
Intercepting Halfway

One day later, Andrew was sitting in the recording studio of Feis Music Company, watching the recording engineer Garcia recording the black girl with a ponytail inside.

However, Garcia looked indifferent and didn't take it seriously. He just gave some suggestions from time to time, and then played with his mobile phone absent-mindedly.

And the girl's singing was indeed a bit bad, worse than Raymond, at least Raymond was not tone-deaf.

So Andrew probably guessed what Garcia was doing, it was nothing more than the musical version of Apollon coaxing ignorant girls on the set.

Therefore, after the girl finished singing, he tactfully left the recording studio and walked towards Badman's office.

As soon as he approached, he saw the door being pushed open, Badman escorted Giorgio out, the two of them talked and laughed happily, and seemed to be having a very pleasant conversation.

After seeing Andrew, Giorgio took the initiative to extend his hand: "I have finished talking to Mr. Badman, thank you, Andrew."

"It seems that you two have reached a consensus?"

Andrew raised his eyebrows and looked at them with a smile.

Giorgio turned around and looked at Badman, who was wearing dungarees and a white shirt. The two smiled at the same time in great tacit understanding.

After Giorgio left, Badman called Andrew and Raymond to his office.

Raymond seemed to realize that the negotiation was going smoothly after seeing the expression on Badman's face, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

"Badman, how is it! Did Republic Records offer a better contract than SBK Records?"

Badman lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled, letting the smoke shroud his body. Then he answered, "Yes, Republic Records offered a much better contract than SBK, with a 35% commission, sufficient publicity budget, and no deduction of mechanical copy royalties."

"Wow! Great!" Raymond waved his fist happily.

"But he has a small condition." Badman looked at Raymond.

Raymond frowned subconsciously: "What condition?"

"That is, you have to use a fake name to release singles and subsequent albums." After Badman finished speaking, Raymond immediately retorted: "SHXT, this is impossible!"

"Why? Raymond, do you want to release a new album under the name of the beast star who was the culprit of the New York car accident peak?" Badman exhaled the smoke from his mouth, hiding his expression behind. "

Then do I have to keep calling myself a cat or a dog? Or an English word, Big A, Old T? I will lose face in the community!"

"Which is more important, face or money!" Badman scolded.

But Raymond didn't think so: "I became famous so that people can say to me, Hey, God! It's the rapper Raymond! Instead of asking who the hell is this when they see me?"

Andrew helped Badman explain: "No, Raymond, you have to know that you have shown your face in the MV. When people meet, they will only say, Hey, this is the singer of that awesome song. And it's only temporary. As long as the sales take off, you can announce your real name to the outside world at any time!"

"But this is not what I want!" Raymond still refuted: "Do I have to say my name is Raymond every time I finish singing a song and others shout Big A? Who the hell can remember it! And won't it be dug up in the future? Wow! Big star Big A actually sang a terrible song! I didn't expect it~"

Raymond pinched his throat to imitate the sarcastic look, his chest heaving.

Andrew shrugged, it was obvious that Raymond's hidden meaning was that he really liked the song of Beast Star and was unwilling to abandon it. This may be a bit stubborn and a bit inappropriate, but who calls him a singer.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this for now." Badman was also a little annoyed by Raymond's attitude, and waved his hand to fan away the smoke: "Let's talk about the name later, let's talk about the contract first, I plan to agree to the terms of Republic Records."

"What about Faith's father?"

"He, he gave it to me." Badman couldn't help but complain when he said this: "This bastard is stuck in a woman's belly every day, and I heard that he wants to make her a star. Damn, Faith is like being bewitched by a succubus, as long as he can make money, he agrees to anything."

"What about SBK?" Andrew asked.

Badman knocked on the table and said loudly: "Let those greedy vampires die, I don't care about them anymore, they will regret their tricky contracts."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone pushed the door open: "Really? Who will regret it?" "Damn it!" Badman was surprised when he saw the person coming.

Andrew and Raymond didn't recognize each other at all when they met.

"Edmund, why are you here?" Only Badman knew that the thin middle-aged man standing in front of the door, carrying a briefcase and wearing gold-rimmed glasses was one of the senior executives of SBK and the one who proposed the harsh contract.

Edmund raised his lips with a fake smile: "Of course it's for your new song, Raymond."

He seemed to not care about Badman's thoughts at all. He sat on the sofa and said straight to the point: "In fact, I was just about to remind you that although Republic Records is a music company under Universal, they only have one artist now and have no experience in promoting singers. SBK Records belongs to EMI. We are one of the top five record companies in the world and have countless artists. Let's put it this way, a dog can get platinum results if it releases a record here."

As he spoke, he crossed his hands on his raised knees, leaned forward slightly, and said with a regretful tone: "So it's a pity that you said you wanted to choose Republic Records... because it means you will miss out on platinum sales and professional promotion."

The other two fell silent when they heard this, and only Andrew retorted: "But the artist under Republic Records is 3 Doors Down, and they just got five platinum sales."

"Yeah, that's right. So what?" Edmund said indifferently: "Such achievements are everywhere in our company."

After he finished speaking, he paused for a moment and suddenly asked Andrew: "Are you the producer of this song?"

Badman answered for him: "No, he is the director of the MV!"

Edmund narrowed his eyes and nodded, as if he had memorized Andrew's face.

Raymond was a little unhappy to see him like this, and directly said: "So what is professional publicity? It also makes me change a fake name? Deceiving everyone?"

When he said this, the chair under Badman's buttocks immediately made a sharp sound, and Andrew also frowned.

Only Edmund laughed happily: "Fake name? I have to say that Republic Records is indeed very creative, but we SBK do not need such a publicity strategy. We have a lot of music critics and radio channels. If we want to change your image in the hearts of fans, we only need one sentence!"

"Really?" Raymond was obviously moved.

Badman interrupted their conversation in time; "Even so, what about the contract? I can't accept your contract! Raymond too!"

Edmund adjusted his glasses: "This is also the purpose of my coming here, oh, don't think too much. It's not because you contacted Republic Records that we have to back down. It's because after our joint evaluation, we think your single deserves more publicity, and we can increase the publicity funds by 50%. "

"In addition, I personally like your songs very much, including the one called Beast Star, so I can reduce your commission by an additional 5%, which is 35%. This is actually a very good contract for a new singer, and I hope you can consider it carefully."

Edmund stood up as abruptly as he came, and he left very decisively, but when he walked to the door, he suddenly turned back and said another sentence.

"I advise you not to have unrealistic fantasies. If you choose Republic Records, the sales of this song will definitely not be good. Because SBK has never been soft on its competitors. Fake name? Pfft... Sorry, this idea is a bit funny."

After he left the office, Andrew closed the door tightly, and Badman then smashed his ashtray on the ground, making a dull sound!

"FXXK! See! He is threatening us!"

"But he didn't let me use a fake name!"

"Idiot!" Badman was furious: "Who the hell knows how much the publicity funds are! And he didn't give in to the mechanical copy royalties! Do you know how much these things are worth? Hundreds of thousands? Millions! FXXK, ask yourself, can you make so much money on your next album!"

"Why not!"

Andrew sat back on the sofa, crossed his legs and watched the two quarreling.

Seeing that the two would not give in to each other, he had to extend his hand: "Okay, stop!"

"What?" Raymond and Badman looked at him.

Andrew spread his hands: "In fact, this problem is easy to solve, isn't it? Republic Records has a better contract, and as their second signed singer, they will tilt all the publicity resources towards you, but if it is SBK, do you want to compete with a dozen well-known singers for resources?"

Seeing that Raymond fell silent, he continued: "In addition, the so-called fake name, since SBK knows it, Republic Records must not use such a publicity method. But this does not mean that we don't have a better way. Who says that bad reputation and high sales cannot be the best of both worlds?"

(End of this chapter)