
Invincible Godly Conqueror: Empowered By Mother's Great Blessings

[Notice: Before you delve in, this is a book with a super-strong, Overpowered MC. But his domineering powers and tendencies will surface at later chapters with understandably good reasons for them. So, if you like all-conquering, dominating MCs, you can jump right in] _ In a world where Blessed Candidates—prodigious individuals or outstanding characters who are highly favored by Priests and Priestesses to possess certain powers, was a young boy called Aeden, better known as Glade Gelthorr Gaelvenmore. He possessed countless Blessings—myriad, absolutely rare powers and abilities that he could be seen or perceived as an otherworldly anomaly in their expansive universe. But, Aeden's possession of these numerous Blessings was essentially due to his mother who committed a certain action out of deep love and ardent maternal affection for him. ... "Only a maximum of six Blessings can be allowed to be given to a favored individual or candidate? My son will have more than that. In fact, he will have much more than a hundred!" "For this great and unforgivable crime they committed against my family, I will defy the rules set by the Ancients and make my child the ultimately blessed champion and strongest contender in the entire universe!" "He will single-handedly confront all of them for the grievances they committed against us, as well as wreak absolute ruination in their impregnable lairs and fortress-like dens. I will make my son immensely capable of slapping and breaking the heads of Ancients with spiteful ease!" These, were the thoughts of Aeden's mother before carrying on with the incredibly selfless action borne out of deep motherly love, guidance and protection for her youngling. So, with the Blessings imbued upon him by his mother, watch how Glade will disdainfully suppress all nigh-insurmountable odds, overcome daunting and near-unconquerable adversities, defeat or viciously annihilate astronomically powerful, super-strong beings—primordial powerhouses that will appear in his path of relentless vengeful retribution for the blatant evil done to his family, or would go against his unbound, annihilative fury and unwavering determination to abolish or upturn every government ruled from the shadows by Ancients—really powerful and god-like, supreme world-quaking existences that have been existing for countless epochs. To know more, Join Aeden in his persistent and unrelenting, really arduous journey to the peak of power and glory. In his absolutely difficult climb to this realm where he will exist without an equal, he will contend with fierce Blessed foes and immensely Favored adversaries who will try to stop him from achieving his objectives, which include ruining those that exterminated his family, obliterating corrupt, avaricious, and evil, tremendously powerful entities that ruled the governments of many nations and kingdoms from sinister shadowy realms, and become a grand, supernal powerhouse—a great and fearsome sovereign that will exude immense captivating glory that will awe all beings and bathe all creations in the light of his blinding, superior brilliance. Glade will face and endure a lot, including betrayals, blackmails, backstabbing, and many brutal near-death experiences by assemblies or groups of furious, vengeful, and relentless foes, which include legions and hordes of highly-skilled warriors, covens of powerful and overbearing anomalies, Priests and Priestesses of war that are driven by ardent retributive wrath, and sky-quaking phenomenal existences that will emerge from the shadows in all their fury, splendidness and majesty to contend with him. He will however take charge of these unending, annihilatory events and turn them into something that will awaken more profound and extraordinary Blessings within him, giving him the power to grasp more control over his own destiny and fate! — To know where the story ends, add to your library and find out. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 16 - Training (I)

Chapter 16 - Training (I)

After going through a large pile of books, he finally found one—thin in size that showed various locations in their current region.

Then he began to go through it, from page to page, perusing its content. After a while of doing so, he finally arrived before a particular page that gave information of a certain wilderness—Blackrock Wilderness that was currently deserted. The book further revealed that no human settlement or dangerous wildlife could be found nearby.

Nodding his head that this was the place he would like to train, he went to meet his sister who said he should go before their mother, Villaria, would return with their father from the combined organizational meeting they hosted for all top executives that worked under them and managed different grand establishments scattered numerously over many districts in their Region.

"Be careful out there. Once you notice that anything is odd or feels wrong, immediately leave there. Okay?" Thorrhia said while Glade nodded his head.

Then he immediately left the large room he was in to head towards their gate, with the aim of finding his way to the garage where he would enter a vehicle that would convey him to the Blackrock wilderness.


About forty-five minutes later, where he was driven to the outskirt of the Aarthsia Region, he got down, paid the driver and walked off, going in a random direction.

Actually, he could have used one of the numerous parked luxurious vehicles owned by his parent which each had drivers. But to avoid being overly conspicuous, he wholeheartedly decided against it. Or if he did, and he drew all sorts of gazes towards himself, he might have himself to blame.

It wasn't like he was already exceedingly strong to be able to defend himself if powerful people showed up to capture him for his enviable, eye-capturing flamboyant display. He was still even trying to discover what other Blessing he had.

And as for the ones he already possessed, he couldn't effectively utilize or seamlessly employ them in battles. He was still far from doing so and needed to train more to be able to easily switch from one Blessing to the other, or simply combine them together to unleash attacks bearing massive, wild catastrophic fury, or simply birth myriad marveling or fascinating effects.

Furthermore, other feats—whether unordinary, incredible, or grandly phenomenal, which he would be able to carry out or execute using anyone of the Blessings he currently knew and understood, hadn't been identified yet. So, it was better to play it safe out here. Or he could play himself into hands of brutal, frighteningly powerful foes.

After walking for long, into the heart of the vast, deserted wilderness, he looked around him using his Blessing of Vision Amplification. This helped him to see hundreds of meters away.

Once he was done scanning around using that Blessing, he immediately got to work.

Recalling all that his sister said, he tried to go with sand first. So, placing a hand on the sand on the earth before him, he tried to think of a way to attract a small portion of the sand countlessly dotting the earth in this region to his hand and form like a hard, sand gauntlet or chest armor.

But to his amazement, he discovered that he really couldn't do so.

"What's going on?" He asked himself.

Then he tried in another fashion by saying, "Attract!"

However, nothing happened—after thirty times of trying to do so.

"Hmm." Glade said with a face twisted with great bewilderment.

"What's going on? Hope it isn't because I felt like I could use all the Blessings in the world that I was temporarily locked out?" He asked himself with a deeply ponderous look setting on his face.

After thinking for a while, he said with a confident look carving itself onto his face, "Nah. I don't think so."

Then he recalled that all the Blessings he had used so far, were the ones that revealed themselves to him. Not the ones he discovered himself.

"Does that mean actively seeking for them won't yield any kind of fruit, that I can only wait till another get revealed to me? Hmm." Glade said, his face a canvas that shades of intense puzzlement were drawn on.

"I doubt that. I highly doubt that. There must be a reason. But whatever the reason, I guess I would have to take things slowly. There is no need to rush. Let me take my time to master other Blessings and their accompanying attributes and sub-characteristics, if they have any." Glade further said, reinforcing his already-wavering resolve.

Then he tried to use the Dragon-Shadow Variant Fire Evocation Blessing, a kind of blessing that he discovered when he was five.

He had never used it but wanted to do so now, aiming to see its power and understand how well he could see in a fight or dominate a battlefield.

Therefore, with a simple thought of using the Blessing, the image of a ferocious, sovereign-looking black dragon suddenly appeared behind him.

This dragon had seven heads that were each twelve meters long, large terrifying eyes that sparkled with great, fathomless mystery, radiated the unbridled ardent will to ruin all things in their path, and continually invoked the absolute feeling of causing unbounded, great fiery devastation in all worlds or realms.

Its form was simply menacing and tyrannical to look at that one would immediately feel great pressure descend upon them just by looking at it.

Also, with three pairs of mighty, raven-black wings that each spanned thirty meters in length and sixty meters in width, the colossal, fierce and savage dragon simply seemed like a supreme-tier creature that had crossed through the vast, limitless void to appear in their world. Its appearance was nothing but majestic, hideous, and terrifying at the same time.

Then burning around its body was an illusory, violet-colored transparent flame that mysteriously caused the ground to heat up greatly and release thick white fumes of smoke into the air, despite being unreal. It was an illusion that however had a strong impact on the real world.

Once the dragon appeared behind him, Glade who wasn't aware yet that a dreadful and fearsome-looking illusionary creature had surfaced behind him, immediately aimed his palm forward to see what would happen.

Actually, he could have sensed that the heavily fuming ground was caused by the marveling, unreal thing that had manifested behind him. But he couldn't think so because as soon as he thought of using the Blessing, a great level of heat that caused a tremor to run through his heart and mind, suddenly discharged from his body in the form of a furious wave that destructively rippled through the atmosphere, seemingly try to show its incandescent potency.

So, immediately Glade stretched his palm forward, he became immensely astonished by what suddenly erupted from his palm...