
Into the Honkai-Verse

Aeolus, an ordinary man, finds himself reincarnated into the tumultuous world of Honkai by the mysterious Cocoon of Finality. Stripped of his former life, he now faces a world teetering on the brink of chaos, where humanity battles the relentless forces of the Honkai. As Aeolus navigates this unfamiliar realm, he encounters a myriad of new faces – some friends, some foes – who will shape his destiny. From the powerful Valkyries who defend humanity to the enigmatic entities who seek to unravel it, Aeolus must learn to survive and thrive. - Adapt that is the most powerful human trait

Judgement_Bonk · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 2 - Family time

( I ask for thy 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒 and Reviews)

A/N: Bonus Chapter



A month passed by.

I had become to terms of being reincarnated in a baby's body

Although I double checked to see if I was just reincarnated to a world of giants but yeah I had become a Baby

And being a baby had it ups and downs in this month...? that passed by, the best so far being not moving at all, like I was just laying there doing absolutely nothing and that's also the down side, I can do absolutely NOTHING

I mean trapping a Gen z in a child body is an absolute nightmare, yes it's true that you can just all day sleep and do nothing, but there's no entertainment at all!

The only thing close to entertainment I get is the fact that my sisters plays peak-a-boo with me and makes faces all the time when she comes to play with me

It's not even that funny

Really not funny

And then there's my body, following the course of this month I realized being trapped inside a baby's body was absolute insanity

Like in Isekai stories they make it look easy moving around but in this body it's an nightmare

If I were to go back to my old body, I would not take my bodies functions for granted

Because moving as a baby is basically a Dark souls boss fight with the amount of stress and sweat I have to get just by trying to move

And the most annoying part of all is my neck or my Big head 

To just look at another direction I had to move my ENTIRE BODY just to look left or right 

"Wah Wah Wah"

Ah, I guess my internal stress caused my own self to cry

Now here comes the embarrassing part of being reincarnated

"Ah, Look at the time I guess my little baby is hungry "

{Feeding Time}

with 'Mom'

(I'll let your Degenerate mind do the Visualization)


Half a year passed by.

Listening to my parents' conversations during this last half-year, I had started to understand things little by little 

My Japanese couldn't be even considered good, but it seems that learning can quite a fast thing when heavily influenced by a native speaker talking over and over again. Or could it be that this young Childs mind is actually quite gifted? Or maybe it was because of my young age, but I always had good comprehension


Anyway by this time, I was able to crawl and also Partially walk but it's hard to balance walking

Being able to move is a wonderful thing

I felt... Free

It was liberating

No more getting picked up by my parents giant hand again I am free 

No one can stop me now


I had never felt such gratefulness for being able to move.

Although having a cool internal monologue about my freedom in my mind, it doesn't quite really equate to reality

"He is so cuteee! Alexander get the camera we need to capture this!"

"On it, Honey!"

"Mom isn't too fast that he can walk already in just 7 months?"

My parents had this reaction when they saw me crawling and trying to walk everywhere

To you my sister, my answer to your question is this: Skill issue

Although her reaction was quite valid after all. I was not at an age where a normal baby could actively crawl and try to walk on my own without anyone's guidance

I think they chalked it up thinking that: I looked at them standing and walking making me think that I should do the same

Maybe I'm being hailed as a genius in there mind

But being in this age sucks though, I mean the notion of "peeing in your own underwhere is bad" is universally taught to every child once they reach a certain age so having that teenage repression in my situation was bad 

But even if I tried to hold it in, the stuff that comes from below would still leak out, so I just left things alone as they were

Even though In that moment felt like a 90 year old man when that happened, and the experience almost scarred me out of embarrassment and disgust

When I could only crawl, or once I did so , I understood a lot of things

First of all, this family was relatively well off

Well that's an understatement 

They are RICH RICH

The building was a Three-story glass and metal house, and there were over Twenty-one rooms.

They had 5 hired maid or at least there the only ones I've seen they keep me company and accompanied me exploring, when my family can't come to visit me

But 5 maids can't possibly clean and maintain and 4 story mansion all by themselves can they?

The place was a mansion

From the scenery I could see from the windows(The maid carried me over her back to make me burp, so I saw it), it was a tranquil landscape of just grass or from what I could see a garden

'My parents are loaded man, I mean 3 story mansion with a garden surrounding the place, I can just live off their money for the rest of my live hehe'

The garden was a quite place. I could not see any electric wires, lamps, or anything similar. Perhaps there wasn't a generator nearby.

I had heard that foreign countries place their wires underground, but if that was the case, it made sense why this house had electricity to power shiny Crib Mobile hehe It's spinning


Continuing on

It seems the child body is definitely affecting mental state 


With nothing to do I just lay on the crib as usual 

'When am I gonna gonna grow up from this constrained body of mine' was my last thought before slumbering

As darkness begins to fall on me


"Aw! Look at our little Aeo sleeping"

"Honey you should be quiet or he might wake up"

When Aeolus was in his blissful slumber, two dark figures suddenly loomed above his crib

"Alexander take a picture quick!"

"Okay okay"

*Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click*

"Done can we go to sleep now Honey"

"But it's only been a few minutes I want to look at him more"

"Edith it's literally 1am right now I want to sleep"

"Let's get some more"

*Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click*

As the two were doing they're business a voice suddenly appeared behind them

"Mom, Dad what are you doing?"

It was Luna, Aeolus's sister who interrupted them

Hiding the camera Edith answered "Nothing just checking up on your little brother"

Luna glanced at her father who shook his head "Mom I can see the camera, just go to sleep already He is gonna wake up from the shutter eventually you know"

"Geh" Edith dramatically replied as she turned to her husband and looked at him with an annoyed look then "playfully" punched him 

And then made her way to the door huffing and puffing with her Alexander in tow


But as if realizing something she stopped

'Why is Luna's dress bulging?'

Turning around with cold eyes she said "Luna why did you come here for again"

Startled Luna shivered, looked around, and replied "Nn-nothing just wanted to check up on my brother"

"Hmmmmm, then what is that on your back?'


'I've been caught'

Turning her head with sweat dripping from her hair "What do mean Mom?"

"You come here 1 am so early in the morning to simply check on your brother hmmm"

"Alexander take it"

Alexander, the father simply complied and confiscated the object that his daughter's been hiding in her dress

It was a camera

Looking between his daughter and wife 'It seems the genes has been passed on huh'

"I knew it! You are so grounded young lady, sneaking to your brother's room just to sneak picture of him sleeping. You are so bad not respecting his privacy"

"Hey pot meet kettle! Also I don't want to go outside"

"Did you just talk back to your mother! Groundedddddd"

Pouting Luna complied and walked towards the door, but not before going to her father to ask for the camera back

"Dad gimme" 

But before her Dad could give it to her Edith said

"No that's evidence you can't get it hehe"

As she browsed and drooled at the picture's of her beloved son in the camera

"Evidence?! You should say that after wiping that drool on your face"


Snapping out of her trance Edith was back to her false anger


Seeing the interaction's between Mother and Daughter Alexander just had one thought in his mind

'Can I get some sleep'


At an unknown time

Between the interactions between mother and daughter

Aeolus awoke from his slumber

Seeing his Sister and Mother arguing 

He only had one thought 


But that was only his superficial thoughts

Inside what he really thought was

'It would be better for these warm times to continue'

Because if the Cocoon really sent him to the world of Honkai 3rd then there would be no more warm moments because

In the grim darkness of the far future

There is only



Is it considered unhealthy to publish chapter on 12 am at night?

Also YEY for you readers because extra chapters cause we are close to a milestone of 1k collection

So every milestone I will publish a chapter

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