

My life was full of turmoil since my parents passed away. My uncle's and auntie took over the house and chased me away to vent for my self. I had no place to go and I slept on the street for months till one day a man came and took me to his house. For months I lived with the him and my life was great .He payed for my studies so I could finally finish where I left from. One night as I was asleep I felt someone touching me all over my body and I came to the realization that it was Kim Je the same man who I thought was my saviour. This man who I thought was saviour undress me and I was naked within a matter of second I tried to tell him to please stop what ever he intented to do to me but my efforts were in vain. He suddenly undress to and placed put on a condom he was holding and he inserted himself in the most sensetive part of my body between my thighs he moved in a rhythm pattern and all I could do was released sounds of moans and tears from the pain. After he was done he took his clothes and left me lying lifeless in room.