"So this is everyone, you've already met Gina." Kanon said.
She was dressed in a purple crop-top, black shorts, and leggings.
I can feel this one scheming something. I can't really nail her personality right now.
"This is Brandon." Kanon pointed to a brawny young man with white hair dressed in blue.
If I could describe this guy in one word after looking at him just once. It's boy-scout. But Kanon said he's saved her a bunch. Guess I'll withhold my judgment.
"Brandon Bardell, nice to meet you." he said politely. The inmate nodded back in response.
"Next we have Shun." Kanon pointed to the young man in green. Spiky auburn hair in an even spikier ponytail and a rigid demeanor.
If I could describe THIS guy in one sentence. Annoying as he is reliable.
"Hey, I know what that look means, you think I'm annoying or something!" Shun said, pointing an accusing finger at the inmate.
At least he knows how to read faces.
"It's not really hard to guess with a delinquent like you." said the blonde sitting next to Shun.
"Shut up, Karel!" Shun barked back.
"That's Karel. He and Shun are best friends." Kanon said.
"Hey, don't get the wrong idea, he just owes me money. A lot of it!" Karel said sneering at Shun.
Dressed in a pink shirt and black pants, with unruly hair.
To sum up this guy's appearance. He looked like a member of a boy band, that tells people he quit, but really got kicked out.
"Don't let the boyband-reject look fool you, under all that he's a hard-pressed financier with a heart of gold." Gina whispered.
"Whatever nonsense she's telling you, don't take it seriously." Karel said as he dialed his phone.
Gina winked at the inmate, which only made him question her statement.
"And our driver, team leader, and awkward flirt, Tatsumi!" Kanon pointed to the driver's seat.
"HEY, I'm not awkward! Brandon am I awkward?" The inmate caught a flash of a brunette from the cockpit.
"You can be pretty damn awkward man..." Brandon said, guilt on his face.
"Aw' cmon!" Tatsumi said, peeking out from the driver's seat.
"Eye's on the road!" Karel said, not looking away from his phone.
"Yeah, Mr.Awkward!" Shun offhandedly teased.
"No respect..." Tatsumi returned to the driver's window with a frown.
My first impression of the 'leader' of this gang...he looks like a wimp and that's without a good look at his face.
"There you have it, the whole Defense Unit, or Mobile Defense Force---something...What are you called again?" Kanon asked.
"Satellite Defense/Survey Unit." Tatsumi said with a sigh.
"Yeah, that's right. They go around defending Satellite Bases/Sites from aragami!" Kanon said as if she knew the whole time.
"But enough of that, Kanon you still haven't introduced us to your friend here." Gina said innocently.
"(Why does she alarm me?)" the inmate thought.
I don't like it either...
"This is Sano, he---went-to-prison..." Kanon said as the atmosphere became silent.
"But---Be assured our fine friend has done nothing but shown the finer qualities of a rehablitee. As a matter of fact, he's been nothing but a gentleman with Lady Kanon." Emil was immediately elbowed in the gut by Erina.
"Emil! Look, point is if you've got a problem with Sano you've got a problem with us!" Erina stated boldly, making the inmate feel pleased.
"So you went to jail huh? You'll fit in great with us, then." Karel said, surprising all aboard, even Gina.
"Is that right?" Sano said with a smirk.
"Yeah, between all the delinquent debts Shun owes me, and all the citations I got from FENRIR we could use a guy who's done hard time." Karel said, still keeping his attention on his phone.
"Yeah, the more the merrier-HEY!-Who are you calling a delinquent?" Shun said, making Karel sneer.
"You two are lucky you were never court-martialed. That being said, if ever want to see redeemed criminals, these two will make a good reference." Brandon said with a smirk.
"Haha." Karel said sarcastically.
As Brandon, Shun, and Karel continued to bicker, Gina started giggling along with Kanon. Then Sano and Emil. Erina however was confused.
Sano simply patted her head and tells her not to think too hard about it.
"So, how long have you two been together?" Gina said 'innocently', to Kanon.
This question got everyone's attention and confused the pink-haired girl.
"It's not like that Gina, we're just friends." Kanon said.
"Didn't know friends held hands like that." Gina said coyly.
The whole time while she introduced her companions, Kanon's palms rested over Sano's.
Finally catching herself, Kanon pulled away, trying to find the words to defend herself.
Sano frowned slightly, trying to pretend the lack of her touch didn't bother him.
This didn't go unnoticed by Gina, unfortunately.
"In your message, you mentioned something along the lines of kissing. Did I mishear?" Gina said. Ever so innocently.
The whole APV shook in response.
"What!?" Tatsumi yelled as he re-adjusted the wheel.
"GINA!" Kanon slammed her hands over Gina's mouth, as her face went red.
The inmate felt the gazes of Brandon, Shun, and Karel who finally looked away from his phone.
Their jaws were agape in shock, Emil included. Erina looked like she was about to scream like a fangirl.
The inmate was unable to look the child in the eye, as he pondered for a quick solution.
"(What the hell is she talking about—Hold on!)" The inmate started to remember the day beforehand.
In a state of vulnerability, he took her hand in his and kissed it. Then Kanon kissed his in turn.
"(She can't mean that...)It's a misunderstanding." Sano said.
"Yeah! A total misunderstanding!" Kanon said as she kept a tight grasp on Gina's face.
"Sooooo-nothing happened???" Erina said, crowding Sano.
"Yeah, nothing! Well---not 'nothing'..." Kanon said as she struggled to speak. She looked to the inmate as if beckoning a response.
"I wasn't at my best, and even though I was just trying to focus on Kanon, she wanted to help me instead. And she did." Sano stared directly into Kanon's pupils, making her smile.
"Yeah, I think of Sano as I would all of you, if I can be there for you I will. He's been helping me out for a while, so I would appreciate it if we could all get along. Right, GINA?" Kanon scolded, as she finally let go of Gina's mouth.
"I get it, you two want to take things at your own pace. You won't' stay mad at me over a little teasing will you?" Gina whined as she slung her arms around Kanon.
"Just undo the buns in my hair and we'll call it even." Kanon said as she sat by Gina.
"UGH!-FINE!" Gina reluctantly started to undo the pink buns while shrilling.
While still initially put off the rest of the passengers let things be.
Except for Erina.
"Sano, I still don't get it." she said.
"Get what?" the inmate replied.
"Did you and Miss Kanon kiss or not?" Erina whispered.
Sano's face scrunched up, and he started to sweat.
"Not in the way you think." Sano said.
"Then in what way?" Erina said.
"(How the hell do I explain this???)" Sano thought frantically.
Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this ride.