
Into the world that I made

Waking up, I was quite surprised to find myself inside my fictional creation. Unfortunately, this place is the hellhole I personally designed. To survive here, I need strength. Well then, I’ll become the strongest and enjoy my new life. The world has changed? Bring it on! Things will be more entertaining from now on. The hero will fail to save the world? Fine, I’ll do it myself. My world, my rule. ================ Reader Disclaimer: - I'm not a native English speaker. If there is anything wrong anywhere, please let me know - Any criticism is highly appreciated - Hope you enjoy~

kernel42 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
147 Chs

Chapter 15 - Welcome to school (5)

Soon after the crowd had dispersed, Marnie reappeared with a purse on her shoulder.

<<Let's go eat something>>

I followed her outside of the main building, towards the house shared by Faye and her. Having reached the kitchen I sat at the table, while she cooked for both of us. We consumed our meal in an awkward silence. Once we were done eating, Marnie broke the ice.

<<First of all, I would like to thank you for sparing the two Ruiz brothers. Although their temperament is… not the best, they are valued talents. Now, I'm sure you have many questions: I'll try my best to answer all of them>>

Marnie's tone was sincere. I decided to ask what had been on my mind for a while.

<<Why are they so weak?>>

My question left Marnie in a daze.

<<... Could you please elaborate?>>

<<I'm a newborn arch, and yet I was able to subdue them that quickly. How is that?>>

Marnie remained silent for a bit, before opening her mouth once again.

<<You are a somatic-type, while they are a psychic-type. In a melee, there is no way they could come out on top>>

Now, it was my turn to be in a daze. Marnie continued speaking.

<<The way you work is completely different. While your body is simply strengthened, they have to consciously employ their aura to produce any effect, but they are more versatile with their aura usage compared to you>>

<<... Is that how that guy burned me? Did he make a fire out of aura?>>

<<Basically. Anyway, didn't you know much about archumans? You should have asked>>

<<I thought I knew enough about them, but I was convinced they would be like you or me, not some kind of strange fire-handed magician>>

The archumans I knew of were humans physically strengthened to various degrees by the mysterious force known as aura. The guy I had fought didn't correspond to anything I had designed: he actually produced palpable flames. Archs could have peculiar abilities, but they shouldn't have had anything this concrete. It reminded me of how genais operated with mana. Something strange was going on.

Marnie distracted me from my thoughts.

<<Wait, I'm not like you. I'm like them, I simply trained hard and specialised in self-strengthening. Your aura flow is quite unique. I'd say it's far more similar to the archumans of ancient times. As you have seen, you are quite different from your peers>>

I decided to not pay much attention to her digression. Seemed like she resented my kind for some reason, but I considered it wiser not to dig into it. Anyway, apparently I was quite the singular case from the view point of this world .

<<Is this the reason why you have been treating me so strangely? It's because you don't really know how to deal with me?>> I asked.

She showed me quite the embarrassed smile.

<<Basically, yes. You are one of a kind. From what is reported, although ancient archs were extremely powerful, they were also incredibly twisted>>


Marnie pondered which words to use.

<<Let's put it this way. While modern archs are, let's say, "humans with powers'', ancient archs are "enhanced humans''. The latter are "less human", in some sense>>

I understood what she was trying to say. The difference could appear to be subtle, but was indeed significant. Modern archs were equipped with a powerful energy, which they could employ to produce various phenomena, like strengthening oneself or producing flames, but at the end of the day they were still fundamentally human. Aura manipulation was the foundation of their strength and they used it to do the impossible. Ancient archs, the ones I had designed, were different. They could redirect their aura through their body to influence specific body parts, but what truly set them apart were the mutations they underwent due to aura: toughening of the skin, hardening of the bones, strengthening of the muscles and alteration of the metabolism. Aura itself was of secondary importance and probably a consequence of the mutation, not its origin.

Humanity's nature was certainly strongly defined by its limits and constraints. While modern archs had a way to avoid these limits thanks to the powers they were imbued with, ancient archs were not subjected to many of them. For this reason, from a certain point of view, they couldn't truly be considered humans and, from what Marnie was trying to suggest, in many cases they didn't behave as such. This was in accord with my memory, where archumans were indeed… "peculiar" individuals.

<<But I think I'm quite sound of mind, all things considered. It's them, I'd say, who need to calm down a little bit>> I spoke after a long silence.

Marnie once again gave me an embarrassed smile.

<<Yes, I agree. As a matter of fact, I have found you a new accommodation. I would have understood even if you had killed them, especially considering the strong self-preservation instinct I expect you to have, but you simply subdued them with little to no damage. I strongly insisted with the academy for you to be given more trust. Anyhow, for the two children, please, be forgiving: they are young and power can go to the head>>

I nodded in understanding. From what I had gathered from the crowd, the two brothers were basically the school undisputed leaders. Moreover, Marnie Bridges was clearly a renowned archumans: the arrival of a new arch, accompanied by someone of her calibre, was perceived as a threat to their position. Their only sin was the inability to properly gauge their opponent.

A small clap attracted my attention.

<<I'm glad everything ended well. Now, let me guide you to your new dorm>> said Marnie with her usual cheerful voice, putting an end to our conversation.

I deemed satisfactory the obtained amount of information, so I stood up, ready to follow her. Suddenly, she whirled around.

<<Oh, wait! You were burned, right? It was made by aura, so it may take a while for it to heal. For the next few days, remember to apply this ointment twice a day>>

I had completely forgotten about my wound. I had been too engrossed in my own thoughts, but once I thought about it, my shoulders started to sting once again. I took the package she had gotten out of her purse and started applying the ointment on my burn, while following her out of the door.

I let her guide me through the campus, towards my new living place. Soon, we reached a previously unvisited part of the complex. It was an open space well lit by the Sun and with numerous trees among which beautiful little cottages stood. We approached one of the nearest one.

<<This is your new home~. What do you think?>> asked Marney.

<<Definitely better than the previous one>> I answered satisfied.

Marney smiled and gave me a warm goodbye, leaving me with a pair of keys. When I neared the door, I heard someone inside. Seemed like I was going to have roommates. I knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. Soon after, the door opened, and a familiar face appeared.

<<Who is it, what do you…!>>

The person who had appeared was none-other than the sleeping Erik, who bit his tongue when he saw me.

<<Hello friend, I'm your new roommate! Let's get along, okay?>> I smiled.

I could see the uneasiness in Erik's eyes. Even if this was another world, rumours still spread fast.