
Interwined Fate

Fate has always been cold towards Ryujin. He is always intangled in others fate and now he had to save the world from its upcoming calamity. The God calls him to severe the cruel fate of the world. Ryujin gets caught up in fate of other people and while saving them from their cruel fate he must face his own past,present and the upcoming future Can Ryujin successfully severe the cruel fate of the world or will he lose himself in this INTERWINED FATE

Kairos_Official · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
86 Chs

CHAPTER 24: Mutation[2]

[Third Person POV]

All of the nagas in the dungeon were now dead.The system had estimated Ryujin to finish the dungeon within a week but he was going to do it in four days.

Ryujin walked straight.He could feel the magic density increasing.As he got near,there were thick vines covering the whole dungeon.

Ryujin started to cut his way through the vines.As he was cutting the vines he felt something ominous.The vines behind him started wriggling.

They attcked Ryujin but Ryujin cut all of the vines.He moved his cleaver knife in a circular motion and none of the vines reached him.

The vines were starting to regrow.

Seeing that Ryujin started to run straight so he could escape.Even after Ryujin escaped from the area of thick vines,the vines still chased him.

Ryujin turned back and chanted"<Fire magic:Ignition>.Soon spark appeared near the vines are the vines started to burn.

Ryujin halted his movemnet and said"Looks like the vines are controlled by the boss.It probably knows I am here."

Ryujin was going to cast a invisibility spell upon him but now it would not matter since the boss knew he was here.

Ryujin looked infront of him and the walls around the dungeon had changed again.The walls were engraved with snake images.There were even mana cores attached to the walls.

The whole area was dimed in purple light because of the mana core.The ground was also soggy as if it was made from sponge.

Ryujin could feel the boss ahead of him.He walked staright and saw a naga about 55 meter long.

The naga had green body with yellow scales.It was holding a spear.Its eyes were also green color and was excuding heavy bloodlust.

The naga had wrapped its tail around a huge rock. It had two arms and one of the arm was holding a spear while the other was holding a shield.

Ryujin had not entered the boss area yet.That is why the boss hadn't attacked him.

Ryujin then noticed something on its neck."How is a monster wearing a necklace?"

The necklace the naga was wearing had silver coating and had a red mana core at its centre.The necklace was emitting some kind of mana into the boss.

"I see that necklace is causing a mutation." The boss also wasn't normal. It was emitting so much mana that the whole surrounding was being affected.

"Hey system appraise that boss and the necklace."


After Ryujin said that, the system showed series of messages.

[ <Stats>


Rank: A-

Strength: A

Mana Core:S

Mana Control:A-

Agility: A

Intelligence: C


Mirage Necklace(?)

-The necklace absorbs mana from the surrounding,then corrupts it and the user who wears it receives the mana.

Buff:The holder receives unimaginable amount of mana causing it's rank to rapidly grow.

Debuff:Corrupts the mind.The holder can even become puppet to the necklace.


Ryujin was fascinated.He never knew the dungeon had this item.Because of the necklace,a B-rank gate had a A-rank boss.

Ryujin was now thinking on how to deal with the bosssuddenly ,Nagis moved towards Ryujin.

Ryujin was in shock. A boss never moves from it's designated area unless it runs out of mana or needs food.

"Hmm looks like that bastard ran out of mana to rank up and is coming to eat me."Ryujin said while preparing himself for the battle.

Ryujin then sighed and said"I made a rule not to use Rune Magic while conquering the dungeon but looks like it will be impossible without it."

After saying that Ryujin took a stance to launch himself.He started chanting.Soon tens of magic circuit started appearing in a straight line

Ryujin then mumbled"<Rune Magic:Avion>

Ryujin launched himself and he was passing through his own magic circles.The magic circles were increasing Ryujin's speed. Within one second Ryujin was infront of Nagis.

He swung his knife at Nagis head.Nagis could only step back because of the rock behind it.

The knife grazed past it's neck.Ryujin then landed on a wall and then jumped back on the ground.

The knife had definetly reached

Nagis's neck but the wound wasn't that deep.

Ryujin could feel pain surging through his body.He had forced himself to travel a speed he couldn't achieve in his current level.

Nagis took a stance a threw its spear at Ryujin. Ryujin ducked and the spear was right above his head.One second late and his head would have been skewered.

Before Ryujin could take a breath Nagis swung it's tail at Ryujin.He simply grabbed the spear that was stuck to the wall and junped to opposite direction.

His sixth sense was perfect.Because of it nothing would be able to touch him.

Nagis then started to fire poison breath from its mouth. Posion started to form around its mouth.The necklace started to glow and the posion color changed from green to dark red.

Nagis fired the posion.The attack was not bundled into a single one.Multiple bullet like posion were fired at Ryujin.

Ryujin strted dodging those attacks.It looked as if he was passing right through the attacks.

The attack were so powerful that each bullet was creating a 10 meter deep crater on the wall and the ground that the attack hit.Even smoke started to form because of the poison.

Ryujin couldn't see anything nor could he breathe because of the smoke.He then chanted"<Rune Magic:Cleanse>".Bright light appeared from Ryujin's body and all of the smoke from the attack was gone.

Ryujin could breathe in the poison and use Kairos to heal him but he had handicapped himself by not using Kairos.

While Ryujin was casting the spell,Nagis moved and took it's spear out from the wall.It then launched towards Ryujin and swung its spear.

Ryujin blocked its spear with his cleaver knife.The impact from these two weapons clashing was so big that the dungeon was rumbling.

Nagis was definetly dominating Ryujin in terms of strength.Ryujin was being pushed back.

He parried the attack.He then moved his knife towards it's tail but Nagis used its shield and block the attack.

Ryuji was pushed back again.He looked at the shield and saw that the shield had a weird mouth designed in it.The mouth opened and it started releasing fire.Ryujin casted <Rune magic: Water barrier>.

A circular water barrier appeared in front of Ryujin and was blocking the attack.

The attack went on for two minutes.The whole arena was covered in vapour because of the water and fire collison. Ryujin was coughing blood.He was using too much mana.He could probably use his magic three more times unless he used Kairos to recharge his mana.

Ryujin then said to himself" Looks like I will be here for more than two hours."

Since the area was covered in vapour both Ryujin and Nagis could barely see anything but both could sense each other.

Ryujin again rushed at Nagis.Nagis swung its spear at Ryujin.He simply started parrying the spear.They started exchanging clashes.

The whole arena was filled with the sound of weapons clashing .Ryujin's <Butchering> ability helped him perfrom mesmerizing technique that helped him butcher and cleave but he was lacking the strength to cut the skin of Naigs

Though Nagis definelty had advantage in strength it noticed that it was being pushed back.It used every spell and it's shield but Ryujin's knife skills were unmatched.

Each movement was smoother than the flow of water.Nagis looked at Ryujin.It instinctively knew that Ryujin was enjoying himself.

There are two types of people that fight. The first type fight to protect,to destroy or to gain something.

The second type fight just for the sake of fighting.They do not seek to fight nor they enjoy killing but once they start fighting, the demon that they hide deep inside their mind starts to come out.

Nagis realized that Ryujin was definelty the second type fighter and this fight might probably be its last.