
Protect Them (Part 4)

On the way to the Satellite Base, I couldn't dodge Erina's questions about what I did with Kanon.

I mean what I could tell her, that I didn't already.

It was never on the mouth! Why did things get so twisted!?

I don't think we ever cleared the air with Hibari either, or maybe Kanon did.

At that point, I still thought things were going back to 'normal'. I had to count myself lucky that I wasn't going back to prison altogether.

(But look at us now.)

Riding along in this convoy, seeing the friends Kanon made before she met me.

When the car stopped, It hit me that her being here must mean she asked Paylor to be transferred. But what about Emil and Erina?

(Let's ask him when he gets here.)

As soon as he walked out of the APV, Sano took in his surroundings.

Inside it wasn't much different than the previous Satellite Bases the inmate had seen.

It did however feel less occupied.

(That lady tried hard to sell the other place, but here we have a bigger pick of houses.)

"(Stop having stupid ideas.)" Sano thought.

As he scanned the town, Sano peaked to the side to see Tatsumi. He was dressed in a red jacket and white pants. He was stretching near the front of the vehicle. After seeing him full-body the inmate only had this to say.

"(Yeah, still looks wimpy.)" Sano thought.

(Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy...)

A few snickers escaped Sano's breath.

"What's up? Am I stretching weird?" Tatsumi asked.

"Nah." Sano said, quickly diverting his attention inside APV.

Kanon was freed from the buns Gina made in her hair. It was free to drape her shoulders once again.

While Kanon was talking to Gina, she caught the inmate staring at her with a smile. Kanon smiled back at Sano, making him fidget.

Seeing this Gina nudged Kanon towards the inmate. With a mix of resentment and appreciation, Kanon approached the doorway, hopping next to the inmate.

"So how does it look now?" Kanon asked.

"I think that's a more mature look for you." Sano said with a smile.

"I always liked to think my wearing my hair short didn't seem too kiddish, ya know? My mom wears her hair pretty long, so I always felt that was a 'mom' look." Kanon said as she rambled on about hairstyles.

"Let me remind you two that we're still here on business." Tatsumi joked as the pair sneered.

"Geez, Tatsumi, we're talking." Kanon bickered.

"Yeah, yeah." Tatsumi said with a smirk.

"Anyway, yeah, do you like it?" Kanon asked.

"Yeah." Sano said as he adjusted a few strands of pink on Kanon's head. Much to her delight.

"By the way, can you look after them for a while?" Sano said as he peaked to his side. Erina was clamping down on Emil's mouth to keep him silent with all her strength. While muffled his words still managed to peer out.

"Well, if I'm gonna have the 'mom' look for a while might as well act the part right?" Kanon joked as she played with her hair.

"Actually, Erina tried to play it off like she never panicked, but she was really worried about you. Emil was too. Everyone on the team was ready to arc up and come to you. Tried as I might though they still acted like it was the end of the world. Mostly Erina." Kanon whispered.

"What were you expecting to happen?" Sano asked.

"I mean I knew you would handle it without a problem. I know you're the best. Erina knows you're the best. The Far East knows it by now. I mean you've always showed me how I can count on you. I'll always believe in you." Kanon said, stepping closer to the inmate.

"(That sounded almost like a goodbye.)" Sano thought inching closer to Kanon.

(Now who's having stupid ideas?)

Sano slowly snaked his free arm around Kanon's waist. Kanon felt herself tense up, but made no protests.

"(C'MON!!!! Closer!!!!! Just a little more!!!!!!!)" Gina thought intensely watching from the edge of the doorway.

"Director, welcome sir!" Tatsumi said, snapping Kanon and Sano's attention to the side.

"Greetings. Good to see you all, I'm glad you made it safe." Paylor said appearing from thin air.

"Dr.Sakaki! Hello!" Kanon removed herself from Sano's hold, as she nervously waved at the doctor. Sano could only leave his free arm at rest, bitterly.

"Officer on deck! At attention guys!" Brandon appeared out the APV with a full salute.

"Jeez, relax Brandon it's just Sakaki, calm down." Karel said, smugly.

"Gina?" Shun stared peculiarly at the one-eyed god-eater.

"(DAMMIIIIIIIIITTTT!!!!!!)" Gina was clutching the seat as cracks formed.

"Dr.Sakaki!" Erina jumped out of the vehicle, along with Emil.

"Greetings my good sir, what news do you bring from the homestead!" Emil asked cheerfully.

"If I knew I'd tell you, I left early this morning with Mr.Shimazaki. Hello there Ms.Daiba. Almost didn't see you there Mr.Shimazaki, how are you?" Paylor said cheerfully.

(Is he mocking you?)

The inmate growled, glaring off to the side.

"You've enjoyed the Defense Squads' company I hope?" Paylor questioned.

"Oh, everyone's been so great to him!" Kanon said.

"We've only just met awhile ago, but I'd like to think we've made a good first impression." Tatsumi said coyly.

"Good to hear it! Now that I'm here, I'll get to the point. Tatsumi if you're ready take the Satellite Defense team to the 4th base and hold that point till further notice. Ms.Daiba, Der Vogel Veid, and Sir Straussborg will be with you still. I'll be in touch at a later time. That will be all." Paylor commanded.

"Yes, sir! You guys hear that!" Tatsumi as he banged on the APV.

"Loud and clear." Brandon said, sternly.

"Yeah, something about leaving." Karel said as he leaned back in his seat.

"Can we get some food first?" Shun asked.

"Shun, you already ate!" Tatsumi scolded.

"Yes, sir!!!!!!!" Gina said with a shrill as she peaked her head out the door.

"Well, with that being said, Mr.Shimazaki, attend to your usual duties and I'll be at the clinic heading the relief effort! Toodoaloo!" Paylor quickly said and speedily went on his way.

"I guess we're heading out." Erina said.

"We're probably heading in the same direction, but right now I have to play bodyguard." Sano said.

"They couldn't ask for a better god-eater." Kanon said.

"Yeah, no Psion can get in your way!" Erina added.

"Agreed, Sir Black Knight as you hold true to your convictions none can get in your way!" Emil said, giving a thumbs up.

Sano smiled, as he could feel himself grow lighter at their words.

"Don't keep Mr.Awkward waiting, I'll be on you if I hear you've been slacking off." Sano said, sternly as he could.

"Hey, c'mon man!" Tatsumi said.

"I did say you were pretty awkward." Brandon said, reluctantly.

"No time to lose, let's go, Mr.Awkward!" Erina said as she pushed Tatsumi into the APV.

"Yes, to new proving grounds!" Emil cheered as he followed right after.

"It's gonna be a long trip..." Brandon murmured as he walked back into the vehicle.

Kanon giggled as she patted her friend on the back. With a quick wave to the inmate, Kanon entered and closed the hatch to the vehicle.

The inmate didn't remove himself from his position until the APV was completely out of sight.

(Well that's that, now when do you think we should pay the doctor a visit?)

"(We might not have to go too far...)" Sano turned to face the direction Paylor had escaped into earlier, only to see him bundling up a bowl of noodles at a nearby umbrella table.

(That fish-faced bampot!)

"Enjoying yourself?" Sano said, startling the Doctor.

"Oh Mr.Shimazaki, hello. Has the Satellite Defense Team already left? It would've been fine if you talked longer." Paylor said as he slurped up another helping.

"Gina specifically right?" Sano said.

"Ms.Dickinson? Banish the thought?" Paylor said as he sipped his tea.

(Mind you Red-Eye was barking when I last saw her.)

"Whatever, if you're not working, I need answers." Sano said as he took a seat with his god-arc.

"About what per say?" Paylor asked.

"What exactly do you want from me?" Sano asked.

"Come again?" Paylor asked.

"You know what I mean. This was about Pigrem, but I think you want something else too." Sano said, his tone growing hostile.

"Is that right? So what that might be?" Paylor asked, leisurely indulging his noodles once more.

"That's why I'm asking you." Sano said, his voice raising more.

"You're asking me what I want?" Paylor asked.

"Yes!" Sano exclaimed.

"Have I done something to mistreat you?" Paylor asked plainly.

"No." Sano said, the irritation spread over his face.

"Have I made any attempts to expel you from our home?" Paylor asked.

"No." Sano said. The question only served to build up the tension.

"Would you say you no longer wish to stay in our Branch?" Paylor said.

"THAT'S NOT THE POINT!" Sano shouted as he slammed his hands on the table and stood up from his chair.

The surrounding populace noticed and couldn't help but notice.

Sano was ready to yell at Paylor. Coupled with his ever "Cheerful" demeanor always put on for the average fool, the questions piled on more reasons for the inmate to jump and scream.

However, as hard as he tried, he couldn't find his words. A lump caught in his throat the harder he tried to keep yelling.

All the tension built into his muscles left him and the inmate could only face the ground.

There was only silence.

Paylor put down his bowl and cleared his throat.

"As I said before, you should keep looking around and see what you're fighting to protect." Paylor said as he left his chair.

Sano didn't respond and made no effort to halt Paylor's exit.

"OH! Have you eaten yet? I mean since this morning. Take this and buy yourself a few things." Paylor said as he dropped a card on the table.

After he patted Sano on the shoulder, Paylor left with a wave.

He didn't see the scowl on Sano's face.

"Dammit..." he whispered.