
Inside my System, there's a... God?! - A Fanfic of Solo Leveling & etc

Well, let's take a different path from what is normally seen. Many of you have probably seen countless works with Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and even American protagonists. Many of these works were truly incredible, but others mediocre at best. So here I am, giving attention to a relatively reasonable audience on Webnovel, which I think would be quite interesting to write about due to my knowledge about them. The protagonist of this story will be Brazilian, that's all you need to know until you read the synopsis below. PS: Don't worry about the Protagonist's Name not matching the narrative; they won't suddenly be from another country and have a completely Brazilian name or anything like that. ----- A boy with a strange appearance awakens a System within the slums of Brazil, after being run over by a Beetle while being threatened by an adult for stealing something. Many insane events happening at once, but as if the universe said 'fuck logic,' the same System the boy carries holds a literal...GOD?! The most concerning part is that neither the boy nor the System's god care about alignments; they have their own interests. And to think that a world of Monarchs and Rulers would experience such a drastic and possibly catastrophic change. ----- The synopsis may seem simple, but give it a chance. I've spent 2 years reading things on Webnovel and felt it was time to create something, even if it's mainly for my own interest. Perhaps I can create something good after reading so many works and getting accustomed to different types of plots. Until the prologue, folks. ( The cover is from a work called 'Player,' just like this is the appearance of the Protagonist. The difference is that his eyes are the same color as his hair, unlike in the cover photo where his eyes are shining. The sparkle in his eyes is for later~ )

AllFiction · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs

5 - Absurd Situation(2)

In exchange for this relatively shorter chapter compared to the previous one, I have one more chapter coming soon to complete this part. I must confess that I'm quite nervous now that I'm writing a situation of a "final battle" and "closure"...


Combat had resumed in an instant. The 'New' Kobold Boss advanced towards Miguel with a speed relatively higher than before, its scales assuming a reddish hue than usual.

[A Passive Perception detected Danger] / [A Passive Perception detected Danger] / [A Passive Perception detected Danger] / [A Passive Perception detected Danger] / [A Passive Perception detected Danger]

Several consecutive messages appeared in front of Miguel, who quickly moved towards the Kobold Boss. The entire area where he was previously standing was the target, indicating a possible strong attack that was too powerful to defend against.

The boss struck with its sword, and Miguel responded with a palm strike, colliding their techniques. Both strikes clashed, and the force of the boss's strike pushed Miguel back a few steps before he steadied himself and lunged towards the Kobold Boss again.

This time, the boss attacked with its other sword, but its attempt was unsuccessful as Miguel slid along the ground, passing underneath the Kobold Boss's legs, prompting a quick response from the boss by moving its tail to ensnare its opponent.

In response to the tail's attempt to trap him, Miguel delivered a powerful palm strike to the base of the Kobold Boss's tail, causing a significant amount of blood to spill as that region received a relatively deep cut.


A roar of pain much more intense than the previous ones erupted, but Miguel didn't stop there. He swiftly moved his hands and delivered more strikes around the Kobold Boss's tail in a matter of seconds, causing the boss's tail to be on the verge of being severed.

[A Passive Perception detected Danger]

In the blink of an eye, the boss turned abruptly, aiming to deliver an elbow strike to his adversary's face. Miguel quickly leaned back, evading the elbow strike. His eyes narrowed as he noticed the boss's exposed guard before quickly returning his upper body to its normal position, ready to unleash a flurry of strikes.

Recognizing the danger he was in, the boss moved its other free sword to defend, causing both strikes to clash again, but neither received any damage.

"Tsk!" With a click of his tongue, Miguel quickly jumped away, distancing himself from the Kobold Boss. "Its scales are becoming increasingly red, and that definitely isn't because of blood. I need to kill him as soon as possible...!" Taking a deep breath to recover his lost breath during that brief exchange, he lunged towards the Kobold Boss once again.

The Kobold Boss gritted his teeth in fury as he could barely feel his tail while losing large amounts of blood. He glared at the one who caused all this with immense hatred as he stomped towards his adversary.

He tightened his grip on his swords with great force as the blades of each one began to change color, becoming redder.

[Kortr, the Kobold Boss used his special ability [Fury Strikes]. His strikes will deal twice as much damage for the next minute]

"!!!!" Miguel was taken aback when he saw the notification, causing him to hesitate in the middle of his actions.

[A Passive Perception detected Danger]

He was forced to refocus his mind when he felt a burning sensation in the area that the passive detected, signaling that this strike would be much stronger than the previous ones: maximum danger.

Instead of attempting to defend against the strikes as before, Miguel quickly crouched down to let the slash pass and then jumped with all his might, reaching the height of the Kobold's head with his legs.

[The Bara Ability was activated]

He recoiled and extended his leg at high speed, delivering a powerful kick to the Kobold's face, causing it to stagger back a few steps from the impact.

[A Passive Perception detected Danger]

To Miguel's misfortune, the Kobold Boss wielded two swords instead of just one. Thus, its other arm, which had not attacked yet, descended towards him at high speed with the reddened sword in hand, forcing Miguel to put his gloves in front.

[The Stone Gauntlets were severely damaged]

Cracks appeared around the gauntlets that Miguel was wearing as his arms began to give way, and his body, suspended in mid-air, was sent flying like a cannonball before hitting the back wall of the camp.

[You have suffered 200 Damage]

[HP: 1,000 > 800]

"Kgh...!" A strange sound escaped Miguel's mouth as a small trickle of blood ran from it. "That hurt, you bastard..." he muttered as he struggled to rise, his entire body drenched in sweat due to the ridiculous effort he was exerting.

Miguel's mind was filled with confused thoughts, but he didn't have time for that now. All he knew was that currently, instead of feeling fear, he was becoming more and more engaged in the battle.

His body shot towards the Kobold Boss who, in response, did the same. During these moments of exchanges, Miguel's chaotic and thought-filled mind emptied completely, leaving behind nothing but absolute focus on the battle.

[The Sense attribute increased by Five]

A message that didn't reach Miguel's eyes was sent by the System, showing what his state of concentration was doing to his attributes.

The Kobold Boss and Miguel got close enough and once again started their exchanges, with the Boss delivering a vertical slash at Miguel, who dodged it with a few steps to the side while placing his hands on the ground.

In response to the Kobold Boss's strike, Miguel extended his leg to hit the monster's chin, to which the Boss defended with the base of the sword he carried in his other hand.

The Boss took advantage of Miguel's position to deliver a knee strike to Miguel's abdomen.

[A Passive Perception detected Danger]

Miguel instantly lifted off the ground with a small impulse and extended his cracked glove towards the knee, grabbing it to nullify the damage.

Miguel's body was sent a meter away before he planted his gloves on the ground to replenish his stance and once again run towards the enemy.

Currently, in the battlefield, there was nothing but the Kobold Boss in Miguel's mind. He had somehow removed all the useless thoughts and left only his absolute focus on this battle. His heart was beating at a high speed as his body released a large amount of sweat due to the sudden increase in body temperature.

The Kobold Boss anticipated Miguel's advance and had already prepared his attack: a powerful vertical slash that forced Miguel to 'parry' it with one of his gloves when an opportune moment arose.

The parried strike from the Kobold Boss caused him to miss his target, with the sword embedding into the ground. Using the arm of the Kobold Boss that was holding the embedded sword, Miguel propelled himself forward until he reached the monster's head, before delivering a slash with all his strength to the monster's neck.

A large amount of blood spurted from the monster's neck and dripped onto Miguel's face, but he didn't stop there because he knew the Boss wouldn't die just from that. Taking advantage of being close to the monster, he quickly unleashed a series of knee strikes to its chest, aiming to hit the same spots repeatedly to accumulate damage.

[A Passive Perception detected Danger]

Unable to dodge, Miguel received a strong blow to the right side of his abdomen, sending him flying until he collided with a small cabin, breaking it.

[You received 700 Damage]

[HP: 800 > 100]

Miguel placed his hand on the affected area to check if he was bleeding, which fortunately he wasn't. It had been a strike with the "haft" of the Kobold Boss's sword, not the blade. Otherwise, Miguel would probably be dead by now.

Not that he was in a better situation at the moment, as his entire body trembled with extreme fatigue. His body felt like it could give way at any moment.

But knowing that his death would come if he stayed still there, Miguel persisted in that position as he stared at the Kobold Boss, who had been bleeding profusely for some time.

He gazed at the Boss, who seemed just as screwed as he was, with a clearer mind. Miguel's focused eyes analyzed the Boss's current state, ignoring a notification that had been stored to not disturb the ongoing battle.

His heart seemed to pulse more and more, while his body grew hotter. Unbeknownst to him, a smile was forming on Miguel's bloodied face, giving the Kobold Boss an idea that this guy wasn't quite right in the head.

From his heart to his heavily damaged hands, thanks to the sustained blows, a golden energy gathered around Miguel's palms. In an almost instinctive manner, his body ran towards the Kobold Boss, who slowly raised his guard again before charging towards Miguel.

When they reached a certain distance, they attacked. The Boss moved his two swords to perform a vertical and a horizontal slash, which Miguel evaded, gathering all his strength to unleash a diagonal jump, landing with great difficulty behind the Kobold Boss.

The Boss turned upon seeing Miguel exploiting his flexibility and attempted to strike him. A large amount of blood splattered, while blood trickled from Miguel's mouth. The Kobold Boss looked incredulously downward, staring at the arm that had pierced through the center of his chest—the arm that still had one of the stone gauntlets.

[The Dandelion ability was used]

The Boss had his heart perfectly pierced and quickly lost his strength due to the amount of blood he had already lost. He fell to his knees as Miguel withdrew his arm from the monster's chest and kicked him backward, causing the monster to fall backward onto the ground—dead.

Something similar happened to Miguel, who was panting. He stood, trembling with exhaustion, staring at the monster's body for the next four seconds before falling backward, unconscious.


The intention of this chapter was to convey the idea of an intense fight between two beings who were solely focused on killing each other with the intention of vengeance/survival. Was it good enough? Any tips to make it more intense/improve the writing for this kind of thing?

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