise the Muggles will discover us," said Lily Potter, helping Brian with the cart.

"Harry and I will go first," Remus said, before he motioned for the boy to follow him.

The platform was as full of wizards and witches as the rest of the station was full of muggles. Hundreds of students were already there, meeting each other, saying goodbye or putting their things inside the train... No one could enter the platform without feeling nostalgia, enthusiasm or, amazement, and Harry was no less, seeing all those people who were making an effort, so that all the different students would be ready when eleven o'clock struck.

While Harry and Remus were looking at the hustle and bustle on the platform, the others had already entered, as they could tell by Mark's surprised gasp. The Potters and the Blacks looked at the platform with the same nostalgic expression with which the werewolf had looked before, no doubt remembering when they themselves went to school hoping to live as many adventures as possible. Although Brian didn't show the same amazement or enthusiasm as everyone else, he rather had the bored expression of those who thought they were better than everyone else, although his brother doubted it would last long, long enough to meet some select students, the Weasley twins.

They all went together as a group towards the end of the train in order to place the trunks inside the train, although both brothers were very clear that they were not going to sit together even if they were forced. As they both advanced, there were many students who ran to greet Harry, whether they were second years or seventh years, and it didn't matter in the slightest which house they belonged to. It was obvious that despite his age, the boy was really very popular, whether due to his abilities or his character, the point was that everyone liked him, something that quite surprised his entire family with the only exception being Remus, who knew it beforehand.

Once at a point on the train where it seemed that there were quite a few empty compartments, everyone stopped to say goodbye... So while his parents and Sirius' family said goodbye to Brian, wishing him the typical good wishes, Remus was saying goodbye to him and thanking him for committing to continue making the new Wolfbane for him. Perhaps, at another time, Harry would have been hurt by his parents saying goodbye to Brian, but not to him, but that was no longer the case, he was growing up and learning not to expect much from his parents in terms of affection; Something very big would have to happen for Brian not only to exist for them.

After one last hug, Harry boarded the train and looked for an empty compartment to stay. He knew that none of his friends had arrived yet, so he would be the one to find a place to sit. Through the window of his compartment, he could see his parents continuing to say their goodbyes without them realizing that he was no longer present... in fact, he swore he saw his mother crying while hugging Brian. His father looked at him with pride and Sirius made jokes about it and how he had to keep the Marauders' pride high.

"What a group... Anyone would think that they only have one son." Said a voice that entered the compartment. "Hello."

Harry smiled when he turned around and discovered his Slytherin friend, who was leaning against the door frame as if he didn't want the bother with an expression of superiority much better achieved than that of his younger brother, after all, their family had been around for many centuries, perfecting it. Draco was looking at the familiar scene with a clear expression of displeasure, almost as if such a scene was insulting.

"Hello, Draco." He laughed. "How has your summer been?"

"Better than yours, surely... I haven't had to put up with them." He said, casting a contemptuous look at the Potter and Black families. "My family and I have gone to the south of France... at least the last month. During July my father was quite busy."

It wasn't necessary for him to specify what he had been busy with, they both knew it but pretended not to. Lucius Malfoy was a Death Eater and everyone knew it, but since he had wanted his son to remain neutral in the war, he had no problem with him making friends with families loyal to the light or the dark, regardless.

"It must have been interesting."

"A lot... there were even a few days when we went to Spain. It was pretty good, although it was too hot."

The door to the compartment opened again and Neville and Hermione entered, both immersed in a conversation about plants and how to take care of them, and surprisingly, it was not Hermione who was carrying the weight of the conversation, of course, everyone knew that Neville was a genius in herbology. They barely gave a short greeting before they continued engrossed in the topic, to the great amusement of the other two. There were barely fifteen minutes left before the train left and the different students were entering their compartments; Athenea and Jonathan entered together, and the two ran to hug their friend, before sitting down in the already quite full seats. Terry walked in just two seconds later with his nose already buried in a textbook, reading it to get a better understanding of the theory.

- Where are the twins? - Hermione murmured worriedly. - There are barely five minutes left!

"They must have had traffic problems, Hermione." Athenea commented. "Calm down, they aren't going to miss the train."

"At this rate..."

As if they had heard them, they could see at that moment a large group of redheads running onto the platform, and hurrying to enter the different compartments, while the parents gave obvious sighs of relief. They had managed to get there by the skin of their teeth...

"You see it? They're already here." Terry commented as they watched all the Weasleys enter the train. "We'll see them here again in no time."

And he was right because just a few minutes later the head of one of the twins appeared through the door, and when he saw them he smiled before entering followed by his twin. The two told them a very funny story, about how that morning had turned out to be chaos and then how they had encountered several traffic jams, managing to get out of them and reach the station with just enough time.

"Normally, we come by floo to the Cauldron and then we take a Muggle taxi to get there... This year, with Ginny it would have been impossible, so Dad brought us." Fred explained. "Poor thing, he was dying to be able to make the car fly, but mom didn't let him."

"Make the car fly?" Hermione asked, dumbfounded.

"Yes, when Dad bought the car, he enchanted it so that, among other things, it could fly and also so that it could become invisible.

"But that's illegal!" Draco exclaimed. "Muggle objects can't be charmed! Besides… It was your own father who passed that law!"

"Oh, no!" George said. "There is a loophole that says that if the wizard or witch does not intend to use the charm on the object, then it is absolutely legal. Our father made sure that loophole existed so he could continue tinkering with muggle things."

"Forgive me for telling you, but your father is either crazy or a genius." Athenea said with exaggerated seriousness before she and everyone present started laughing.

They were all so distracted that they didn't notice when the compartment door opened and Brian appeared, looking at them with displeasure in the case of his brother with genuine animosity. It wasn't just that he seemed to be having a good time, but that he seemed to have a lot of friends. For now, except for the first years and not all, when he introduced himself they always told him the same thing, 'Oh, are you related to Harry Potter? His brother, maybe?' He had never, ever been known as Harry's brother, on the contrary, he had been known as his brother... As if that were not enough, after talking to him for a few minutes, the vast majority had threatened to curse him, him! He was in a very bad mood and usually, when he was in a bad mood, it was his brother who paid for it.

"Wow... but look who we have here," he said, breaking the good atmosphere that had reigned in the compartment. "Tell me, Harry, what have you done to make them want to be with you? Because of their own free will I doubt that anyone would want to waste their time with a useless person like you."

"How dare you!?" Hermione shouted, while more than one person stood up suddenly.

"What do you want now Brian?" Harry asked.

"Me? Not much, just to let everyone know what a failure you are. The truth is that I don't understand why Mom and Dad didn't get rid of you years ago... After all, you're nothing but useless... The best thing would be for the He Who Shall Not Be Named to kill you, it would be a relief for everyone...

He couldn't finish what he wanted, those words came out of his mouth so well, that several curses came out of the wands of his brother's companions, leaving him unconscious. One of the twins grabbed him by the neck and pulled him out of the compartment roughly, while tightening his wand as if he really wanted to cast a nasty curse on him.

"Harry, I really feel sorry for you," Neville murmured. "Having to grow up with someone like him couldn't have been easy."

"What I don't understand..." Terry murmured. "It's like that thing, because you can't call it anything else, could be your brother."

The good mood that had reigned a while before had completely disappeared as they looked at the door in disgust. Luckily, with another Hufflepuff in the compartment, it couldn't last long, and very soon everyone was laughing and laughing until the end of the journey. By the time they arrived at Hogsmeade, Brian had earned a reputation for being despicable and had also made many enemies.

[T/N: I feel so good inside~ Little B*tch boy got what he deserves and is gonna be terrorized so much in that school that either he's gonna drop out and transfer to another school or he's gonna become a schizophrenia loner who cries at the smallest sound. Traumatise HIM!! If this chapter has made your tummy all warm and brightened your mood, then leave a comment and drop a stone. If you feel sorry for Brian inform us in the comments so we may mock you visisly. If, if, IF you can't wait to see the Tw*t suffer then check out the P@treon or the Ko-fi, where the full novel has been posted. If you enjoyed this book, maybe you'll like my other book, check out A Gamer in Game of Thrones.]


[p@treon.com/PuddingLord]- Replace "@" with "a"
