
Interdimensional Mercenary (SAS 4 Zombie Assault Fanfic)

An untimely death. Something common in the business of Interdimensional Travels. Adam White, a normal human and an average man tore away from his normal life due to the childish wish he once made to the higher power that is finally granted to him. Facing a lottery to decide his power in the next life, his luck had unfortunately ran out. Of all power he could get, he get a System that grants futuristic military gears. However, perhaps it is for the best. With his wish to wield mystical magic power shattered and equipped with his System, Adam White embark into his next life as Soldier of Fortune, Gun for Hire or just a humble Mercenary trying to make a living in worlds tethering to destruction. After all, the muddy and turbulent water is the best place for fishing. ————— Cover not mine. I found it on Google. Update schedule is 3 CH/ week If I have extra chapters in stock, I will release one per 100 Power Stone. Main World 1. Rwby 2. Azur Lane Contract World 1. Girl Frontline 2. Black Bullet 3. FGO, Orleans Singularity 4. Muv Luv Alternative 5. Bleach (Before Canon Timeline) Support my fanfic with donations of join my sect at, https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

Daoist_KittyKat · Outros
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158 Chs

Chapter 26

A few days after his appointment, Adam had become very busy dealing with various matters. Mainly reformation of the government, establishment of various task forces and commissions and of course, dealing with dreadful paperworks.

"Hmn… five new parts manufacturing plants have been completed along with three assembly plants." Adam learned after reading the recent report.

"Indeed, Master. With this, we can produce up to a hundred Prowlers a day with those plants working 24 hours. In another week, we will complete the first battalion of combat robots and begin their live testing against the real enemies." Agent, his current secretary and the new prime minister, said.

"This is not enough, Agent." Adam sighed and put down the reports before massaging his brow. "From what we learned from Professor Ozpin, Grimms can be produced endlessly from the Land of Darkness. That means the number of Zombified Grimms is also endless. We need millions, ten of millions or even hundreds of millions of robots to begin the first phase of the plan." Adam sighed.

To that, Agent has no answer. The limited technology, industrial power and manpower of Vale make the progress very slow.

The first phase of the plan was to close off the border of Sanus all the way to the mountainous border between Vale and Vacuo to prevent the entry of more Grimms. Building walls and placing down garrisons is the way Adam chose.

Second phase is to segregate the land into sections. The purpose is to select out which area is vital for reclamation such as farmlands, mines, towns and villages. Then reclaim these important areas.

Third phase is to sweep and clean the entire kingdom's territory including the wilderness. The most difficult ones.

The fourth and last phase is a more deep and thorough sweep to exterminate all sign of infection.

As for now, they are still at phase zero as phase one is still out of their hands.

"Tell me, what is it that we lacked the most?" Adam asked.

Agent without even needing to flip through the paperworks as most are recorded in her Neural Cloud, before she answered. "Raw materials and industrial power. The latter one is more severely lacking."

"Industrial power…" Adam muttered while holding his chin as he tried to recall some details.

He remembers reading all the information about Vale's capability in manpower, industries and economy during his first three days of coming into power.

The reason why Vale lacks industrial power is because they have no such need for that much. The total population of whole Remnants is only around 400 millions. That's nearly 4.5 times smaller than China and India, the countries with the biggest population in his previous life, or one United States and concentrated in the capital, Vale is roughly only ten millions.

It's not that Adam said their industrial power is small. No, relative to the size of the population, it's quite big. But for the project Adam has in mind, not even China or the United States or both combined from his previous world have the sufficient industrial power for the completion of his first phase, not to mention the latter phases. It's already obvious when they stretched all the industrial power in vale for production of robots yet the best they could do is around a hundred per day. It would take him thousands of years just to complete the first phase at this rate.

"That's it!" Adam found an idea. "The 3D printer!" He remembers when he toured the Orbital Fortress with Alice.

"3D printer?" Agent knows what it is but she doesn't know where they are going to acquire it. After all, even in her world that is technologically advanced, they still have yet to create an industrial scale 3D printer.

"Yes, a 3D printer. The Orbital Fortress has one. If I can just ask System to print one for me and we just keep endlessly printing 3D printers, we can eventually have enough manufacturing power to print out our armies of robots." Adam suggested before he immediately ask- No, he begged his System. However, the response he gets is disappointing.

[No, the System cannot break the rules and create something with a blueprint. Host must first acquire a blueprint.]

Basically, his System said no cheating or shortcut. Play the damn game like you are intended to.

"Hmn, wait. Master, did you say it can create anything as long as we have a blueprint?"

"Yes. Why?" Adam is a little curious why Agent sounded so excited.

Instead of answering, Agent retrieved a data chip and handed it to Adam.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Blueprint for a Heavy Battle Tank armed with Jupiter Cannon."

"Jupiter Cannon?" Adam was oblivious to what he had in his hand and asked his System if this could be manufactured.

[The manufacturing cost is 12 Billion SAS $. Host has insufficient money to proceed.]

"Huh! 12 Billion? For a tank? USS Gerald was only 14 Billion $. What kind of tank is that?" Adam demanded to know.

"It's a normal heavy battle tank but with the greatest weapon SF ever created, an electromagnetic accelerator cannon. It's designed to shred any armored target no matter how thick. Also double as a siege weapon with great penetration for heavy fortifications."

"Still, how can a cannon be that expensive?" Adam is unconvinced and thinks his System is pulling his legs.

[The manufacturing cost is decided based on a few subjects. Material cost, manufacturing difficulty and Host's level.]

[Material cost can be reduced if Host can provide the material. The manufacturing difficulty refers to the techniques and technology required to manufacture the item and lastly, the level of the weaponry compared to Host's general strength.]

[For the Jupiter Cannon mounted Heavy Tank blueprint, the material cost is 23%, manufacturing cost is 68% and the additional cost 9%]

After reading the explanation. Adam calmed down and withdrew his accusations. Indeed if the tanks are as what Agent described, he can understand why the material and manufacturing cost is expensive enough to bankrupt a nation.

"How about this one, Master?" Agent hands Adam another data chip with an unknown blueprint.

Adam stared at it for a moment, wondering what kind of mind breaking weapon Agent gonna reveal next. Then as before, he asked his System to produce it.

[The manufacturing cost is 1.2 Billion SAS $. Host has insufficient money to proceed.]

(This is already a very generous discount as in the gfl universe, one needs a real Jupiter Cannon to make a miniature Jupiter Cannon.)

Without even looking surprised, Adam turned his deadpan face to Agent, looking for an answer which Agent understood and immediately explained.

"It's a smaller and miniature Jupiter Cannon designed to be used by T-Dolls."

"You know what. I almost have enough money for this. Count it as investments. Who knows what kind of enemies I might encounter in the future…" Adam sighed as he is not oblivious to see Agent genuinely wants the weapon.

Adam figured he would need to do Interdimensional Contract soon in order to solve his current crisis, so he considered investing on this absurdly expensive weapon. For his own protection of course. From what he can appraise of this miniature Jupiter Cannon, it has half of the original firepower which is understandable since it's literally handheld size. It's already impressive to have a tenth of its original firepower and this apparently retained half. However, the energy consumption of it is crippling.

Twenty shots is all the Agent had before she ran out of power. But it's supposed to be a trump card, not a commonly used weapon for all encounters so it's ok.

"Is this alright? I mean, the power consumption is very heavy." Adam just wanted to make sure as he asked the Agent.

"Don't worry, Master. I had completed modification to my power cells to be capable of quick swap even in battle using Lightning Dust."

That's a completely new thing he isn't aware of that Agent had been working on behind his back. Not that he cares, everyone has their own privacy except him anyway.

"Also, the Jupiter Cannon is a modified one. I personally modified its design with the help of Scarecrow to use specialized Dust infused HVP ammunition."

At this point, he didn't even bother to ask more and just bid her a goodbye while he did a little solo grind to clear his thoughts while collecting the necessary amount of cash to get her the weapon as a present since she had been working very hard from the start and never been rewarded yet for her service unlike Alice.


Winter Schnee, from the moment she accepted Agent's offer. She already figures a difficult and busy life ahead of her. In reality however, she wasn't.

She had got to know the inner circle of Adam's group and they are being very open about their secret. Like, there is no way she is going to believe everyone is a quintuplet, right?

Turns out, everyone is not human. They are like Penny Polendina, an artificial human. Similar but not the same.

"I know that my family owns SDC. But that doesn't mean I know much about Dust mining, you know…" Winter gives them her two cents of thought.

"Not much but at least there's something." Executioner rolled her eyes before she glanced over to Destroyer who was lazing around reading the latest issue of the comic she got from Vale.

"I suppose…" Winter sighed, looking depressed and unhappy with her new post.

Her job is nothing more than to provide on site supervision and insight on the day to day mining operations. But in reality, there is nothing much to do other than staring at the screen all day and supervising the robots going thr mining jobs.

The robots hardly made any mistakes and were able to complete their task with great precision. After almost a week of operation, there are still no accidents in the mine and it has been operating 24/7 as the miner does not need rest and there is a shift only for the charging and maintenance for the robots.

Besides mining, the area around the mine is slowly being converted into an industrial complex with a refinery plant soon to be completed. Aside from this Dust mine, there is another iron ore mine 60 miles away from here along with various other metals all around the places being mined including rare earth metals which are apparently very important for the production of better and stronger robots.

Winter is wondering what Adam is planning to gather that much resources. The scale is even greater than Atlas which produces many robots, mechs and vehicles like airships. It was as if he was gearing towards world domination.

Approximately 230 miles away from Vale in the middle of nowhere, far away from any settlement, a gigantic city almost, is being constructed. From what she heard, it's a military-industrial complex. A whole gigantic city is being built for the sake of manufacturing more robots and potentially more in the future. And she dares anyone to say no, he isn't trying to create an army for world domination.

The purpose of the city is to accommodate the factories, manufacturing plants, assembly lines, etc. Essentially a city that will work like a gigantic production line dedicated to pumping out robots around the clock.

Still, Winter hoped for some action in the frontline and instead was given this kind of office job. She probably never gets the chance to fight the Zombified Grimms as Adam bans any human combatants from participating in such fights. It is for the purpose of preventing infections.

The only way for a human to become infected is through contact with an infected Grimms or human. But what if human contact is entirely removed? That's right. No more infection.

The population is very supportive of this decision as no one wants to be turned into one except few that liked the thrill of battle. Like Winter. Her arms itching for a fight which had been deprived away from her.

"What? Are you in heat or something? You look very restless." Executioner asked before taking a big swig of whiskey down her throat before she released a satisfied moan.

"I am not a Faunus to be in heat. Also, isn't your body a machine? How can you consume alcoholic drinks?" Winter denied the accusation and retaliated with a question about the gynoid's physiology.

"Hmn. Despite having a body made out of a machine. We T-Dolls are fully capable of what humans can like eating, drinking, sleeping and even sex. Provided we have the necessary parts included." Executioner grinned as she saw Winter's reddened cheek as she wished to elevate her boredom by poking on Winter to enjoy her reaction.

"Hmn. Speaking of sex. I remember our Master always sleeps with that Griffin trash. I wonder if they have done it already." Executioner express a genuine annoyance that a Griffin Doll might have taken the lead to winning their Master's affection.

"Yeah! It's unfair. Master always pampers and showers his affection on that trash. I also wanted to be treated and loved like a princess!" Destroyer whined with her mood soured to enjoy reading her comic. "We latecomers can never catch up with that trash that got lucky and won Master's affection before us."

"Seriously, Agent should do something already and dispose of that Griffin trash. We, the superior Dolls, are way better to serve Master than that useless trash that only looks cute but useless." Destroyer whines more while Executioner offers a toast to Destroyer's speech.

Meanwhile Winter just learned of the internal conflict between the supposedly 'Superior Dolls' faction and the 'Griffin trash' faction. It's getting more dangerous as Destroyer continues her speech with passion on how they can win over Adam's affection and overthrow the 'Griffin trash'.

The more she heard, the more her expression darkened. The plans include but not limited to drugging Adam to 'cook the rice', assert their desire and 'cook the rice', employ seduction and then 'cook the rice', force themselves on Adam to 'cook the rice', assassinate the 'Griffin trash' and many more.

Methods are numerous. But each has their own problem. Mostly are the severe consequences. However, this is just a talk. A drunken talk because halfway through, Executioner poured alcohol down Destroyer's throat and they were having a blast releasing all her pent up frustration.

Winter has several questions on how a machine body can get drunk. But that aside, she can clearly see that each of them do have affection for Adam and listening to them made Winter herself restless.

'No! He is your biological brother! Your younger brother!' Winter screamed in her mind and slapped herself to snap out.

But recalling Adam's appearance that looked mature and older than his supposed age, made Winter's face heated up because she had a kink on an older looking man due to her daddy issue. Especially those that are strong and dependable.

Winter vow to reser- Protect! Yes, protect Adam's chastity from these lusting demons around him like a proper older sister should. Definitely not trying to keep him for herself.

Meanwhile Executioner is enjoying every moment as she watches Winter on the constant loop of falling into a daze, blushing, slapping her cheek and then rinse and repeat.


(Starting on some groundwork for the future. You never know. Also sweet home Alabama.

Also, I wonder if you readers want more of the kingdom building or more actions? Because I'm probably sending Adam on another Interdimensional Contract in another few chapters after I'm done with the current arc. A surprise is coming for Adam and Vale.)

If you readers feel generous or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip me here.
