
Insurance Daughter

“It’s pay back time, now that your sister needs to study abroad, you have to help the family. Marry Mr. Morrison.” The words were nonchalantly spoken while I was being thrown into a room. What doubles the pain is to hear these come from my own father, the person whom I never imagined slapping me with the truth that I am as valuable as an economic insurance. I am an investment daughter, my parents groomed me to be their insurance in the future. I am their economic plan B if things go wrong… Should I obey or run? This is my life and I have the control over it!

Mary_Gail_Damino · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 5: The boss is here

Not only me, but even me, Celestine was scared that her employer would arrive in 30 minutes. I cannot think of a way to help her make an alibi for my presence, so I slumped on the floor and held my head. My brain is so empty that I couldn't think of a solution.

"OK. Your arrival is just in time. Anyway, since you didn't come last summer and I was not able to go home to the Philippines, I will tell my boss that you will be here in replacement for me. What do you think about that?" Miss Celestine suddenly suggested. That surprised me even more. If that's the case and our employer will agree to her, then that means that I couldn't go to the Philippines as well. And my very main purpose for hiding here is just to buy some time to live as soon as possible.

"Madeline, tell me something… We have to go out and meet the sir once he arrives." She urged me so I nodded abruptly. What can I do if I don't say yes rather than I will be sent out of this mansion, then I don't have any place to go.

"OK, that's good. Let us think of another solution once we are able to speak with our employer and hear what he says." Rather than be left with no option at all, I just agreed to Miss Celestine. I am still thankful because she is so understanding to me.

"Yes, we are coming out." After she answered the gardener, she helped me find a uniform and got out of her room together to proceed to the kitchen and help her prepare some meals for the employer. I already understood what she was planning, so I just did as she ordered.

"Don't worry, I know, and I am sure that Sir, we'll agree to my suggestion." She said in between preparing ingredients for the cooking.

"I have been coming here to substitute for you during summers, but I haven't met the employer for once. I do not know him. I don't even know his face because, you see, this House has no picture of him. Maybe he is in his room, but I am restricted from going there so I haven't grasped a glimpse of what he looks like." I answered while chopping the onions. We were talking very slowly because we were trying to avoid the other servants of dimension to hear us.

"Don't worry about his attitude. Not to mention his looks, because he is handsome. He has everything. But there is a little bit of a problem about his attitude, especially now that he is injured and is temporarily lame."

I didn't know that our employer met with an accident or something, so I was surprised to hear that he is already lame. But what scared me was hearing Miss Celestine say that he has a little bit of a problem about his attitude so I asked. "What do you mean by his attitude?"

"He has mood swings. Sometimes he would yell for no reason at all. Before he used to appreciate people around him, but since he became lame, he is too negative. He hates everyone."

"Is that so? What do you think I will be able to bear with him?" I stopped chopping the onions and stared at me, Celestine waiting for her answer.

"Go on with your chopping. We have to cook as fast as we can. I will answer your question while we do our things."

"OK. I am sorry, I was just surprised and didn't expect that kind of news."

"No problem… He has hired many caregivers already since then, but no one ever stayed for a week or two. Most of them surrendered because of his stubbornness. I almost surrendered."

"You are scaring me Miss Celestine, how do you think I will be able to handle him if even you yourself almost surrendered?" I am in a daze.

"Don't worry, you were a very jolly person. I know that you will be able to handle him. Just do as he asks you. Never question him or disagree in everything that he says. Let's just hope that he already found a new caregiver, because if that's the case, then you will only have to take good care of the house chores."

"Gzzzz… This is making me regret coming here, to be honest." I started to complain.

"No, you have to be patient with him if you don't want to go back to your parents and be sent to the man who bought you. Choose between being treated arrogantly than being brought back to that person. Besides, Sir, doesn't stay here most of the time."

Well, that is a relief for me because yeah, he used to come here once or twice a month accordingly. This is better than nothing. The good thing for working in this household is being automatically hidden in the open to be found by my parents or the big boss who bought me.

"OK. Let us just hope that Sir will agree about my stay here." I said to end the discussion about deciding whether I will take Miss Celestine's offer or not. I am left with no choice anyway.

After 10 or 15 minutes we were able to finish cooking and prepare the table. You just have to serve the food when the boss arrives.

"Now let's go to our quarters and get you prepared for our alibi when Sir arrives." Miss Celestine suggested as she gestured to me to follow her to the maid's quarters.

When preparing, we took the chance to rest and get ready.

"Let's go. I can hear the vehicle parked already." With Miss Celestine signal I heaved a deep sigh before I stood up and followed her towards the living area to welcome our employer.

This will be my very first time meeting the master of this mansion. I am expecting him to be in his wheelchairs because as Miss Celestine said, he is lame.

"Relax. You are obviously rattling…" Miss Celestine slightly elbowed me, so I pulled myself together and smiled widely as we waited for the employers' bodyguards to push his wheelchair towards the entrance of the mansion.

"Don't worry, he is so handsome. I mean, he is an Adonis. His handsomeness dominated his fierceness."

Miss Celestine was all praise for the looks of our employer, but I couldn't concentrate on it. I even forgot my curiosity of what he looks like because my fear is overbearing my emotions.

I was startled by the man sitting in the wheelchair being pushed towards us. Miss Celestine is definitely right! There is no doubt that our employer is super handsome. The shape of his face is almost perfect. Even if he is sitting in the wheelchair, I could tell that he has the perfect body built that every woman would desire to touch and have. His jaw lines perfectly paired his whole face appearance. His face is sour, but I could still tell that he is so attractive. Oh my gosh, I never expected that we, the master of this Mansion, would be as handsome as the one in front of us.

I was awoken from my fantasy when I heard his tough and loud voice.

"Who is this woman?" His left eyebrow was raised up, so mean to stare at! His voice that followed was like thunder!

"Who gave you the permission to welcome a stranger in my house?!"