
Hit from behind

At night, Tone was driving home after drinking.

His family lives on the outskirts of the Bronx, close to the seaside, and the environment is very quiet.

After avoiding sections of the road that were easily searched by the police, he finally arrived safely near his home. Turning off the car, taking off the keys and getting out, he muttered: "Bullshit creativity, shooting a MV, simplicity and efficiency are the right things. Do you think I'm right?"

There was no one around him, but He kept mumbling to himself and into the air. It was obvious that Tone was drunk.

And just when he left the car door, several black boys suddenly passed by and heard his voice taunting: "Look, you white drunkard was not arrested by the police? Do you want me to call 911 for you?"

"FXXK, get lost, black boy!" Tone waved his hand impatiently. Why are there black people in his neighborhood, which is obviously a white neighborhood?

Damn it, I must let the guard watch carefully next time, and I can't let these black monkeys wander around so proudly!

But as soon as he thought of this, he saw the faces of several black people suddenly turned ugly.

"What did he just say?"

"He just said nigger!"

"Yes, I heard it, nigger, he discriminated against us."

"What nigger? I was talking about black people!" Even though Tone was drunk, Liao also knew that these two words should not be used casually, so he quickly corrected them.

The leader of the black boy said angrily: "Look, he said it again, he is discriminating against us!"

"FXXK! Beat him! Brothers!"

"Wait, I didn't say nigger!" Tony was frightened. He wanted to run, but when he turned around, he tripped over a curb and fell to the ground.

"Again! FXXK! Bullshit! You damn racist!"

"Death to racial discrimination!"

"Damn white pig!"

The three black boys caught up with them and punched her hard, making Tone cry. Calling me mother, I wanted to resist, but someone stepped on my knee. With a crisp sound, I screamed miserably.

"It's broken!"

"Let's go! Let's go!" One of them grabbed the leading black boy.

"Bah! You deserve it!" another man spat at him, and they quickly got into a black car and left the block.

And Tone was holding his legs and groaning in pain on the ground.

After hearing the sound, the male owner of the neighbor's house ran out of the house with a gun. However, the surroundings were empty at this time. There was no criminal anywhere. Only Tone was left on the ground shouting.

"Tone, hold on, I'll call you an ambulance!" The male neighbor kindly took out his mobile phone, but the next second Ton grabbed his hand and begged: "No, don't call an ambulance!"

"But! You..."

"Please, drive me to the hospital."

The next day, Andrew received a call from Mike.

"Well, I don't know if this is good news or bad news, Andrew." Mike on the phone said with emotion: "Tone was beaten yesterday, saying he was beaten because of an altercation with a black man, and then his The leg is broken.

"What about MV?" Andrew asked.

"MV...Tone definitely can't direct it. Now there is only one option, and that is to let Jose take over."

"Is Jose OK? I mean his ability."

"He is okay. He has directed the MV. I'm not a novice, but it may depend more on you, Andrew."

"Rely on me?" Andrew pretended to be surprised: "

Come on, Andrew, you are not just a photographer. , I will give you more money, how about giving Ton's share to you two? He can't get it

anyway." "In that case, I'll bear it," Andrew raised his eyebrows. The tone was rather helpless.

After Mike finished talking to him about this matter, he suddenly asked again: "Andrew, his hospitalization has nothing to do with you...well, it probably has nothing to do with it."

"What do you mean, Mike?" Andrew frowned. : "Is it just because I have filmed a music video for black people that I can instruct black people to beat people up for me?"

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just think it's a coincidence. He just had a quarrel with you..."

"You also participated in the meeting. You should also know that with his virtue, it is unexpected that he will not be beaten."

"That's right, okay, Andrew, I'll leave it to you."

"Don't worry... I will take care of myself. " Photographed."

After hanging up the phone, Andrew smiled and said to himself: "Mike is quite sharp, but there is no evidence, right?" Finally, the troublemaker was kicked out, and he could finally realize his idea. Because the budget for filming Raymond's MV was too small, I could only shoot some indoor scenes, which was not satisfying at all.

But this time, he planned to have a big fight.

Putting down the storyboard he had already drawn, he received a call from Jose soon after.

On the phone, Jose said that he would assist Andrew in filming the MV and that if you have any needs or ideas, you can tell him.

It seems that he should have communicated with Mike and wisely gave the leading position to Andrew.

"It's better this way. It saves me the trouble."

Three days later, Andrew, as the photographer and assistant director, met Nelly and Kelly Rowland at the scene of Kelly Rowland's MV shooting.

Kelly Rowland has classic short red hair. Although her skin color is dark, it is not dark, but like healthy wheat. She looks fresh and lively.

Nelly, on the other hand, was wearing a large white T-shirt, a baseball cap on his back, and a silver necklace hanging around his neck that reached almost to his waist.

The two of them were talking and laughing, and behind them were their managers and their good friends. They will make guest appearances in the entire MV, and even Kelly's real mother is included.

This is also a way to save budget, since there are only a few lenses in total anyway.

After they arrived at the set, they entered the dressing car. Jose and Andrew also came to the car with new storyboards to communicate with the two people.

"Hey!" Jose greeted first, and then handed the storyboard to the two of them: "This is the new version of the MV storyboard. It is more creative than the previous one. You can take a look."

Kelly nodded and took it over and said with a smile: "Let me take a look, oh, it seems that there are a lot of new shots."

"That's right."

Nelly did not answer, and said directly: "No need to look, you just need to tell me what to do."

"Okay, let Andrew talk to you. He is the assistant director and photographer, and this is also his idea." Jose pushed Andrew forward, and he said with a smile: "I know you may think that the MV is a very Simple stuff, Nelly, how long did it take to shoot your previous MV?"

Nelly thought for a while and tilted her head: "Seven hours, what's the matter?"

Andrew raised his eyebrows: "That will be the filming time for this one. " Three times."

"What?" Nelly frowned: "Why does it take so long? I have other plans."

Kelly also became curious: "Is there any difficult scene?"

"Of course!" Interested, Andrew said confidently: "This is not an ordinary MV, and I never shoot simple MVs. So, let me tell you a picture..."

"Nelly, you and Kelly are standing on the dark street, There are street lights on both sides, and behind you are the burning cars. The sky-high firelight and the empty streets are like a reflection of the two of you. The fire is burning, but it is just the lonely souls comforting each other. "

This is actually in Beyoncé's MV. The scene between her and Jay-Z, when this MV was released, I don't know how many fans were fascinated by it.

After describing the scene, Andrew asked: "Do you think this is cool?"

"It's so cool!" Kelly was the first to open her eyes wide and look at Nelly: "This fits our song very well."

Nelly also shook her head: "Yeah, that's right, the burning car, wow, it sounds so cool already."

"And we plan to continue this style throughout the song. It's not just about acquaintances or duets, but about the song. Only by expressing the true emotions in the video will fans watch it over and over again. When the time comes, video stores will continue to circulate your MV. Do you think this will be good for sales? "

"Of course it will! I can't wait!" Kelly stretched out her hand excitedly.

Nelly also nodded in agreement: "Just shoot like this, buddy!"

In the 24th year of Jian'an, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang conspired to lay out Jingzhou, and a great overall situation with Guan Yu as the center quietly unfolded.

At this time, Zhuge Liang's heir, Zhuge Qiao, followed Zhuge Liang's secret order and sailed into Jiangling in the name of marrying Guan Yu's daughter Feng Ji.

Young people work hard all their lives, and don't waste time and effort.

This game is related to the success or failure of Zhuge Liang's Longzhong battle, and also related to the fate of the entire Ji Hanzhong.

Through the ages, father and son share the same heart.

This is Zhuge Liang's destiny, and it is also Zhuge Qiao's destiny.

"Since I am playing chess with my body, I should sacrifice my life to win against heaven."

"Zhuge Qiao, the eldest son of the military advisor general, has met you all."



(End of chapter)