
White Hair

Kanon and Sanguine sped out of their current dwelling, towards the intended meeting spot before deploying. Once they arrived they did not find the whole group.

Tatsumi, Gina, Shun, and Karel stood by god-arcs at the ready. Tatsumi waved the two in with a serious expression.

"(No Erina or Emil.)" Sanguine thought, ignoring the bitterness in his heart.

"Good morning. Brandon's already taken Emil and Erina out en route to the nearby aragami. They'll handle the dispersing of the horde nearby. A horde this size won't disperse quickly. Once the aragami starts spreading out we'll each head to a position to cut them off to keep them from this satellite base as well as any routes to the other bases. The plan to meet up later at the Developing Satellite Base still stands, but we're not leaving any opportunities for them to intercept supply trucks later. We're splitting into groups of two to cover as much ground as possible. Gina, you're with me. Karel, you're with Shun. San——-o-gUine! You'll fly with Kanon." Tatsumi ordered.

"(Nice recovery, Mr.Awkward.)" Karel, Shun, and Sanguine thought sarcastically. Gina merely nodded with Kanon.

"Kanon, Arcs up! Get geared so you two can get moving!" Tatsumi said, maintaining his serious composure. As it stood Kanon was the only one without her god-arc.

"Right away, Sir!" Kanon said as she ran for the god-arc storage. But she halted at Sanguine.

"I won't be long." Kanon said.

In response, Sanguine nodded with a light blush.

Kanon resumed dashing for storage, somehow more determined.

Something which caught Gina's eye. Her gaze filled with mischievous intensity. The moment Gina saw this exchange, she didn't spare a moment to formulate a response.

Unbeknownst to her other comrades…

"Hey, Tatsumi…" Gina said.

"What up Gina?" Tatsumi asked.

"For the sake of time, why don't I and the jailbird head off now? That way you'll have 2 groups out there, coordinating. Besides, you could use a big gun like Kanon, while I get the heavy sword. Team balance and all that." Gina suggested, all too convincingly.

This caught Tatsumi off guard along with Sanguine.

"Uh, I mean you are the best eyes we could have out there, and time is of the essence." Tatsumi said, seeing no error in her logic.

"Right? So say the word, and I'll take jailbird off and we'll fly for nearest intercept." Gina said. Once again all too convincingly.

"Uh-Alright! Sanguine, take Gina, and head about 5 miles East. Brandon's signal should be coming soon. When it does find your point of interception and keep any aragami from fleeing." Tatsumi ordered.

"Right away sir!" Gina said with a smile and saluted graciously. She immediately moved to Sanguine's side and waved a hello.

The inmate told her to hang on and transformed Sameem into his Flying Predator Form. As they flew off, the inmate subconsciously had to block all the bitter feelings that built up at that moment.

Tatsumi then turned to Shun and Karel.

"Hey, guys. I didn't just, get-played...right?" he said with a hint of concern.

The duo looked at each other dismally.

"No, no way!" Shun argued.

"Not at all." Karel said sarcastically.

"Right..." Tatsumi said with a frown.

As Tatsumi pondered his shortcomings, Gina was enjoying her trek through the sky.

"I can't believe you can enjoy this anytime you want! If my god-arc could do this, I'd never put it away!" Gina said cheerfully. Constantly doting on Sanguine's ability to fly, the inmate focused on his sword Sameem.

"(You've been quiet for awhile.)" Sanguine thought.

(Oh me? Hardly.)

Sanguine raised a brow, noting the Predator head seemed to be doing its best not to avert any direct eye contact.

"OH! This is far enough. Drop inside that building over there." Gina said, interrupting the inmate's thoughts.

Gina pointed to a 7-story ruin standing high above its neighbors.

"But we haven't seen the signal yet." Sanguine argued.

"Oh, I've known Brandon long enough to know how he works. Trust me that spot will work best." Gina assured.

Sanguine looked back and forth between their original destination and the ruin.

"Trust. Me." Gina pressed her hand on his shoulder.

An all too familiar feeling pulled at the inmate, making his heart heavy.

With a sigh, Sanguine flew to the ruin and landed on the highest stable floor.

"(The way she said it, it was almost the same.)" Sanguine thought.

(Yeah, she even has white hair too. Albeit much shorter.)

"Something wrong?" Gina said, catching Sanguine staring at her.

"No. If you didn't mistakenly lead us here." Sanguine said sarcastically.

"Oh, it's fine." Gina said waving him towards her to the edge. Most of the flooring had long been eaten along with the east section of the wall, but there remained enough to stand on.

Sanguine could only shrug, and follow her.

"No signs of the signal yet, so we have a minute. Let's get to know each other." Gina said happily, extending a hand.

"What?" the inmate uttered, staring awkwardly at Gina's hand.

"What don't they have handshakes in prison?" Gina joked.

"No." Sanguine said, half-joking himself. He could tell Gina for days how physical interactions among prisoners were seldom encouraged or allowed.

"Well as part of integrating you back into society let me re-introduce you to----the handshake!" Gina pulled Sanguine's hand into her own and shook both.

"Ok? (Is she messing with me?)" Sanguine thought.

(I think she's not NOT messing with you. I think...)


A light erupted in the sky before Sanguine could respond in any way.

"Everyone, Aragami are starting to spread out! Current headings North-East, South-West, North-West. Tatsumi we have South-East covered." Brandon's voice sounded over the radio.

"Good work! Gina, Sanguine, Intercept Southwest! Karel and Shun will handle the aragami fleeing Northeast! Kanon and I will head off the Aragami going North-West! Keep in touch! Don't let any escape!" Tatsumi ordered from the radio.

"Right-on-point! Let's get ready with a welcome party for our friends!" Gina sang as she grabbed her sniper rifle.

Hearing their leader speak. Sanguine noticed that Gina's chosen location was exactly where they needed to be.

(Well she knows her friends that's for sure.)

"(Like someone else I know.)" Sanguine thought, gripping Sameem.

(No doubt the only common thing we share, now feed me!)

Sanguine was ready to jump from the building to fly, but stopped. Gina put her hand in his face.

"Just wait there, I"ll let you know when to go, dont' worry about that. So...how are things going between you and Kanon?" Gina said, positioning herself adjacent to her god-arc.

Sanguine was taken aback by her sudden attitude.

(I Beg Your Pardon!?)

New Semester is just around the corner, so I hope I can get at least 2-3 more chapters done this month.

Shoutouts to














Whether you're still reading or not.

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