
Invincible Colorless Butler

After defeating the fallen god-king in divine war, Ziel Grisel (Ken Nijisaki) is cursed by his opponent and loses all his emotions. Ken feels the emptiness in his life and decides to create reincarnation magic by using his innate ability to dispel the curse. Nine hundred years have passed, and Ken has been successfully reincarnated. Unfortunately, the curse cannot be removed, and Ken is forced to live in that era without his emotions. After learning that fact, Ken is determined to live a quiet and peaceful life as... a butler?

Nzr150cc · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
351 Chs

Chapter 62

After the ball of light swallowed Ziel, Kalya and the girls who were blown away several hundred meters from the clash of two forces had recovered a bit of their condition. They had also been freed from the barrier that Ziel had set up because it had suddenly disappeared.

The girls were confused and decided to check it out in person. But when they arrived at the battleground of Ziel and the Chaos Titan, they found no one there. Kalya and the others were sure they had seen a dazzling light from that place not long ago.

"Where did Ziel go?" Princess Iris asked and looked around frantically.

"Shouldn't they be fighting here? Where are they now?" Queen Helena was worried when she didn't find Ziel in that place.