
Into the Deep

In the future Humans have gained technology to where they can travel in a blink of an eye, they designed star gates and also found that they were not alone in the galaxies that they was billions of different life forms and planets to where humanoid Aliens are and also creatures that are more animalistic. In the year 4021 humans and other races could choose how their children would look like, sex or even the DNA with special functions to make soldiers that was deadlier than a normal person no matter their race. A genius was in charge of collecting DNA even from planets that was wiped out because of the galactic alliance that condemned different races and planets that doesn't bow down or align with what they want just like one planet out of thousands with a race that would remind you of stories of demons. Their strength was better than even the clones or births that the alliance allows their higher ups to create, one of the strongest ones throughout the galaxies that layed down their lives for their royal family that the alliance got a hold of the twins making their people give up to just protect them. The alliance did not keep their words killing the majority of the planets races even killing the twins to collect their D.N.A, their parents layed their lives down leaving a elder who collected the royal ones bodies and laying them to rest. One woman who was made to marry a top general of the alliance who has the highest I.Q. was able to use the D.N.A from the twins for her own child which she snuck the twins DNA to use a long with hers and only 3% of the man she was forced to marry so she gave her his special eyes that was his families secret that gave them a certain power, when she only found 3% of the genome of that special trait she chose to only allow that from his blood line which happened to be another race the alliance wiped out just to take that property from them.

Michele_Mays_7238 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 20

Larissa spreads her wings out and smiles widely, then looks over at her men motioning them to get moving which they quickly do running the ways they are meant to go.

" I like whoever has planned this and I'll play with you for a while " Larissa said flapping her wings taking to the air above the ground, she looks down to her men and points in two directions.

" from the spy keeping his eyes on the people we are going against, we keep to the plan to follow the original report sent to us. " Larissa said dying higher in the sky watching her men separate in two groups going to the entry point that Ten told them to enter through.

Larissa stays high up and back to where she can watch it all unfold, it takes them over forty minutes to get fifteen meters from the campsite.

Larissa isn't happy with what she is seeing while she clenched her fists, she looked again seeing replicas of powerful weapons from Earth's twenty first to twenty fifth century guns.

" that fucking idiot, well I'm glad I always carry us different weapons in case someone uses a EMP on us as well " Larissa said seeing a woman walking front of the hanger doors trading place out front where they have crates surrounding the ship and sending one of the soldiers inside the ship.

" who is she " Larissa said as her heart beat picked up making her wings momentarily stop working falling a few dozen feet before gaining control again and holding her hand over her chest.

Larissa's plans started sweating looking at her man on some rocks aiming his sniper rifle at the woman's head since she was giving orders out, she takes out a gold coin throwing it with all her strength striking the rifle knocking it out of the man's hands right when the bullet went off that hit Tais shoulder instead of head knocking her off her feet.

The man looked down at the sniper rifle that had a gold coin buried inside the wood and metal laying twenty feet from where he was laying, Larissa's heart felt like it stopped and she didn't notice that she had tears running down her cheeks.

When her heart won against her mind she started flying toward the enemies post but stopped mid flight when she saw Tai standing up looking up at her making eye contact.

" don't worry about her just the others, I got sloppy thinking they didn't have weapons like ours and now we know. " Tai said as Winter motioned her men to bring out the metal riot gear surrounding their area, Larissa smiles seeing Tai was ok and then sneered that she fail for her trap.

(" this woman is a lot more than what she seems, Im picking up a scent I've never smelled before but parts of it I have from several species I've come across including my own kind ") Larissa said landing down behind some trees where two of her men are at, they looked at her like she was crazy.

" boss now she'll know our location" One of the men said standing up to her showing hostility, she ignored him while looking through the bushes still holding eye contact with Tai.

They don't want to look away from one another, Larissa's eyes turn a bright golden yellow that no one has seen them ever turn that color and one of the two soldiers specializes in the study of all species even the ones who are known to be extinct which she doesn't believe.

The female soldier pulled her handgun out pointing at the back of the man's head when he had his blade pulled out thinking neither Larissa or the other soldier was paying attention.

Larissa's nail on her right hand was extended at twelve inches to his chest where the man's heart is located, he's a beast born half man half lizard. Jessi had her gun on his head at the lower part where his base is located.

" we get that you want the top spot, but trying to kill her because she's checking out our opponents moves...it's stupid and also you would have been dead before the tip came out from the sheath. " Jessie said as the man was about to let's go of his knife when Larissa other four nails extend stabbing him in all five of his hearts killing him instantly.

" shit...oh well what's our plan " Jessi said dragging his body under one of the bushes removing the weapons and items on his body, she was impressed with the gold and also a disc that had orders coming from one of the generals.

He also had several discs that had maps written on their tags along with three that said treasure, she put everything inside her bag while watching Larissa's ragged breathing and she also knows that she'll kill her whole team since we were sent to kill her mate that she just found.

"Marissa I'm with what ever decision you make and I'll take out our weaker men on your orders—" Jessi said when one of their groups started firing on Tai making them break their eye contact, Marissa screams out in anger while staring in the direction of the two who fired on her mate.

" Jessi...you know I won't kill you but I'll have to seriously injure you to make it believable so you won't have the alliance chasing you and having a bounty on your head " Larissa said as she grows her nails at six inches in both hands, Jessi smiles while walking to where she knows the weaker ones are stationed at.

" Fool.... where you go I'll follow, I love you regardless if it's as a lover or your best friend I'm up for anything to be by your side and I know she's your mate so I'm ok with that " Jessi said as they watch Tais groups sniper take out three of their men, they both smile and seem impressed with her skills.

" I want you by my side as well Jessi, keep your eyes open and watch out for that girl she's one of the best snipers I've seen....Jeasie, remember when we learned about mates and how strong my kind are about wanting their mate. I don't know if you knew but I always hoped it would be you that's how much I love you " Larissa said as she walked away from Jessie who smiles walking the other way, when she gets far enough away from Larissa she breaks down crying kneeling down by a tree.

What both girls didn't know was that Tais vampire part inside of her wants her mate and the jealousy she felt when hearing that girl talk to Larissa like they was. The part that got her was hearing Larissa tell the girl how she wished that this girl was her mate and Tai lost all her senses sneaking away to follow the girl.

Larissa stopped walking when she smelled her mates scent back the way she came, her eyes go wide remembering what she said to Jessie and if it was her then she would kill the person.

Larissa used her speed to go straight to Jessie seeing her pinned against the tree with Tais face close to herself with fangs longer than she has ever seen a vampire have plus the canines she had along with the fangs.

" I swear I don't want to harm you or your group anymore,vi was on my way to stop the three sets of men we have in the south east position who are loading RPGs as we speak...I know she's your mate and you have nothing to wor—" Jessie was saying when Tais formed tongue came out licking her neck, Larissa rushed at Tai pushing her away from Jessie where she only moved four inches making Larissa and Jessie's eyes go wide.

Larissa smelled her mates blood again which had the scent of vampire but also so many more scents of different species and some she doesn't know what they are.

" Mates !!!! " Tai hissed while the scratches on her shoulders healed before Larissas eyes, usually it would take a while for deep gashes to heal and she also felt guilty for hurting her mate out of jealousy.

" what are you ? " Jessie asked as Tai gripped her head as horns started growing from her head, Larissa grabs Jessie's hand pulling her away from Tai. They both stand there watching Tai transform into something neither has seen before in life or in their studies as wings rip out from her back that was a mixture between leather wings similar to Larissas but a different shape like the ones from omega and have black feathers covering the outline of the wings that had a gleam like metal when the light hits them.

" look she has four like the omega royals do and look at the horns they are twisting into a crown" Jessie said as Tai groans out in pain, the two girls double over in pain as well but only for a few seconds.

The gunfire was getting more frequent and closer to where they are now standing when six of Larissas men come out with their guns drawn pointed at Tai.

Jessie grabs her hand to make her wait before the six men know that they've turned on them, they all six look at the two women with Jessie holding her gun on Tai but ready to shoot the men when she gets the chance.

" see Tolbert was full of shit saying he could win this mission quicker than Larissa " a man that was big like a bear said walking over holding up a large axe with a heavy machine gun strapped on his back.

" The question is Rock why are you six out of your position" Larissa said in an authoritative voice while watching Tai out of the corner of her eye, while shes also watching all of their movements that seem to be surrounding Tai while getting closer to them.

" well boss we'll be honest with you " Toad said as he crawled and hooked his way closer to Tai using his frog like tongue grabbing her by the throat then throwing her to the tree where she had Jessie pinned earlier.

Larissa clenched her teeth and her nails was drawing blood from the plans of her hands, Rocks booming laugh could be heard over the gunfire as he leans on his large axe.

" I smell your blood princess and also the abominations blood as well, what has you so angry when toad threw this thing " Rock said nodding his head at Toad again who wrapped his tongue around Tais ankle slamming her up and down into the ground a few times, her agonizing groans of pain wasn't from this things attempt to hurt her.

Black scales started forming from her fingers all the way up to her elbows where curved like swords were forming at her elbows from the black substance as well as her lower legs up to her knees.

Tais forehead and jawline outlining her face also had scales from there that were black at the roots changing to a dark red at the ends like the rest of the scales on her body even the blade like objects at her elbows and knees.

The men kept talking while laughing at Toads tossing her around hitting the ground here and there, the gunfire in one side had fewer guns during off and the men turn their heads toward where they left their companions.

" Toad keep that thing tied up, come on guys let's get back and use the RPGs on those fools" Rock said walking back the way he came, Larissa started laughing hysterically then walked over stomping down on toads head and it splatters under the heel of her boots that are six inch stilettos with blades on them.

All the men freeze as Rock clenches his jaw about ready to say something as Jessie has two sub-machine guns pointed at the five men, be shuts his jaw back glaring at the two women in front of them.

" I always knew you were dumb because of how big you are, I was hoping maybe that want true since you are a beast born they are usually smart no matter their size and you let that lizard who is sneaky as hell convince you that I'm what weak...dumb...not able to fight or kill, when you all have watched me kill thousands" Larissa said walking closer to them and they take a step back out of arms length when she gets close to them, she shakes her head from side to side.

(" I can hear only six of our men left with guns, two Heavy machine guns and the rest our sub-machine guns") Larissa said buying her mates people time to kell them off when a loud explosion was heard a few miles out from where the enemies base is.

" well they're smart I'll give them that " Jessie said with a smug look on her face, the five men grilled their weapons as sweat was pouring from their bodies for even listening to the other men from their group as they cast some of their glares at the bear beast born.

Tai raise up from the hole that was made from her Bodie being repeatedly beaten in the ground that would have killed anything else, the five men seen the thing stand as it wobbled for a minute then walked toward where their standing.

One of the men was about to say something when another elbowed him then gave him a evil glare telling him to shut up, the cat beast born took a step forward pointing toward Tai.

" Boss ! watch out it's coming ! " the boy yelled as the other four cursed under their breath while all of them were about to reach for their weapons.arissa had all their weapons within three seconds breaking them into pieces except their swords and axes that she threw a tree over two dozen steps away behind Tai.