
Interstellar: King of Stars

In 2350, mankind entered the interstellar era. Nations disappeared, and all humans formed a coalition government. The human beings on the earth are divided into two categories according to their vitality: the elite area and the ordinary area. Originally mediocre, with a vitality of only 0.7, John could only stay in the ordinary area, living an ordinary life all his life, until one day, he met a mysterious mummy while chasing a stray cat... From then on, all is different…

EdwinKing · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

6, Inside the Sewer

The sewer was very wide, like a separate underground palace. The urban floods that used to drown people in heavy rains hundreds of years ago were long gone.

Nowadays, human cities could handle any rainstorm without flooding.

The inside was dark and moist, high and wide, branching in all directions, like a maze. But there was no foul smell or methane gas. That was the inevitable result of human progress.

The sewer could even serve as a shelter in an emergency, to protect from aerial missile attacks.

The big black cat kept running through the sewer maze, trying to shake off the chase. John kept following it. He normally wouldn't go into the dirty sewer, but today he was determined to find out what was special about the big black cat. And he wouldn't let it harm the little kitten.

They chased and ran, and gradually went deeper into the sewer, where few people ever came.

At last, the big black cat stopped in a corner. Its eyes glowed with a faint green light in the darkness. It let go of the kitten, who meowed. John felt relieved.


John took out his phone, which shone a bright white light, lighting up this part of the sewer.

"What's that? A corpse?"

The light revealed the scene in front of him, and he gasped.

Behind the big black cat, there was a mummy sitting upright!

This mummy had a tall skeleton and a noble figure. It didn't have a scary aura, but it gave people a majestic impression, like a rugged mountain, standing alone in the world, witnessing the changes of time.

The mummy held a milky white stone in its hands. There were some patterns on the stone, but nothing extraordinary.

"Who is this?" John asked cautiously, not daring to make a move.


Black cat!


Milky white stone!

These four things made a weird picture. John felt like he was dreaming.

The big black cat's eyes were bright green. It stared at John for a while, and then decided he was not a threat. It turned around, jumped up suddenly, and snatched the milky white stone from the tall mummy.

Something strange happened.


Before it could touch the milky white stone with its claws, the black cat felt a strange force paralyze its body and make it fall to the ground.

It snored loudly, oblivious to any danger. The stone had a mysterious power that put the cat into a deep sleep.

John wondered: "What the hell is it? The big black cat was hypnotized in an instant, but it didn't seem to be in any danger."

He examined the cat closely and noticed that its vital signs were calm and steady. Then he realized that the cat had stopped breathing altogether, but its fur was moving slightly, as if its cells were still alive. The cat had entered a state of suspended animation.

"This is… Fetal Breath! How can a cat do that?"

He was stunned beyond words.

This was the state of "Fetal Breath", a state where the body entered suspended animation and the cells breathed on their own.

It was a miraculous state that could enhance one's cells and unlock one's potential.

This was a legendary realm, but a cat had achieved it!!

The black cat was very powerful, with amazing speed and agility.

It seemed that it had benefited from the "Fetal Breath" state. The cat's hormones had changed and its cells had become extremely strong.

It was all thanks to this "milky white stone".

"Wow, this stone can make a cat reach the Fetal Breath realm!" John's heart raced with excitement. It was unbelievable.

Dong dong dong...

Step by step, he cautiously grabbed the milky white stone on the mummy's hand, to see if he would be hypnotized.

He barely made it halfway before his eyelids drooped and a wave of sleepiness washed over him. His vision blurred and he felt like he was about to pass out.

He was so tired.

He was like someone who had stayed awake for 72 hours and saw a bed waiting for him. He wanted to lie down and sleep, no matter what happened around him.

"No! I can't sleep! I need to get the white stone." John bit his tongue hard, hoping the pain would keep him awake. He moved forward again, reaching for the white stone with his fingers.


As soon as his palm touched the white stone, a powerful sleepiness invaded his mind. He couldn't resist it anymore and collapsed on the ground, falling into a deep slumber where he forgot himself, his shape, and the world.

He had never slept so peacefully before.

"A thousand years of dreaming, what year is it now?"

In his sleep, he seemed to have a dream and in his dream, he heard a voice sighing faintly.


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