
Invincible Prison System.....

Everyone is guilty, the crime world is condemned, and when U enter my prison, Ur life and death are my responsibility! ??? Fang Jie, who is also a cultivator, accidentally got an upgradeable prison. With A Invincible Prison System..After countless years of hard work, his prison became a prison for the cultivator! ??? "Are you a cultivator? I'm sorry, this is the place to control the life and death of the cultivator!" ??? jail! ??? The beheader? jail! ??? Bully? jail! ??? The heinous man? jail! ??? Anyone who commits such crimes must go to prison; except for Fang Jie Because It's His PRISON. There is no second way! ??? The paradise of mortals, the sorrow of immortal cultivators; immortals All hate This Place...!

DragonNecromancer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 01 Swear to Catch All the Bad People in the World...


——The vastness of the heaven and the earth, the miracle that conceives all things.

Between the boundless world, ancient legend has it that there is a strange treasure, this treasure can distinguish the good and evil in the world, but also allows the master to reach that remote realm...

Of course, the years are long, such a treasure has disappeared in the long river of history, and its legend has basically been forgotten.


As a member of the Fang family of Xuanyuanxing's Cultivation Family, Fang Jie was very decadent and wanted to tell everyone that 100% of the Cultivators were bandits. And he is moving towards this goal! The cultivation realm has limited resources, if you want to become a master, you have to grab it! Either robbing treasures and killing people or being robbed or killed by others.

As a simple immortal cultivator, Fang Jie's cultivation level is not high. At the age of eighteen, he only has three levels of cultivation level during the Qi training period. The qualifications are not good, and the five elements have all the roots. The mind is also relatively simple, happily cultivating immortals; live happily.

Why does Fang's family rule say that the direct descendants of the family who have not broken through the third layer of the Qi Refining Period cannot take a step in the family? Fang Jie had a complaining attitude towards this old ancestor's instructions before! However, after appearing for a long time, I realized the true meaning of the instructions of the family ancestors!

Qingmufang, the nearest city to Fang's home, is only sixty miles away. With Fangjie's foot strength in the third stage of the Qi refining period, he can be there in just two hours.

The problem is that it only takes two hours, but Fang Jie ran for five hours before arriving. He was numb in the middle and encountered a little trouble. Unfortunately, he was robbed three times.

The first time he was robbed, a storage bag with a space of less than one square meter was robbed. There were two bottles of Qi Pill and three low-grade spirit stones in the storage bag. There are still two thousand taels of silver notes.

Fortunately, that guy had a bit of conscience. He couldn't see the storage bag that Shangjie had less than one square meter of space. After turning over the things, he threw the storage bag on the ground and ran away. Grabbed the valuables and ran away.

When he was robbed for the second time, that guy might have special hobbies. He didn't grab anything, just like collecting storage bags, grabbing the storage bags and running away! The speed is not worse than that of the rabbit.

When he was robbed for the third time, Fang Jie's only happiness was also looted. It was a set of flying needle hidden weapons that Fang Jie had hidden in his hands, and it was also the only set of weapons that Fang Jie carried.

But never thought that the other party has three people, and each of them is stronger than Fang Jie's cultivation base. There was no way, after explaining that he had been robbed, the culprit said: "Useless waste! What is the use of keeping you in the world." The culprit seemed very angry.

Fang Jie vented his anger in order not to let the culprits kill himself. I had no choice but to contribute the flying needle weapon! Now the situation is better than people.

After Fang Jie contributed the flying needle weapon, the three thieves said: "This is pretty much the same. It seems that you are still a bit worthwhile. Remember that no matter who snatches you in the future, you have to leave the best for Lao Tzu. Yes, you know? Get out! Haha."

Fang Jie listened, without any complaints. Don't dare to hold $ lewd novel resentment, life is hard. Fortunately, I made some preparations when I went out. According to the family rules, you can't put everything together when you go out, especially in the storage bag.

It seems that the records on the family rules are really useful. Although Fang Jie was robbed three times one or two times. But I was not discouraged at all in my heart. Although a set of flying needle weapons was lost. My heart is naturally painful. That set of flying needle weapons was the encouragement that Fang Jie's father Fang Hua gave to Fang Jie when Fang Jie was seven years old when he entered the first level of Qi refining.

It's just that although the flying needle weapon made Fang Jie's heart hard to part with, it was nothing compared to his own life. Fang Jie secretly swears in his heart that in the future, I will arrest all those who have robbed, harmed, or deceived me.

Fang Jie, who was thinking wildly, suddenly felt empty at his feet! Fang Jie thought in his heart: "No, it's so dark. It's not enough to be robbed three times today. Now even the sky pits me."

Although Fang Jie's feet are fast, he has to run with his feet to rush to the nearest Fangshi Qingmufang. Seeing that there are still ten miles away, I never thought about it at this critical moment. Fang Jie didn't know what trap he stepped on the ground. The whole person just feels a constant downward fall.

Fang Jie, who reflected it, discovered that this is a natural cave, and it does not seem to be an ambush set by someone deliberately. Fang Jie quickly resorted to one of the simplest imperial wind techniques.

After a while, Fang Jie's body descended to the bottom of a natural cave sky, and Fang Jie couldn't help wondering how could there be such a cave sky near Qingmufang City.

Speaking of it, I blame Fang Jie for his bad luck. After being robbed three times in a row, Fang Jie dared to take the big road, so he thought about going around too many people or there might be robbed places. I wanted to make a detour to Qingmufang...

But I never thought that although it is only sixty miles from Fangjiapu to Qingmufang City, except for a few main roads, Qingmufang City is surrounded by virgin forests. If you want to make a detour, you have to go inside the primaeval forest.

And Qingmufang is not a well-known market. Although there is a lot of robbery on the road, there is no treasure in the virgin forest near here, so the forest near here. Although people often pass by, most of them are walking on the way of flying swords. Someone like Fang Jie, a rookie, ran over on foot.

The rock wall is covered with blue and purple, and a green vine is climbing on the rock wall, like a long green snake, bending down. Fang Jie couldn't help being surprised when he looked at this green vine.

If Fang Jie didn't admit his mistake, the green vine crawling on this rock wall was a snake green vine that had grown for ten thousand years. The old monsters will be pleasantly surprised if they meet!"

When Fang Jie came to the root of this snake green vine, he found that a person was sitting there, as if he had been dead for a long time, with a skin-covered appearance.

As a cultivator, naturally he had nothing to fear about the corpse. Fang Jie checked for a while and found no storage bag or anything related to the cultivator on the corpse who had been dead for an unknown period of time.

As a fairly simple cultivator rookie, in order to show respect to the dead, no matter what his identity was in his lifetime, he should also be respected after his death.

Fang Jie quickly bowed to the senior's corpse, not knowing if it was Fang Jie's illusion, or if it was the first time he bowed to the corpse. When Fang Jie was kneeling on the ground, he suddenly saw this man who had died. For a long time senior, his eyes suddenly seemed to move.

Fang Jie's heart immediately grew furry, and he secretly said, "No way! So bad luck." Fang Jie wanted to yell, "Zombie!"

It turned out that Fang Jie, who just wanted to worship him twice, was frightened, so he kept worshipping. I don't know how long it took, Fang Jie only felt that his head was buckled and bleeding came, and the zombie didn't seem to move at all. This made Fang Jie's heart calm down a little.

According to Fang Jie's thinking, after paying respect to the ancient man, the next step was to let the ancient man enter the soil for peace. However, the scene happened just now, and Fang Jie suddenly turned around and ran away.

However, this place is as big as a slap, and he can run there. The only way out is above this hole. If you want to get out, you have to climb!

In order to verify whether it was his hallucination just now, Fang Jie began to seriously look at the corpse of the ancient man. After looking carefully, Fang Jie discovered that it was a false alarm. I am intimidating myself!

In the beginning, Fang Jie thought it was the senior's corpse that had changed. When Natou bowed down just now, he couldn't see clearly. It turned out that the senior's left eye was blind. The reason why the eyes move is that the left eye of this predecessor seems to be stuffed with a crystal-like bead. In the peripheral light, it seemed as if the eyeballs were moving.

After clarifying the problem, Fang Jie secretly said in his heart: "I blame myself for failing!" At the same time, he wondered whether he should dig out this ancient man's eyeballs!

At the same time, I was thinking that I had been robbed three times in a row. Except for the sword talisman hidden under the feet, I can be said to be poor and white. Now I am throwing into this ghost place. If I don't get something out, I can't justify it!

Also, only Fang Jie, who is a rookie cultivator, would have such an idea if he couldn't be simple enough, if other cultivators were thrown into this place, they would be confused by such boring ideas. Maybe even the corpse of this senior on the ground will not be let go. You have to know how long the corpse of this senior has been sitting here, and it hasn't turned into bones. Not ordinary people.

Regardless, let's bury this senior first! It's always bad to take things from the dead by yourself! Fang Jie said so comfortably.

There are a lot of pure stones in the cave, and Fang Jie intends to pick up some pure stones to press on this senior's body, which can be regarded as letting this senior enter the soil for peace. Fang Jie thought purely, and quickly moved a stone and piled it next to the corpse. He didn't know if it was because of the vibration that was too big, the corpse shook. The crystal in the ancient man's eye suddenly trembled and rolled down.

Fang Jie quickly wiped the blood on his forehead, and he deserved that Fang Jie was panicked just now. When Na Tou knelt, he accidentally broke his forehead. When the crystal eyes rolled down, a drop of blood happened to fall on the crystal eyes.

When Fang Jie picked up the bloody hand and picked up the crystal eyeballs, he was surprised to find that he only saw the blood on the hand that was still smeared with blood, and the blood on it had disappeared somehow.

Fang Jie's first thought was that this crystal eye was eating his own blood, and his second thought was that there were monsters! The third idea is that there are really monsters!

I only saw this crystal eyeball, which suddenly floated away from Fang Jie's palm, hovered in front of Fang Jie, and then rammed Fang Jie's forehead. Fang Jie's immediate reaction was to close his eyes tightly. Sitting and waiting to die.

After a while, Fang Jie only felt his head dizzy, and said in his heart: "Unlucky! Dark! Not reconciled! I'm going to die." After that, Fang Jie fainted.

When Fang Jie came back to his senses. Fang Jie found himself in a strange place. This is a small island, about two hundred square meters.

Except for a flat area of ​​only a hundred square meters, there is only one hill, the mountain is not high, only four or five meters. The vast sea is all around.

Fang Jie wanted to use it to make contact, but suddenly a voice whispered and said: "Master, don't touch it, the sea is poisonous, it melts when you pick it up, it's very poisonous."

Fang Jie couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words, and said to Wu Wu: "Thank you, senior, for reminding me, this is there!"

Void and ethereal voice preached: "Please don't call me that, my master, I am your housekeeper Mu Lao. This is the prison, the master, you are the warden, and the master is where you will work in the future."