

The destruction of the Naraku Hive World within the Andromeda galaxy was far more effective than Erich had thought it was. Trillions of lives connected to the hive mind screamed out in agony and vanished within a moment's notice.

Effectively crippling every single Naraku within the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way for quite some time. Never before had so many of their kind perished before, and in a single moment, no less. It was truly a debilitating experience. 

The Naraku operated via a hierarchy that was known only to them. Each hive had its own queen, but those hives were connected together via the Empress. It was unknown to what extent the Naraku Empress held power, whether it was only over a galaxy's worth of Naraku and their scout forces. In other words Andromeda, and the Milky Way. Or the entirety of the Naraku species, only she really knew the answer to this question.