
Invincible Colorless Butler

After defeating the fallen god-king in divine war, Ziel Grisel (Ken Nijisaki) is cursed by his opponent and loses all his emotions. Ken feels the emptiness in his life and decides to create reincarnation magic by using his innate ability to dispel the curse. Nine hundred years have passed, and Ken has been successfully reincarnated. Unfortunately, the curse cannot be removed, and Ken is forced to live in that era without his emotions. After learning that fact, Ken is determined to live a quiet and peaceful life as... a butler?

Nzr150cc · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
351 Chs

Chapter 7

The atmosphere in Princess Aishia's room became quiet. Princess Aishia was speechless after hearing what Ziel said. This time it was Ziel who broke the silence between them first.

"As I said, I can heal you. But you have to cooperate with me. Do you agree, Princess?" Ziel repeated his words to Princess Aishia again.

"Are you serious about what you just said? You didn't lie to me, did you? You don't say that just to make me happy, right?" Princess Aishia still had doubts about Ziel and showered him with questions.

"Do you think I came to you in the middle of the night secretly just to cheer you up, Princess?" Ziel said nonchalantly.

"You're right. But can you heal me?" Princess Aishia still couldn't believe Ziel.

"Of course. You will not only recover, but you will also become a great mage once you recover. This treatment may take a long time. At most ten days, or it could be up to 2 months. It all depends on you. How is Princess? Would you like to follow my treatment?" Ziel explained to Princess Aishia.

"I will follow it if what you say is true! You can do that treatment right now." Princess Aishia nodded and agreed. She was impatient and wanted to start her treatment immediately. Princess Aishia bet to believe what Ziel had said because she had no other way.

"Okay. Excuse me, Princess." Ziel walked over to Princess Aishia. He sat next to Princess Aishia. Then Ziel held her hand. His actions surprised Princess Aishia, and she reflexively withdrew her hand.

"What are you doing!? How dare you do something so bold to me!?" Princess Aishia shouted angrily at Ziel. She was not happy with Ziel's actions.

"I apologize for my presumptuous actions, Princess Aishia. But, do you know why your condition became like this?" Ziel said calmly despite seeing Princess Aishia angry with him.

"What do you mean?" Princess Aishia asked in confusion. Her anger subsided a little though it had not wholly disappeared.

"Your condition became like this not because of illness, but because the tremendous amount of Mana in your body went out of control and ended up going berserk. Your mana flow is messed up. That's why every time you use magic, you feel pain like being stabbed with thousands of needles in your internal organs." Ziel explained Princess Aishia's condition in detail. It made Princess Aishia's body tremble.

"You... How did you know!? Even my father and mother don't know about it!" Princess Aishia was surprised by Ziel's explanation. She never told anyone about his pain, including his parents, because Princess Aishia didn't want them to worry about her.

"You don't need to know about it. All you have to do is trust me. Are you going to continue this treatment or not? It's all up to you." Ziel said indifferently to Princess Aishia.

Princess Aishia just stared at Ziel silently. She tried to see what expression he had behind his mask. After looking at him for a long time, she took a deep breath and spoke.

"Yes. But if you dare to act bold and do things that cross the line, then I will scream." Princess Aishia warns Ziel.

"I know. All I did was hold your hand and flow my Mana into you to help you control your chaotic mana flow." Ziel did not heed her warning.

"Are you a mage, Ziel?" Princess Aishia was curious about what Ziel had said.

Princess Aishia was taken aback by Ziel's statement. Ziel can use swordsmanship even though it's mediocre, and now he can use Mana. She felt a little worried about Ziel.

Mages need Mana as a source of strength, while knights need aura. To use Mana or aura requires talent, ability and intensive training. But if you want to use both simultaneously, it is almost impossible. The magic circle and the aura seal would clash if they formed on the same body, resulting in severe and permanent injury.

"My first condition is that during the treatment, you should not ask too many questions, let alone my matters." He said coldly to Princess Aishia.

"Yes, I understand!" Princess Aishia firmly answered him.

"Give me your hand." Ziel saw Princess Aishia still hiding her hands behind her back. After hearing his words, Princess Aishia slowly extended her hand to him.

Ziel held Princess Aishia's white and soft hand. Princess Aishia was embarrassed because this was the first time she had physical contact with the opposite sex other than her father.

"Princess Aishia, I will start pouring my Mana into your body. It might hurt, so please endure it. Feel and remember the flow of Mana that I circulate into your body. This treatment requires extraordinary mana control. So you can't move too much and distract me. I'll start now." Ziel warned Princess Aishia.

"I understand." Princess Aishia answered thoughtfully.

Grey mana entered Princess Aishia's body. Mana enters from her left hand, then goes to her heart and is spread throughout her body, starting from her brain, right hand, stomach, and legs. Ziel repeatedly circulated the Mana inside Princess Aishia's body until she remembered the process.

Princess Aishia was mesmerized by the color of Ziel's Mana that she had never seen before. Princess Aishia's body suddenly became hot. She felt something sink deep into her. It entered not only her body but also her soul. The pain she felt was different from what she had experienced so far. She felt her body melt at this moment.


Ziel frowned upon hearing an erotic moan from Princess Aishia's mouth. Every male who hears it will arouse their wild lust. But that doesn't apply to Ziel. Instead, he felt disturbed because people outside Princess Aishia's room could misinterpret what was happening in her room. He didn't want those people to become suspicious, check Princess Aishia's room, and disturb Ziel while in the treatment process.

"Princess, please don't let out such immoral moans." Ziel said seriously.

"Wha...what are you saying!? What do you mean immoral!?" Princess Aishia felt embarrassed and angry after hearing Ziel's words. She also didn't notice when she made such a sound. Her face was red to the point of her ears.

"Please calm down, Princess. Focus on remembering and repeating which circulation I've done to you. My Mana will lead your Mana. Because this kind of mana control is complicated and requires precision and also a tremendous amount of Mana." Ziel warned Princess Aishia, who was starting to lose her focus.

"Does that mean your mana count is huge, Ziel?" Princess Aishia subconsciously asked out of curiosity.

"What?" Ziel asked nonchalantly.

"No, nothing." Princess Aishia quickly realized her mistake in asking Ziel's matters.

Time passed quickly, and it was almost morning. Ziel let go of Princess Aishia's hand and took a deep breath. He was exhausted from running out of Mana for the treatment. The amount of Mana he could release in his sealed power state was minimal. So he had to force himself a little.

After Ziel finished his treatment, he intended to leave the room immediately. But before leaving, Ziel said to Princess Aishia.

"This is just a preliminary treatment, and we will do this treatment in the next few days. For now, only I can do this kind of treatment for you. Only people who know your body condition, possess large amounts of Mana and have very high mana control can help with your treatment." Ziel explained in a weak voice.

"Is that so? So you're coming back tomorrow night?" Princess Aishia asked shyly. She didn't know why she felt closer to Ziel after the treatment.

Princess Aishia didn't know how she felt right now. What she knew was that she couldn't wait to see Ziel again tomorrow night. She thought those feelings were just gratitude towards Ziel, and she also thought of him as her friend.

"I'll find a way for you to do your treatment without my help." Ziel answered without knowing the true meaning of Princess Aishia's words.

"That's not what I meant..." Princess Aishia somehow felt disappointed after hearing Ziel's answer.

"What did you say, Princess?" Ziel didn't understand what Princess Aishia wanted to say.

"No, nothing." Princess Aishia quickly shook her head in embarrassment.

"Please keep this a secret from anyone, including the King and Queen. That's my second condition." Ziel said another condition from his treatment.

"Yes, I promise on my behalf as the first Princess of the Argaint Kingdom." Princess Aishia promised earnestly.

"Then I'll excuse myself, Princess." Ziel walked towards the door and intended to leave the room.

"Ah..." Princess Aishia wanted to say something, but the words got stuck in her throat. She remained silent until Ziel opened the door and left her room.

"Good night, Princess." Ziel said softly and closed the door.