
Insignificant Extra's Rise

When a 30-year-old man is mysteriously transmigrated into an incomplete, strange novel from a mysterious book, he realizes he has become an insignificant character with weak ability but circumstances force him to create his own powerful army and spread chaos throughout the world. Will he be able to achieve his goal, or will his plan backfire? Will he be able to handle the guilt of killing millions of people, or will his mind crumble under the weight of his actions? Will he ever be able to return home, or will he meet his demise at the hands of destiny? Will he remain himself, or will he transform into a completely different person? Join him on his unpredictable journey as he struggles to change his fate or come to terms with it. *** Author's Note: Novel Poster is created by Kamiru from webnovel This is my first novel, so if you notice any plot holes, please feel free to comment and provide feedback.

from_another_world · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Plan and Chamber

As I recall the storyline of the novel it goes like this:

`A fearsome demon, more powerful than any supreme being, would rise and wreak havoc upon the world, shattering its hard-earned peace. But hope was not lost, for it was also foretold that two champions would be granted unparalleled abilities to combat the looming threat. One was a god, blessed with divine strength and wisdom, and the other was a mere mortal child, whose destiny was entwined with that of the world. This is the tale of the chosen one, the human child who would be thrust into a perilous journey to save all that is dear to them, and to triumph against the forces of darkness that threatened to consume everything they knew.`

As you can probably tell from the opening line of the novel, it's a classic hero's journey tale that follows a protagonist who is blessed with good fortune. Our main character does all the things that you would expect from this type of hero - saving damsels in distress, taking out bad guys, and even intervening when our hero thinks someone is in the wrong. It's clear that he also has a strong desire to impress women, perhaps due to being hailed as a genius during his academic years, Struggling to control his hormones.

Personally, I don't really care about the character of the protagonist. In fact, I've decided to stop writing about him altogether because I already write enough of it, in case I need to manipulate him later on.

As for the villain and god characters, I'm not going to write about them because they wouldn't appear for at least ten years.

I put down my pen and contemplate my next move. 'I have to find a way to create chaos in this world and get the attention of Trius,' I thought. "He's the only one who can tell me how to get back home."

I consider using my own powers to create havoc, but I'm not sure how powerful is my ability. Instead, I decide to use a powerful army to do my bidding. 'Yes,' I think to myself, "that sounds much more feasible. I can get things done without getting my hands dirty."

I recall a part of a novel where a powerful human army controlled by a demon wreaked havoc in the capital of the human domain. Even supreme beings had to intervene to stop them. This army was comparable to the army of the seven great families, and this arc of the novel also explained why humans were still weak despite Trius giving equal power to every race.

Apparently, a demon identified individuals with powerful abilities and kidnapped them, train them to become part of this army. This is why humanity is so weak compared to other races.

I jot down all the information I can about this army. "I can use them for my purposes," I think to myself. "But first, I need to find a way to control them. I don't have any mind control abilities as a demon does."

I furrow my brow, trying to think of a solution. I sift through my memories and any parts of the novel that might offer a clue.


As I closed my notebook, I decided to leave my thoughts for now. Standing by the window, I gazed at the breathtaking sunset outside. Only one word escaped my lips: "Beautiful." It was a rare moment for me, as I hadn't often seen the world through such a perspective. Yet, in that moment, I couldn't deny the inherent beauty of this world.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, interrupting my reverie. I turned to find the maid standing there, awaiting my response. Remembering that she was the same maid I had shouted at earlier, I realized that my outburst had made her more obedient. She spoke, her head still lowered.

"Young Lord, Lord has called for you."

Nodding my head, I acknowledged her message. I knew I had to go meet him, even though I was aware that he didn't care about his own child. In the novel, he was portrayed as a cruel person who only cared about the family's benefit. Being the head of the great families, he had the power to have as many children as he wanted, so the existence of a child was not a concern for him. He refrained from creating an army of his own offspring simply because he didn't want others to think that his bloodline was not powerful. This was also the reason why no royal or great family had more than four children.

Following the maid, I contemplated apologizing to her for my previous behavior, but I hesitated. Would it be appropriate to say sorry to a maid? I wondered if it would make her take me lightly or treat me differently. Lost in my thoughts, I was brought back to reality when the maid coughed, drawing my attention. She was pointing towards a massive black door, indicating that I had arrived. I realized that this office was remarkably close to my room, although I had never been inside before. My interactions with my father were limited to a few dinners since he was always preoccupied with work. At the age of five, according to the standards of this world, I was no longer considered naive. In this world, children displayed a higher level of intelligence, with some prodigies even understanding their abilities at such a young age. Profound families even held rising ceremonies for their offspring at the age of seven, showcasing the power of their children. I recalled that my brother had recently undergone such a ceremony. I had read about them in novel, and their abilities were said to be on par with the protagonist's party members.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door.

"Come in," came the cold and authoritative voice from within. The tone of the voice sent shivers down my spine, displaying its power.

Instinctively, I lowered my head and entered the room.

"How are you feeling?" the voice asked, but it felt more like an order, demanding an answer from me.

"G-good," I stammered, trembling under the pressure. I didn't dare lift my head, fearing that it might not be in the right place.

"Good. Now that you're feeling better, you should enter the training chamber," the voice instructed, and without thinking, I nodded in agreement.

"You will be participating in a rising ceremony organized by the royal family for their princess. I know you're pathetic, but at least try not to make my bloodline look pathetic as well," the voice remarked, its chilliness surpassing its usual coldness.

Again, I nodded, this time with sweat trickling down my forehead.

"Go to the training chamber and remember not to disgrace my bloodline," the voice commanded, sounding like a death sentence.

Without daring to look at my father's face, I nodded once more and hastily left the room.


The man stood alone in the dimly lit room, frustration etched on his face as he muttered to himself. "Pathetic. I just release some of my pressure, and he is unable to even look at me. He does not possess any powerful ability," he said aloud, casting a dejected gaze towards his shadow on the ground.

Suddenly, the shadow seemed to come alive, materializing into the form of a human figure.

"Sorry, My Lord. I thought that incident might awaken the ability of the young lord, but I was mistaken," the shadow captain spoke, bowing his head in shame or fear.

The man let out a deep sigh, his disappointment is palpable. "Okay, but don't imagine things," he warned, his voice low and grave.

"Yes, My Lord," the shadow captain replied, before disappearing back into the darkness from whence it came.

The man was left alone once more, lost in thought. "Sigh... I thought that I could have another strong son," he whispered to himself, his words laden with regret and disappointment.


As I made my way towards the training chamber, my mind was still reeling from the encounter with my father. "I thought I might die there, man. These powerful people are scary," I muttered under my breath, a shiver running down my spine. Deep down, I knew my father wouldn't actually kill me, but the sheer pressure he had released was unlike anything I had experienced before.

I reminded myself to follow the orders given to me without delay. This secluded space would provide me with the perfect opportunity to create a plan in isolation. No one was allowed to enter the training chamber of the Young Lords, allowing me the privacy to explore and potentially change my powers. I was uncertain whether my abilities were strong or weak, and the results of my research would determine my next course of action.

One thing was clear in my mind, though—I would continue with my own army plan. I needed trustworthy individuals to carry out my bidding. I had never taken a life or caused harm to others, and I had no desire to soil my hands with such dirty deeds. While contemplating my next steps, I finally arrived in front of an imposing black door, even larger than the one I had encountered earlier.

The guard, aware of my arrival, stepped forward and bowed respectfully, opening the door to the training chamber. I knew that once inside, I would not be able to leave for at least a year or two. The training chamber was designed to provide everything necessary for survival, allowing me to fully focus on honing my abilities.

Understanding my powers was of utmost importance. If I were to leave the chamber without a thorough comprehension of my abilities, I would be forced into a marriage with a powerful woman from a prominent family. The mere thought of it made me shake my head in disbelief. I refused to dwell on such a negative outcome; instead, I chose to remain positive.

With determination in my heart, I took a decisive step forward and entered the training chamber. The door closed behind me with a resounding bang, leaving me completely alone in this vast, secluded space. Here, within the chamber's confines, I would embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock the true extent of my powers.

Sorry for the delay

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