
Interstellar: King of Stars

In 2350, mankind entered the interstellar era. Nations disappeared, and all humans formed a coalition government. The human beings on the earth are divided into two categories according to their vitality: the elite area and the ordinary area. Originally mediocre, with a vitality of only 0.7, John could only stay in the ordinary area, living an ordinary life all his life, until one day, he met a mysterious mummy while chasing a stray cat... From then on, all is different…

EdwinKing · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

14, A Lesson

"Class leader, please calm down." Mike saw the trouble and came over to smooth things over. He tried to ease the tense mood.

"Fuck off!"

Peak swung his leg, using a D-level body technique, "Kicking Heart Foot".

He kicked his buddy Mike hard in the stomach with a swift and fierce kick.

Mike screamed as he was kicked 2 meters away. He landed hard on the ground and curled up in pain, clutching his stomach.

"Sorry." Peak didn't sound sorry at all. He kicked Mike away and dusted off his legs, as if he had dirtied his pants. "Bro, I'm just teaching you some fighting skills. Why don't you learn well?"

"Mike, are you okay?"

John ran over and helped Mike up. He was furious inside.

"I'm fine." Mike's forehead was covered with sweat and he was hurting badly.

"John, come here. I haven't taught you any fighting skills yet." Peak walked over slowly and suddenly swung his leg again.

His kick was faster and made a sound of air ripping as it flew through the air.

D-level body technique, "Blade Leg"!


Some students nearby shut their eyes. Some girls even screamed.

This kick was brutal. It would seriously hurt anyone who got hit by it.

But no one dared to intervene. Peak had a reputation in the class.


An arm traced an oval shape in the air. The hand-knife slashed fiercely and met Peak's leg in mid-air. There was also a sharp sound of air tearing as they clashed.


Peak jumped back, his eyes incredulous.

John rose slowly: "Peak, do you really think you can rule the class?"

"You blocked my Blade Leg?" Peak felt that John was different, but he didn't take him seriously. "I get it, you improved a bit in a month or so, and now you're cocky in front of me?"

"I have improved." John looked at Peak. "You said you wanted to teach me some fighting skills. Well, bring it on!"

"Fine, I'll knock you down." Peak felt his authority being challenged. He couldn't stand it.


He leaped forward and threw a punch. It was like a bayonet, aiming for the enemy's heart.

D-level martial arts, Military Piercing and Explosive Punches.

Every punch targeted the enemy's vital spots. His feet were stomping and crushing. If he hit, even a wooden dummy would be smashed to pieces.

Peak's 0.9 vitality would have made him a martial arts master in the old nation era more than three hundred years ago.

John's eyes were keen and his mind was focused. The opponent's movements seemed to slow down. He lifted his arm and shot it out suddenly, with his fingers sharp like a dragon's claw.

He used one of the Dragon Claw Grabbing moves he had just learned a few minutes ago, Black Dragon Turning Back.

His long claw caught Peak's fist.

Bang bang bang…

They exchanged more than ten punches and claws in a few seconds.

They stopped and John's arm was covered with bruises from the opponent's fists. Peak's punch was piercing and it damaged his arm muscles badly.

Peak was also wounded and weak. He saw blood dripping from his arms, where John's claws had dug deep into his flesh. He had barely escaped from John's grip.

John's Dragon Claw Grabbing technique was deadly. It could rip apart the tendons, veins, and arteries of his opponent's arm with one strike, causing them to bleed out.

The fight was a stalemate, with both sides suffering injuries.

"I lack combat experience! My Fetal Breath gives me physical strength, but it's not enough. I need more nutrients for my cells. Without them, my strength is like a rootless plant."

John thought he could beat Peak easily, but he realized he was too naive in battle. He had missed several chances to finish him off. If not for his Fetal Breath enhancing his senses, he would have been in trouble today.

The fight made him realize that Fetal Breath was not enough. He needed more nourishment and stronger cells.

He had used the milky white stone to enter Fetal Breath, but without proper nutrition, he could only use a fraction of its power. He was far from the true masters of Fetal Breath. His Fetal Breath was fake.

It was like a person who was hypnotized into Deep Sleep. It was not his real spiritual cultivation.

"I have to earn more money and improve my nutrition!" John thought. "The milky white stone is just a tool. The real success depends on me."

John did not win, but he amazed the students around him.

"John can fight with Peak?"

"Peak has a vitality of 0.9. He's a master. How can John match him? There are only a few dozen students in our class with a vitality of 0.8, and they are no match for Peak. He can knock down four or five of them in an instant. Does John have a vitality of 0.9 too?"

"Amazing! We have another master in our class now."

"I wonder who won the fight…"


The class of over 400 students stopped their training and watched the showdown between Peak, the top fighter, and John, the dark horse.

"Enough." Mr Lazy Dragon said, walking over with a gleam in his eyes. "Your fight is over. You are John, right? You are hiding your skills. You used the Dragon Claw Grabbing technique I just taught you very well. Did you also learn Boneless Jiu-Jitsu by yourself?"

"Yes!" John bowed. "I learned the first three moves of Boneless Jiu-Jitsu: Bone Twisting Roundabout Kill, Bone-off String Thrust, and Bone Cracking and Cloud Collapsing."

"Good, good…You have caught my eye." Mr Lazy Dragon was not bothered by the fight. He was a military instructor. He had seen more fights and competitions in the army. He was happy to see students with potential. Besides, this was a training course. Injuries were inevitable. "Have you achieved Deep Sleep through mental training?"

"Yes." John said. "And I can enter the second stage of Deep Sleep anytime, anywhere."

John's words caused a stir.

"Wow! That's incredible! He's a genius."

"John can enter Deep Sleep at will… Peak needs a long time of guidance every time…"

"John's spiritual realm is higher than Peak's."

"No wonder he improved so fast."…

"I don't buy it!" Peak was jealous of Mr Lazy Dragon's favor for John, but he had no choice. He did not believe that John could enter Deep Sleep at will.


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