

before Once upon a time, there was an old man who used to cut trees from the river of his demon, and then he did business. One day, the saw he was carrying fell into the river. The old man was sad and a demon girl appeared.

And asked what happened to you, the old man said that my saw, which was connected to all my sustenance, fell off. she said, the old man said no, but she jumped in the water again, she came out with a silver saw, is this what she said?

The old man said no, then she pulled out a metal one, did she say this? The old man said yes, the honest old man's spirits were happy with his arrival and then she gave him his saw, and she added the other two saws of gold and silver as a gift. A few days later, the old man fell in the same river with his wife, the demonic girl came, what happened to you? My wife fell from the river, the old man said.

The demons of the river went down and then came out with Nimco Dareen and said is this your wife? The old man said: "Yes, it's her. The demons got angry at the old man's lie. She said, "Why are you lying?" The old man said: "I was afraid to say no. 11 1." Let me say, then you go in again and take out Ikraan Araale, then I say no, then you take out my wife and I say "YES", then you put my wife's mother together as a gift, I am afraid, old man. I am not strong enough for all of them. I was afraid of that. The demon girl once again appreciated the old man's honesty, she offered him as his wife, and then she gave him a gift as a gift.