
Chapter 4 Delusion

Noah was a normal person.

"Get out." Mandel said coldly.

Noah still wanted to say something, but Regina grinned at him and said, "Go outside and have some fun. There's a lot of excitement down there."

The door was slammed mercilessly.

Only two people remained in the vacant room: Regina and Mandel. The mood was dreary and monotonous.

"Heh, if I didn't arrive just now, are you two going to do the same thing tonight as we did last time?" Mandel grasped Regina's chin and came near to her ear.

"Our agreement has expired, and you now have a fiancée. Are you taking too much interest in my affairs?"

Regina longed to turn her head, but those large hands clasped her like a shackle. Her jaw was practically fractured and painfully sore.

Mandel's countenance deteriorated, and his eyes got increasingly gloomy.

Regina did not try to avoid his eyes.

"Is that so?"

Mandel laughed coldly. He dragged Regina to the bed and collapsed, leaning up like a ferocious tiger.

She felt like she was wobbling like a flat boat on a turbulent sea all night. Her entire being was practically shattered.

But she also indulged in it.

Throughout the night, sweat and ambiguity mixed.

Early the next morning.


Regina's head ached when she opened her eyes to see the white ceiling and the blinding sunlight outdoors.

She felt as though her body had been crushed by a car after a tiny movement. Her entire body was in agony.

She cast a sidelong glance. He'd long since left, and the area had grown frigid.

There was an inexplicable sense of loss in her heart.

Regina was thinking of something when there was a knock on the door from outside.

"Who is it?"

Regina's voice was hoarse. She gripped the bedding nervously.

"Miss Miller, Madame is downstairs waiting for you."

Soon, there was no sound outside the door.

Regina breathed a sigh of relief as she forced herself to put on clothing and descend the stairs.

Mrs. Martin sat on the European sofa, leisurely drinking black tea. Her brows were noble, and she looked gorgeous and graceful in every way.

"Mrs. Martin."

Regina greeted frankly from the side.

Hannah turned away from her. She set the porcelain cup down and took up a magazine to read.

One hour later.

"Go make a cup of tea."

Very soon.

Regina arrived with a cup of steaming hot tea. She merely wanted to put it down, but Hannah stopped her. "Did I ask you to put it down? Keep it."


Regina clenched her teeth and gripped the cup of tea. She remembered her mother's pale face in the ward and the astronomical medical costs.

She had to endure it.

The tea's heat was conveyed to her fingertips, almost burning them.


Regina's teacup dropped to the ground. The teacup smashed into fragments as the boiling hot tea splattered over her leg.


Regina couldn't help but exclaim.

Her naked skin was crimson, and she could only feel the splattered area's discomfort and irritation.

"Do you remember how much it hurts? Don't try to entice anyone else while you're getting ready to marry Noah. Mandel is not someone you should approach."

Hannah's eyes were filled with contempt.

"I didn't seduce him."

Regina spoke slowly and firmly.

"You still say no?" Hannah got up and yanked Regina's collar forcibly off. The pink marks on her neck were alarming.

"Regina, if Noah didn't have some mental issues, how would the Martin family approve to Noah marrying a lady like you who has been in prison?"

Mrs. Martin raised her hand and slapped Regina across the face.

Her mind became blank, and she was unable to respond.

"Remember well who you are."

Without glancing ahead, Hannah walked upstairs, dropping these words.

It took Regina some time to respond. Her thoughts were rising and falling, and one side of her face was swollen and hurting.

Her phone abruptly rang.

Only then did Regina regain her composure and push the respond button.

"Is this Marina's family? The medical fee here has been frozen and you need to come to the hospital as soon as possible to make up for it."

Regina tightened her hand. She recognized this as Hannah's warning.

At the hospital.

Regina did not enter for fear of disturbing her mother's rest.

The doctor's words still echoed in her ears.

"Make sure you pay all of your medical expenses before tomorrow, or the rescue will have to come to a halt."

She looked through the glass and noticed Marina was still asleep. Her lips were pallid, like if she'd vanish in an instant.

"I won't let anything happen to you, Mom."

Regina clenched her fist and walked to the drugstore to obtain the medication.

She saw two familiar figures from afar.

Cecily chuckled and talked while holding Mandel's hand. They appeared to be close.

Regina's eyes were pricked by this scene.

She got it.

Even though they had a wild night the night before, the man went this morning solely to accompany his fiancée.

Regina smiled mockingly.

A soft, astonished voice emerged from behind her just as she was about to turn around and leave.

"Are you Sister Regina?"

Cecily yelled, "Mandel, this is Regina. When was she released from prison? How could I have missed this?"

Even in her remarks, her brilliant eyes retained a sense of innocence.

"I had no idea she was that beautiful and yet she'd been in jail."

"It is true that you should not judge a person based on their appearance..."

There was a lot of conversation going on, and curious eyes were drawn to Regina's physique. For a while, her heart was humiliated.

"If nothing else comes up, I'll depart first."

When she was about to go, a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders and forced her to turn around.

"What's wrong with your face?"

Mandel frowned slightly.

"It was an accident."

Regina's heart trembled slightly, as if something restless wanted to escape.

"Mandel, do you still have to accompany me to the pharmacy? What makes you so worried about her?" Cecily pouted as she put her arm around Mandel's hand.

The connotation of her jealousy was clear.

"She's a stranger to me."

Mandel's voice had a hint of coldness.

Regina was well aware of his cruelty, but she nevertheless looked at him with astonishment. Her heart was stuffed up to the point of being unpleasant.

Her entire body felt as cold as if she were in an ice cave.

Time flew by.

Regina walked down a street near the hospital. Her phone rang as she sat on the chair, and it was Mandel who sent a text message.

"Come to the hospital parking lot."

Regina gripped her phone tightly and bit her lower lip. She paused briefly before proceeding to the parking lot.

At the parking lot.

In the center, a black Lamborghini was parked. Regina could observe the man sitting on the car seat smoking slowly.

His chilly features appeared softer due to the foggy smoke.

"Get in."

The man said as he opened the window.

"No, I'm not getting in."

Regina's imagination was continually preoccupied with the picture of a man and a woman becoming intimate. Her heart was bitter.

"Are you and she really getting married?"

She cast a hopeful glance at the man, seeking to interpret the man's feelings through the black car windows and the coldness in his gaze.

"Regina, you don't presume to marry me, do you?"