
Integers Club

A special group of teens find themselves shouldered with the responsibility of getting rid of the greatest threat to the Heptagon States and the people living in those states.

xiaohuli455 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 9: The Verboten Chamber.

In the evening after dinner ,Becca finds her way to Ice's room. Ice is seated on a rocking chair busy writing on her notebook.

"Ain't you tired of writing? I mean you always have a new notebook everytime you have a new crush."

"Actually I like two guys this time,"Ice smiles shyly.

"Damn you have such a big heart that can accommodate two guys at a time,"Becca teases her.

"If you continue teasing me I won't tell you who they are."

Becca has already guessed one of them is Gael but she doesn't have the faintest idea who the other one is. Ice reveals about the incident when Mark saved her at the Welcoming Party. Becca concludes Ice likes Mark probably because he played the hero but Ice thinks he's a nice guy better than the arrogant jerk Gael.

The dining room in Utopian Conduit Hall has been opened officially therefore the Integer Rookies assemble there to take their breakfast.

"Life is finally getting better now. At least we have a dining room now ,"Electra sighs satisfactorily and takes a bite of a muffin she's holding.

"Hey Troy are there any extra eggs left?"

Of all the Integer Rookies Jake is the gluttonous one.

"Only two left for Becca."

"Maybe she wants to skip breakfast."

""She hasn't confirmed that."

Becca coincidentally walks in and overhears their argument.

"Actually let him have them. I'll have the muffins,"Becca says taking a seat.

"Did you oversleep?"Ice asks knowing what response she's likely to receive.

"Of course,"Becca replies boldly.

Later at Ancient Pavilion Isaiah notices Becca is wearing a white coat so he punishes her for wearing the wrong attire. He orders her to clean and arrange books in the library.As Becca stands to leave Gael intentionally opens his jacket exposing his white T-shirt. He gets the same punishment as Becca.

Becca gets in the library. Gael also arrives a few minutes later.

"What are you doing here?"

"Same as you. Punishment for wearing the wrong attire."

Becca has already guessed Gael deliberately let himself get punished for the sake of wanting to be close to her. She thinks he's just a fool madly in love with her. Isaiah disarranged the books intentionally for them to arrange them. They are supposed to find a spell book, learn a specific spell and try to summon a broom.

"Every library has a secret door. Why don't we try to find one first?"Gael suggests.

Becca quickly agrees to his suggestion and together they begin walking around scrutinizing every place.

"I can't see any door,"Becca says almost giving up.

"Maybe it's behind a shelf."

Becca spots a door lock behind a shelf. She removes the books from the shelf to make it easier to move the bookshelf.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm emptying the shelves the make it lighter."

"Let's try to move it."

Gael and Becca apply all their effort in moving the heavy bookshelf. Looks like it's the heaviest bookshelf in the library.

"Here it's written Verboten Chamber,"Becca says excitedly.

"Should we get inside?"

"I think there's a barrier guarding it. Our power is so little we cannot break the barrier."

"Let's wait until our power is great enough to break the barrier so we can come back,"Gael says with optimism.

"Let's return the shelf before we get caught."

They move the shelf back to where it was. They arrange the books on the shelves exactly as they were and proceed to find the spell book.

Gael feels his mind is not calm enough to conduct a spell so after several failed attempts ,Becca finally manages to summon a broom. They clean and arrange the books.

"We made it,"Gael exclaims excitedly giving out his beautiful charming smile.

"Why don't we borrow the spell book and try practicing a few spells ?"Becca suggests.

"Master how to use your energy first then you can worry about the spells later,"Isaiah speaks as he walks in.

"Aren't spells easier to master than the energy?"Becca asks curiously.

"That's why I advise you to master the energy first. Now you may leave."

Most people believe you should master something easier first then proceed to something complex but Isaiah doesn't believe in that kind of logic so Becca and Gael leaving without uttering an extra word.