
Into the Buried Secrets

In 1991, Marlena and Larry welcomed their son, Joey, into the world. Despite their joy and pride, they didn't realize that the peace and happiness they felt was about to be short-lived. That's when Joey's peaceful life as a baby was interrupted by a horrifying event - he was kidnapped by a henchman and taken away from Marlena and Larry, who were heartbroken beyond words. At the present day in 2006, Joey has been adopted by a rich family and is living a comfortable life. He feels connected to the house and believes he is safe. But as time goes on, events and strange occurrences begin to happen in the house, and things quickly take a turn for the worse. The mystery deepens and the threats become more real as Joey's life is now at stake. He must find the truth and survive.

Zachary_Writer · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Born in 1991

Push! Push!"

The nurse's words echoed in Marlena's ears as she cried out in pain. Struggling through each contraction, she could feel the head crowning, a sign that the baby was close.

"I can't do it!" Marlena shouted.

"Miss, you can do this, don't give up! I see the head, just push a little bit more," the nurse encouraged Marlena with a reassuring tone.

"Ma'am, I'm right here. Just take a deep breath and keep pushing."

And with those words of encouragement, Marlena drew in a deep breath and summoned all her strength to deliver her newborn son into the world.

The nurse took her hand and encouraged her with a smile. "Come on, Marlena. You can do this. Just one more push!"

With a final burst of strength, Marlena pushed and the baby emerged into the world, and Marlena burst into tears as she finally held her precious baby in her arms. After a few long, hard pushes, Marlena's dream of motherhood became a reality as she looked down to see her newborn son nestled in her arms, wrapped in a soft blanket.

She let go of her pain, overcome with emotion as she heard the soothing sounds of her newborn baby boy crying in the nurses' arms. The nurse nodded solemnly, gently setting the small bundle in her arms, saying, 'It's a boy, miss.'

Marlena's world was flooded with joy and tears of happiness as she took in the miracle before her. Finally, after all the ups and downs of her journey, she was now a mother, and her son was at long last home, in her arms. She vowed to never let him go again and to always protect him

The nurse gently took the baby and cleaned up the umbilical cord, while Marlena breathed out a sigh of relief. The journey had been long and difficult, but it all felt worth it to her as she now had her child in her arms.

Throughout this story, Marlena learned that even through the hardest times, there is always hope. And despite the challenges she faced, it was all worth it to have the chance to meet her beautiful baby.

It was a beautiful and healthy boy, but suddenly, Marlena's joy turned to horror as three armed henchmen appeared and ripped the baby from her arms. Marlena begged and pleaded for them to return her son, fighting desperately to reclaim him, but she was overpowered and injured. Why? that's because.

She chased the three armed henchmen, her heart racing and eyes focused on the prize - her beloved baby son. However, as she neared him, she suddenly stopped in her tracks as she saw one of the henchmen blocking her path.

She was desperate, but also terrified, as her world turned serious and her anger grew with each passing second. She gripped her fists tighter and lashed out, grabbing one of the men by the collar and slapping them with all her might.

The guy pointed his gun at Marlena's sweet child and growled, "If you come any closer, your baby's head will explode." The man then smiled menacingly and took another step towards Marlena, who was trembling with fear. Suddenly, Marlena's world was filled with horror and despair as she realized that her child's life was in danger, and she was powerless to protect him.

There were no guards present in the hospital, why? Marlena's labor proceeded quietly with no gunshots heard. It seemed that the henchmen had already snuck inside without raising suspicions. Planning to get inside without being detected.

Marlena looked around for a guard, asking, "Where are they?" One of the henchmen, a slender man with dark brown eyes, stepped forward and responded, "There are no guards here, miss. We are the in-charge, and we have come for the child."

"What do you want from me?" Marlena asked, tears streaming down her face. She was overcome with fear and helplessness, unsure of how to save her precious child.

The henchmen's cruel smile only added to Marlena's despair as they watched her struggle with the unthinkable choice of giving up her son or risking her life to protect him.

"Now, we're being kind, for now. What should we name your child?" The man with the beard and masculine appearance asked as he held Marlena's baby in his arms. Marlena's thoughts were filled with tears as she struggled to come up with a name for her precious son, while the henchmen smiled cruelly and watched her with satisfaction.

"His name is Joey." Marlena decided. With tears in her eyes and her heart filled with hope, she looked at her precious child and gave him a name. Joey. A strong and classic name, just like Marlena had always imagined. However, she knew that this joy would only be temporary, as she was being held captive by the henchmen.

Finally, the henchman escaped with her baby! Marlena was heartbroken and alone.

"Miss, are you hurt?" The nurse asked.

"I'm fine," Marlena responded.

"You know, you'll have to be strong. We'll help you find your baby. Those bastards who stole him will pay for what they did," the nurse said with a look of determination. Now Marlena had hope again, with the nurse's support she would find her beloved baby, no matter what it took.

"Call 911! Quick! The doctors shouted at the nurses. You, report this incident right away!"

A rush of panic filled the air as nurses and doctors scrambled to call the police, while Marlena's heart raced with fear and her tears continued to stream down her face.

Something wasn't right.

Well, she would have to contact her husband. He was supposed to be here with her, right in the hospital. Why wasn't he there? Where was he? Why wasn't he by her side at this crucial and challenging moment in their lives? The answer to these questions would remain unknown for the time being, but Marlena didn't have time to think about that now.

This was only the beginning of her journey. With tears in her eyes and a burning fire in her heart, Marlena wondered if she would be able to find her son, and bring him home. Will she overcome the struggles that lie ahead, and find the henchmen who took her beloved child?