

"Sano have you met Erina and Kota yet?" Kanon asked, still oblivious to the predicament she left him in.

"No." Sano said, his aggravation building in his voice.

"Introductions later! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!? WHO ARE YOU!?" Kota asked, frantically.

"But you just said, no introductions. Soooooo...?" Kanon said, unsure of how to comply.

"I mean th-Its-a-AAAaaagj! HIBARI!" Kota said, turning to the other redhead desperate for an explanation.

She had managed to calm down but was tempted to let this play out.

Clearing her throat, Hibari decided to go back to being professional.

"Kanon, you trained so hard you couldn't stand right? And Sano did what exactly?" she asked.

"Oh, guys, he punched OGRETAILS WITH-HIS-BARE-HANDS! Then went all over the places and he smashed one into the wall!" Kanon elaborated, glorifying a simple warm-up done by Sano.

"WHAT!? THERE'S NO WAY! ARE YOU HUMAN!? I mean no god-eater is completely human, but ARE YOU!?" Kota stammered in disbelief.

The girl behind brushed past him, revealing herself entirely to the inmate and Kanon. A sailor hat covered her dirty blond hair going past her shoulders. A tan sweater-vest, with a t-shirt underneath, and a blue skirt with red stockings.

"What psycho can do that!? Are you sure you're not imagining things Ms.Daiba?" she questioned.

"Go ask the engineers downstairs, they saw the whole thing! I hope they recorded it!" Kanon said.

Sano wasn't participating in the conversation, he was only staring at Erina. Fully revealed, he saw just how young the girl was.

She was barely over 4ft tall.

This child was a god-eater? He thought.

Amidst their conversation, Erina noticed Sano glancing at her, and stared right back with her blue eyes.

They locked gazes, and the room went quiet. Kanon and Kota could look back and forth between the two, unsure of the situation.

Having enough of this stand-off Erina pointed her finger at the inmate.

"What?" she asked with growing hostility.

Sano did not answer and only stared at her in the corner of his eye.

"Is there something on my face?" she scowled at Sano.

"I don't see anything." Kanon said as she sat herself up to inspect Erina's face.

"Then what!?" Erina said, getting more frustrated at Sano's silence.

"Yo, Hibari who is this guy?" Kota whispered loudly.

"As you all should've been emailed, a recent Prison chopper crashed and we picked up an inmate who survived the crash. Since his prison hasn't come for him yet he's working his sentence in our branch for a while. That being said he can't leave this building unless it's a mission.

This is Inmate 1103 Sano Shimazaki." Hibari explained.

Erina did a double-take as Hibari finished elaborating. She fearfully stammered back and hid behind Kota.

"That's THIS guy!? And why's that god-arc there!?" Kota said, becoming the hostile one.

"Kane." Sano said, Kanon's attention immediately returned to her training partner.

"Can you move on your own now?" he asked.

Kanon wrung out her legs and planted her feet off the couch. As she balanced herself, she wobbled slightly.

Kanon stood up with a T-Pose, After testing herself, she spun and gave Sano a thumbs up.

"A little tight, but I think I'll be fine." she said cringing one eye.

"Go drink something. After that, we can go wherever the next mission is." Sano said, completely ignoring Erina and Kota.

"Sweet! Oh, have you had breakfast yet?" Kanon asked.

"No." Sano said, inwardly put off by the question.

"Well c'mon in the lounge with me, if you liked Mustumi's lunch and dinner, you'll love her scones! I want that recipe, but she won't tell me!" Kanon said with a pout.

"Uh, hey sorry to interrupt, but Inmate, God-Arc, two things that shouldn't be together inside the building, HELLO!" Kota interjected.

"That being said, I'd appreciate it if you didn't carry that near Mutsumi." Hibari said, keeping her eyes on her monitors.

"It's supposed to be in storage!" Kota said.

"Must've got lost. Kane, I'll eat on the way. Fine?" he asked. Never looking at Kota.

"Oh yeah, that'll be quicker, actually I haven't picked a mission yet and I don't think Captain Haru has either. Meh, we'll figure it out." Kanon said nonchalantly.

"Uh-huh, we didn't send this out in the email yet, but no one below Captain can take Sano out on missions alone. Be it Haru or another Captain." Hibari hinted, nodding towards Kota.

Sano was getting Hibari's message, after his stunt, Haruomi would likely keep him from fighting properly or slow him and Kanon down. Granted the best he could hope to get out of this, was one mission with Haruomi today instead of two.

With a disgruntled breath, he decided to play along to expedite the situation.

"Tell you what, God-Eater, you're so worried about everything I do, Help Kanon out, I'm sure you didn't get that rank for nothing." Sano said sarcastically.

"Oh, would you Kota!? I want to go out to a mission as soon as possible, after a warm-up, we're gonna go with Haruomi next to really let loose!" Kanon cheered.

"Well as long as I'm around, I'll make sure you don't cause any trouble, I'm gonna be on you like gum on my shoe! So watch yourself IN-mate!" Kota said getting up in Sano's face.

When Kota got into his personal space, Sano was almost impressed. He could hardly hold the urge to fight him there and then.

"Sure. God-Eater..." reducing the distance between them further, Sano's yellow-white eye's met Kotas', brownish-green pupils.

Kota felt like he was being stared down by a wolf.

Erina was inwardly impressed with her Captain, as the height difference between them was significant.

Giving Kota a disrespectful smirk, he brushed past him to Kanon. Erina circled to Kota's front to continue hiding from him.

"I think I'll eat with you after all. It's getting a tad bit crowded." Sano said, ahead of Kanon to the stairs, leaving his God-Arc next to Hibari's desk.

"Oh I just want some tea, I had a BIG breakfast today. I and Kota will pick a mission, real quick, and then I'm getting you full on Mustumi's scones!" Kanon said cheerfully waving after him.

"Captain, I want to go too!" Erina said, angrily.

Uh, Erina, I don't think that's a good idea, he's a felon, very dangerous. I have to keep my eye on him the whole time. (I thought for sure he was gonna shank me.)" Kota thought as his face lost color.

"That's why I should go! I've gotta know what we're dealing with. If what Kanon says is true, he can fight Ogretails with his bare hands!" Erina argued.

"Oh, it's totally true! Erina come see next time!" Kanon said.


The three turned their heads towards the fake cough.

Hibari, impatiently tapped her desk, visibly frustrated as evident by her scowl.

Kanon and Kota mumbled an apology and proceeded to handpick a mission.

With that done, Kanon went to the lounge, eager for a cup of tea.

Not too soon, did Sano and Kanon find themselves in the company of Kota and Erina watching the inmate from the couch like hawks. Much to Sano's chagrin.

However, this annoyance was stuffed away as he stuffed his cheeks full of Mutsumi's scones.

Just as things were settling down, in the reception area, the elevator opened. In came rushing Haruomi, followed slowly by Licca who looked like she ran a mile.

"WHERE ARE THEY!? WHERE IS THAT SCOUNDREL!?" he yelled frantically searching the balcony.

Haruomi lapped the surrounding area 3 times, before stopping at Hibari's desk.

"Lounge." she said, not looking up from her screen.

He hurried to the room, and frantic shouts could be heard from behind the door.




Ignoring the noise, Hibari nodded to Licca coming down the stairs. Once she saw Sano's god-arc she grasped it firmly in her gloved hands and dragged it one step at a time.

Hibari only shrugged and continued to monitor her screens. Though as time went on she felt parched. Unable to conquer this urge, she quickly walked to the lounge.

Ignoring the shenanigans of Unit 1 and 4 quickly poured herself a glass of water and returned to her desk.

As she drank, she didn't notice the Claymore at her side.

I wonder, could she? ....Nah.

Double Release

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