
Into the light once again

Sapphire_26 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 7

The marquise looked at the Empress in confusion.

"Does this kid dislike the royal family of Edenbell?"

The empress was a little panicked. After all, I was usually very quiet and cried whenever I mentioned Edenbell, so I nodded to the Marquise.

After I stopped crying completely, the three of them returned to their seats and continued talking.

But this time, I was held by the empress. Although I have always tried to break free from her embrace, the empress seemed to be worried about me and never let go.

Finally, I had to stop this senseless resistance.

The empress gently stroked my hair and continued talking about the birthday party. In order not to make me too bored, the empress put the ball back in my hand.

In order to vent my anger, I grabbed the ball hard. But perhaps the grip was too hard and the ball slipped under the chair.

"My God, Aisha, do you want me to pick it up for you?"

Looking at the ball rolling away, I closed my eyes.

Now that I have no energy to play, I finally collapsed from exhaustion.

I hate all this.

The mood became depressed.

But the empress seemed to care about me like this. After the Marquis and his wife returned to the palace where the guests lived, she patted me gently, and then said to me:

"Aisha, are you in a bad mood?"

I turned around and turned my back to her,

The empress seemed to be embarrassed, she seemed worried about me.

"What should I do to make my Aisha happy?"

She muttered to herself, and then took the ball I played just now and shook it in front of my eyes, but I had no reaction.

Finally, she stretched out her hand with embarrassment: "Or do you want some cookies? My sweet baby."

Seeing her talking to me tenderly, I suddenly had a new feeling in my heart.


My mother in my previous life was a neurotic person. I always tried to be perfect in front of my mother, and I had to look at her. But the empress seemed to think that I was precious, and now she stood there helplessly, doing her best to make me feel better.

This makes me feel a little sorry, after all, it's not her fault, just because I was a little frustrated when I heard Edenbell's name.

I forced myself to get the cookie.

Seeing me gently taking the cookies in her hand, her face opened like a flower, it was a smile from the heart,

At this moment, Isis and the Emperor came here.

"Iris!" "Aisha!" As soon as the two entered the living room, they clashed to call out the names of me and the empress.

They look very similar, and when they call the two of us, they both look very similar.

Unlike the Empress's reaction to welcoming them happily, I just stared at them blankly.

"I just want to come and watch the moon with my dear wife and daughter."

"I came to see Iris and Aisha!"

They said it at the same time.

Isis and His Majesty the Emperor glanced at each other, and they seemed to realize their similarities.

Seeing that scene, the empress smiled slightly.

"Let's go!"

The servants pushed us a brand-new cart with Isis's favorite desserts.

Isis' eyes lit up suddenly, but it seemed that because of my existence, he tried his best to restrain his expression.

His Majesty the Emperor took the empress's hand affectionately.

"Iris, it seems you are all doing well, it's amazing!"

The empress nodded,

"There is also your majesty's credit."

The former empress Taitis has been dead for a long time, but her relatives still exist. Isis's stable successor status is also helped by the forces of this group of agents.

In contrast, the empress who entered the palace late has always been in a lower position, but she still serves the emperor loyally.

This is the conclusion of my observation, who has always been on the outside.

Also, about Isis.

Isis was eating a snack, and he smiled.

The same is true for Isis. Although the throne struggle is far away for me when I am young, I have different feelings about him as a half-brother.

He has always embraced me with love.

If I want to say that he is vigilant because I pose a threat to his succession to the throne, then it will actually make sense. But the number of times he visits me every day is not less than that of the nanny and the empress.

He loves me very much.

The empress is also happy with the warm relationship between the two of us.

"I'm so happy with you two."


A warm current poured into the living room.

Right now, Isis is watching me play ball in a pretended way. A nine-year-old can play so happily with my little baby, and he is always very meticulous.

"Aisha, do you want it? Ah~"

Seeing him who was about to feed me snacks, the empress was filled with a happy smile.

"Thank you so much for loving Aisha."

Isis is doing everything possible to attract my attention.

He raised his head sharply, "Of course, I'm her brother."

With that, Isis smiled and said, "I'll guard this child, I swear."

"I believe you."

The empress finally couldn't help laughing.


The way I stared at him intently, it seemed to him just suffering from sneezing.

Isis twisted his neck.

"Iris, Aisha, I have something to say."

Upon hearing this, the empress shook her head.


Isis told us quietly,

"I like Iris and Aisha very much."

Then he said the sentence he said before again:

"If Aisha does not come to me, I may be lonely."

"I've always felt lonely after my mother passed away."

I was a little surprised that Isis, who has always been cheerful, would actually say such things. But think about it, this is a matter of course. For a seven-year-old child, isn't the loss of a mother a serious matter? So far, I have not noticed his negative emotions because Isis has always been very cheerful.

"But things are different now."

The smile on Isis's face was brighter than the spring sun.

"I like Iris and Aisha very much. With you, the whole world becomes brighter."

"The arrival of the two is a miracle for me."

Finally, the empress quietly wiped away tears.

"Me too, I am very happy to have your Majesty, Isis and Aisha can come to me."

"It's really fun to be with your Majesty."

"me too."

The emperor interrupted this conversation:

"I'm very happy to see four people together."

With that said, His Majesty the Emperor messed up Isis's hair.

They all laughed.

I secretly squeezed the snack in my hand.

At this time, the empress made a suggestion to Isis.

"Do you want to hug Aisha?"

For some reason, my father's face appeared in my mind at this time, but it was different from the father's hesitation before. Isis looked at the queen with bright eyes.

"Can I?"

Are you sure? I am worried that Isis can hold me, after all, this is only a nine-year-old child.

"Just like this, your hands must support her hips, otherwise her body will tilt and feel uncomfortable."


He listened carefully to the Empress's guidance, and then Isis picked me up.

Isis's arm strength is much stronger than I thought, so I don't have to worry about falling.

Looking closer at this time, Isis looked uneasy, mixed with a trace of excitement and joy, and looked particularly dazzling.

That is undisguised, heartfelt happiness.

"It's very warm."

He held me for a long time, and in his arms, I heard Isis's heartbeat.

I suddenly felt that my heart was filled with something.

Emperor, empress, Isis and me,

This is different from my past life, I never felt this kind of warmth at that time. In my previous life, there was only the coldness and ruthlessness of the palace, self-centeredness. My father and mother are even more distant to me, but here I feel the warmth of the fire.

I unknowingly relax and snuggle in this little embrace.

As soon as the emperor and Isis left, it was time for dinner.

The empress cooked for me herself. After eating the perfect meal, I played ball for a while, and before I knew it, it was pitch black.

"Should I go back now?"

There is a system in the imperial palace that no matter how small the royal family should sleep separately from their mother because this is the etiquette that the royal family must observe. But today, somehow, I think this system is a pity,

I stared at the pitch black outside.


A pair of gentle hands stroked me, it was the empress.

She held me in her arms and rubbed my cheek,

"Do you want to sleep with mom today?"

The maid who heard this was a little surprised.

"But the court's rules…"

"Only this time, Emily."

The empress smiled,

"It's rare that Aisha doesn't want to be separated today."

I looked at the maid eagerly, and the maid showed a helpless face.

"OK then..."

"Thank you, Emily."

The maids came in and out of my room, taking out the dolls and baby clothes I usually play with.

Putting down her silver hair, the queen in thin silk pajamas like me put me gently on the bed,

"Have a good dream tonight, Aisha."

With that said, the empress sang a lullaby.

I closed my eyes.

This is a sweet lullaby I've been listening to since I was born. Like the empress's love for me, it seeps into my mind bit by bit,

"I like Iris and Aisha very much." Isis's words echoed in my mind,

"I'm very happy to see four people together." The same goes for the emperor's words,

I looked up into her eyes, there was tiredness in them.

She half-squinted and smiled.

I closed my eyes.


This word is still very far away, and the shadow of the past is attached to it, but when I think of that word, my heartbeat starts to speed up and I cannot escape.