
Introverts Lifeguide in Apocalypse

General life guidance from an introvert for other introverts in an apocalypse : If you are in a large group of extroverts, make sure to leave immediately. In this kind of situation, you will get noticed almost directly and then survival won't be easy... Then you should escape to a smaller group and pretend to be an extrovert, but remember you should follow four rules: - Don't grieve past   - Don't overthink the present - Don't count on the future - LAST BUT NOT LEAST DON'T FORGET THAT YOU ARE NOT !! AN EXTROVERT!! The story follows a self-proclaimed introverted influencer's life as the world changes drastically.  #INTROVERT #extrovert #survival

AngelsCompanion · Fantasia
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Do you believe in fairy tales?

New post in "Introverts life-guide" from owner "The extrovert introvert":

[ Do you believe in fairy tales?

No but I Believe in the creatures in them since they exist ..

And I'm way over the age to have chunnibyo syndrom..

#fairies #chunnibyo #fantasy 2025/06/18 ]

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If someone asks me if I believe in fairy tales, I answer "No!".

But if by all odds, they ask if I knew any fairies, I say "yes, and you should never believe in them. They are selfish, self-centered and coldblooded. Much like us humans and bit more.. "

I always saw things others couldn't see, like the annoyingly talkative gossip semi-fairies attached to those boys from late Chairman King's household.

Until elementary school, I wasn't aware that others didn't see them. Therefore I had attracted a lot of them to me, of the" stray creatures". Creatures that sinned and therefore were forsaken by their tribes or families. Creatures that live off human energies like parasites and intensify their emotions. 

In elementary school, more specifically in the school yard, I saw my very first fairy who gave me these informations. Breathtakingly beautiful and blindly powerful. A pure evil creature with the power to make wishes come true, an exiled fairy. Someone who did a grave sin and was punished with 8 blessings and seven curses. A fraud-ester that lured me into four deals. 

The first deal was made when I was ten.

*"Let's make a deal kiddo!"* said the beautiful fairy as he winked at the crying ten year old me with a sad smile.

*"I can make you a normal child, if you are willing a contract with me."*

Hearing that, the me who had seen my parents despair and disappointment in me, felt a ray of hope.

"What kind of contract? " I said suspiciously trying to conceal my exitment.

*"If you take blessing of love and curse of tung, I will gift you the veil of soul that makes you able to switch to see and hear through the veil. It will block everything you want."* said he as his always dull eyes glowed for split second.

 He had told me that his punishments came in pairs. These two were the first pair. The blessing of love was, a blessing that made you remember your'e loved one at all times and made you unable to end your love for that someone. While the curse of the tung made you unable to voice it out.

From what I found out later on, he had someone he loved and he had never told them about his love. Then that person died in front of him with the one question he could never answer, "Did you ever love me?".

At that time, I thought I will never fall in love and therefore I accepted the deal, signing a piece of gloving paper in my blood, "Dawn Bright". The contract glowed up in the sky and turned into fine mist covering me and the fairy.

The contract was done but that damned veil didn't work automatically. That wretched thing had tricked me.

*"You dumb kiddo, of course you have to find a way to activate it. I never said it would work automatically."* remembering his annoyingly self righteous look, that looked 180 degrees better than before the contract, still makes my blood boil.

Well, one could also say that it somehow worked. That is if you streak the fact that each time I have to almost choke myself to death and that after the third contract things have become worse on my end.

I made the second mistake/contract when I was desperate to score high at the entrance exams, when I was tired of futil desperations and effort, the time when my belief for "effort never pays off" was at it's highest. This time the damned fairy said he has the perfect blessing to give me.. One without any curses and the dumb me didn't find his suspicious kindness suspicious!

The blessing of remembrance!, "a blessing that makes one's memory stronger." is what he said. Such an audacious liar.. 

That blessing made me not only not be able to make it to a good school, it even combined with the third contract's curse, was more of a curse than thousands of curses together. It made one remember every detail of the most horrible incident's even if those incident's where just nightmares. It made one memorize people's emotion in those nightmares and it made one feel those emotion's as if they were the one experiencing those Hells. 

 The third time, it was the never learning me asking for help and not him offring it..

 Right after the first time I did the entrance exams everything I did had turned out for the worse. Besides getting into small accidents like almost getting hit by cars several times, I got into major accidents.

Accidents like my pure intention to help out my friend resulting in my family turning their backs on me, or my little tripping ending up destroying my *no longer friend since middle school's piano carrier.

And all of it happened within a week.

 First Theodor asked me to play his girl friend's role and meet his mother so he could turn away a marriage of convenience. It went all wrong when the marriage partner turned out to be my little syster Diana. Who happened to have told me long stories about her fondness of her partner to be.

That day Theodore in presence of his mother and, my mother and syster had told off their engagement. A temporary solution for him that cost me my families love.. Even though I denied it right there, there was no help it and it only made bad waters between me and Theodore. The only friend I had managed to keep in contact with until high school and am in contact with until now. Even if it has always felt more like a care taker and a young masters relationship than friendship. 

The next unlucky accident that week happened the day after that hellish day. When I was on my way to get some of my missing school material from school. Then I tripped off the stairs. Next thing I know was that I lay on top of the unconscious Eun woo, who's hand was pierced with a big shard of green glass. After calling ambulance, I run away. Later on I found out that his injury was sever and that it would be hard for him to continue play.

'Only if I knew what would happen, he would be able to continue to play.. Only if I was a bit more lucky I would have never tripped..' is what I had thought with guilt as I run to the fairy.

Everything combined made me lose my mind and ask for a deal to have more luck and be able to prevent these kind of happenings. What did I think he was? God? I guess what that demon gave me was god's punishment for my profanity.

 The white haired fairy gulped down the conscience he never had to begin with, and offered the worst pair of punishment he had received. The blessing of prophecy and curse of returning..And as I asked luck..

What did he say this time about these two? It was so much bullshit and beautified that I can't even remember. The prophecy and returning are both punishment's with the same nature. Both of them show unavoidable death and despair, it's just that prophecy act's out days while the returning act's at night. Both wearing me out and sucking my life out of me. 

 However I had tolerated everything only because his blessing of luck was somewhat working. Now that this is wearing out too I'm going make him pay. I'm just gonna burn down the tree his bond to and wait until it generates and burn it anew and..

[ Crash!]

Last thing, I felt before getting unconscious was warm blood flowing down my head as I thought, 'What are the odds of a car crashing into someone on the sidewalk..'

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