
Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics)

The world is a dangerous place. Men and women with power that leaves the world and all the insignificant lives upon it at their mercy. Many choose to exercise that power for selfish means, but a small group, a fraction of them; chose to use their power to defend the weak. They are the heroes of this world, the ones who risk their lives and sacrifice everything they are just to protect those that cannot protect themselves from the villains who would take everything from them. Yet even these heroes, are flawed. They are not perfect despite their image of such. They are not all-powerful despite their actions speaking to the contrary. They make mistakes, allow emotion to cloud their judgement, and allow pride to stay their hand. Villains are not born, they are made and often, they are made by the very heroes who fight to defend this world. These villains, in turn, make the heroes who fight them. A constant cycle that seems to have no end in sight, but ultimately, there is always something that changes. The world is never predictable, never simple, and always changes. Outliers and anomalies have come about many a time in the course of this cycle, but from this cycle, one rises that was different to the rest. He breaks the cycle and wades through the world of heroes and villains, forged by his actions and the actions of those around him. His goals are simple, and the steps he takes to reach them are long and arduous. Each one is a struggle, but one that brings him ever closer to the end. However, often, the road to hell is paved with good intentions and as his journey progresses, the world suffers the consequences.

Carrots123 · Anime e Quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
140 Chs

Teaming Up

Wednesday 8th April 2009, 12:10.

New Jersey,

Gotham City

Gotham Heights.

It took Esau longer than he would have liked to admit to realise that fighting against the flow of the crowd was not the most efficient way to get to his destination. Then, it took him just as long to push his way through the crowd and into an alleyway before he could finally start climbing up onto the roof, moving across them with greater speed.

Gotham Heights was perfect for this kind of travelling.

The attached buildings were perfectly positioned with small gaps separating some of the buildings with large stretches of unimpeded running that only had some obstacles in his way like gates and fences separating the roofs of one building from the other. As a result of this, Esau managed to make it to the source of the gunfire relatively quickly, something which would have been impossible.

Coming to a stop on the rooftop overlooking the junction, Esau crouched down to look over the edge and was shocked at the sight that greeted him.

Police cars had formed barricades on the north and east roads, no doubt done in an attempt to contain the incident before it unfolded further, but that had failed spectacularly. For in the centre of the four-way junction, police and civilians were engaged in a huge brawl, hitting not just one another, but even their own allies.

Esau had heard nothing of rioting, but there were always protests happening and what had probably started as an engagement between police and protesters, had turned into a mass brawl.

Again gunshots were heard as those carrying guns unloaded them without a care in the world at both police and civilians.

A brawl of this size and magnitude should have attracted the attention of Batman or at the very least his sidekicks, he was reluctant to admit it, but Esau knew that they were determined to save this city. They wouldn't just stand by and do nothing about this situation, they would be quick to act to put a stop to this all which meant only one thing, they were busy with something else.

Still, it seemed like Esau would have no choice but to get involved again.

This time though, it would be as Esau as he could blend quite easily into the crowd of people and act like he was a part of whatever was going on while targeting those with guns.

Rising to his feet, he went to start climbing down the side of the building only for a hand to grip his shoulder and drag him back behind the wall. Turning around sharply, ready to fight, he paused when he saw Batgirl crouching beside him and he glared at her.

"What are you doing?" He snapped making Batgirl blink at his tone before shaking her head.

"I should be asking you the same question." She replied and Esau scoffed like she had any right to tell him what he could and couldn't do. "You shouldn't be here, it's not safe."

"Not safe for me, but it is for you, right?" Batgirl didn't say anything, just staring straight at him, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Esau knew what she was trying to do.

She was trying to make him back down using intimidation and if he was anyone else, it would have probably worked. The thing was, that whoever was behind that mask, she didn't scare him in the slightest and he just matched her gaze, not backing down in the slightest.

"Whatever." He scoffed and once more went to start climbing down the building, only to be stopped once more.

"You're not going down there, you could get hurt." She continued as her grip on his shoulder tightened.

Esau looked at her hand and then at her. "Look, I don't take orders from you, I can do what I want and right now, I think we've both got more pressing concerns, don't you?" He jerked his head in the direction of the free for all and Batgirl looked over.

Using her temporary distraction, Esau ripped his shoulder out of her grasp and started climbing down the side of the building before she could stop him. "Wait! Uh, fine keep being stubborn." She groaned and he didn't know why, but that made him both smile and feel a sense of nostalgia.

Landing on the ground, Esau started to jog towards the chaos just as batgirl glided down beside him. "Be careful." She said and Esau ignored her as the two joined the fray.


Wednesday 8th, April, 17:00.

New Jersey,

Gotham City

East End.

Groaning tiredly, Esau stepped out of the shower having finally been released from the Gotham City Police Department and driven home by Gordon. It hadn't been a quiet ride, Esau being on the receiving end of a long tirade about how reckless he had been, especially as Gordon had quite easily figured out that Esau had not been under the influence of whatever drug had infected the rest of the people.

No charges had been pressed which Esau had expected as much.

Though he hated to take advantage of Jim's love for him and guilt for not being able to help him properly, Esau had known that he would escape without jail time. Jim had always covered for him when he skipped school and other things, only forced to take action earlier on in his life when Esau had done inexcusable things.

Esau hated it, but he still took advantage of that guilt on a number of occasions.

"Why did you do it?" That was Jim's only question, the only one that had not been rhetorical.

To be completely honest, Esau didn't know how to describe the reasoning behind why he got involved.

When he had become Black Hood, it had been to make sure that Black Mask could never threaten him, Barbara or Jim ever again. Getting involved in that brawl had nothing to do with them, but while he and Barbara were nearby they were far enough away for them to be safe.

There was also the worry that Jim could have been a part of the group, there have been numerous more across the city at the same time, but Esau knew better than anyone that while Jim was no Batman, he could look after himself. Especially when it was against a ragtag group of civilians that were just aimlessly using whatever they could get their hands on as a weapon with next to no skill.

So he had no need to get involved, but he did and he didn't know why.

"Why?" He questioned himself, pulling a shirt over his head, not even attempting to fix his messy and wild hair, having learnt his lesson a long time ago that it could never be tamed.

But as he was pulling his shirt down past his chest, he noticed a shadow in the corner of the room.

A shadow that dark, unnaturally dark.

Making sure to act like nothing was happening, he oped his sock draw and picked up a pair of socks, revealing a handgun resting there. He dropped the socks, pretending to reach down for another pair, before quickly spinning around and firing at the shadow.

The figure hidden within the shadow dived to one side, rolling along the floor to avoid each bullet.

Yet Esau never let up, constantly firing at the cloaked figure as they darted around the room.

Esau himself didn't standing still, walking backwards to keep distance between them.

But once his magazine was empty, Esau found himself coming face to face with the Darkn Knight himself, Batman.

"I wonder how the people of Gotham would react if they knew the Batman liked to watch boys shower." He snarked, gripping the knife he had out on his kitchen counter, having moved from his bedroom to the kitchen.

"That's not why I'm here and you know that," Batman replied, never breaking his calm posture.

Not caring for the reason, Esau charged forwards, swinging his knife that was held in an icepick grip down on Batman, aiming to piece him through his eye. However, his wrist was caught in one of Batman's iron-like grips having moved quicker than Esau had thought possible, the knife mere inches from his eyes.Despite his eyes locked gazes with Esau's, Batman managed to lazily catch Esau's free hand which had attempted to punch the caped crusader in the gut.

Leaning forward, Esau tried to push Batman backwards, only to find himself unable to move an inch. "I'm through with being Black Hood." Esau snarled, glaring out at him before spitting in Batman's face.

He then followed up with a punch to Batman's face, watching it connect with great satisfaction.

The caped crusader on the other hand had been temporarily caught flat-footed by the unorthodox move and so had been unprepared for the foll-up strike. Despite this, after stumbling back a step, Batman quickly recovered and parried the blonde's second punch before retalitiating with one of his own.

Moving back, Esau rubbed his jaw and glared out at his opponent before charging forwards once more, ignoring his aching jaw.

His two punches were parried and when Esau went to land a roundhouse kick, Batman just ducked down underneath it, coming up as Esau's leg fully extended. Hooking one arm around under the kicking leg, Batman burst to his feet, flipping Esau through the air, before landing on the ground, breath rushing out from his lungs.

Yet, despite being exposed, Batman did not capitalise on this.

Shaking his head, Esau lashed out with his feet in an attempt to sweep Batman's legs out from underneath him, only for the hero to step back, casually avoiding it. Using the opportunity, Esau got to his feet and charged at Batman once more, a renewed vigor behind his strikes as he realised that he was the only one taking this fight seriously, Batman toying with him.

Though what followed could not be called a fight, Esau always going on the offensive and Batman nonchalantly parrying and avoiding the strikes while landing devastating blows of his own. But despite the openings he would create, Batman would never capitalise upon them, just stepping back and watching as Esau regained his balance before allowing Esau to repeat the process all over again.

Growling in frustrating, Esau went for a roundhouse to Batman's midsetion.

It was intercepted by Batman's knee, the same leg he used to block then kicking the inside of Esau's other leg, strong enough to buckle his knees and drop him to the ground. This was then followed up with a spinning hook kick to the temple that sent Esau flying across the room, rolling along the floor.

Despite being dealt a blow that would have knocked out many, Esau quickly rolled to his feet and charged forwards once more.

A few punches to Batman's guard that masterfully held under the continuous assault and then on the seventh punch, Batman opened up grabbing the wrist and slamming the back of his knuckles on Esau's jaw.

Once again the opening he had created was not used which only angered Esau further.

More punches came and this time, Esau went for a kick to finish the combination.

Though angered by Batman's inactivity, Esau was still in control and remembered what happened the last time he had attempted this.

So, as Batman went to block the kick with his forearm, Esau instead shifted his footing and raised the trajectory of his kick to Batman's temple instead of his stomach. However, this sudden change in trajectory didn't catch Batman off guard who simply caught the kick with his other hand, while his original blocking arm gripped Esau's balancing leg. With a tug and what looked like an effortless display of strength, Batman used Esau's unsteady positioning to throw the blonde across the room where he collided against the wall.

Groaning, Esau rose to his feet and shook his head, still a little dazed from some of his earlier strikes. "You're holding back," Esau muttered raising his fists up in a standard boxing stance.

Batman said nothing knowing it was correct.

His strikes had never been at full power if they were, Esau would never have been able to last this long. Some of those strikes to the joints should have broken arms and legs, but he held back and only unbalanced him. Not to mention, he never went on the offensive, but beating Esau or Black Hood as he knew him to be really, was not why he came here.

"Give up, I didn't come here for a fight," Batman growled out in his usual voice to make sure that no one could link him to Bruce Wayne.

Smirking, Esau tensed up in preparation to charge forwards once more. "Well too bad, 'cause I can do this all day." Batman highly doubted that, but he would admire Esau for his determination to keep fighting. Still, this fight needed to end and he doubted Esau would stop.

As Esau charged forwards once more he allowed the blonde to throw the first punch and this time, instead of parrying, stepped inside Esau's guard and landed an uppercut into his solar plexus.

Spittle came out of Esau's mouth as his eyes widened in shock, the wind being entirely knocked out of him by that simple blow.

This time though, unlike he had in the past, Batman didn't give Esau time to recover and used the opening to further his counter-offensive.

A left elbow strike to Esau's left knee sent the blonde down onto one knee.

Then going with the momentum, spun round and slammed a right elbow upwards into Esau's face sending the blonde to the ground, his nose bleeding and his mind in a daze.

It was short and it was brutal, but it was effective.

In the space of a few short seconds, Batman had ended the fight and for good measure, placed one foot on Esau's chest to keep him pinned down. Though Esau was skilled and had a natural talent for fighting, he couldn't match Batman's combat experience and superior skills. Plus, Esau was used to fighting only common thugs and had gotten his ass handed to him by Deadshot. Batman fought guys like Deadshot on a monthly basis, hell sometimes weekly. He'd taken on guys like Killer Croc and other superpowered individuals despite being human and came out the victor.

Esau had a long way to go if he wanted to get onto Batman's level, that's why the very same hero wanted to teach him. Just like Dick, Esau had the potential and raw talent to actually surpass him and he didn't want talent like that to go to waste or end up in the wrong hands. But he also knew that Esau would never accept his training outright, Barbara had described his distaste and anger for superheroes quite vividly and so would spurn their offer for help.

It's why he came here tonight, to try and guide Esau without the blonde realising it.

"You done?" Batman asked.

In response, Esau tried to push Batman's foot off his chest but to no avail.

The heroes foot remained firmly planted there keeping Esau on the ground. "Yeah, I'm done."

Rising to his feet, Batman presented Esau with a hand who looked at it and then back at him.

With another sigh that made it seem like this decision physically pained him, Esau accepted the hand and allowed Batman to help him to his feet.

"Anyone tell you that you have no right to be that good?" Batman said nothing only allowing his lips to twitch upwards giving Esau all the answers he needed. "Right, of course they have." Rubbing his jaw and wiping the blood that was dribbling down from his nose, Esau walked towards the kitchen counter and started running the tap. "So, why are you here?"

Batman watched as Esau started to use the water to get some of the drying blood from his face before answering. "I need your help." The incredulous look Esau gave him once again reminded him that this kid was actually quite expressive with his emotions, a good thing for sure, but as a hero or vigilante, he would need to learn to control that.

For normal humans like them who weren't invulnerable to bullets, they needed to learn to act invincible.

To act like pain didn't affect them worked very well in making thugs extremely wary and paranoid.

This, in turn, would result in them making mistakes that could be capitalised upon.

"No seriously, why are you here?" Esau asked and Batman said nothing, once again giving him all the answer he needed. Turning off the tap, Esau rested against the counter, both arms crossed over his chest and looked Batman dead in the eye. "So, you're serious? Mind telling me what exactly is so troubling that you came to me for help?"

"You got involved in the large riot that took place in Gotham Heights with Batgirl." Batman began. "What neither of you knew at the time that it was planned," Esau said nothing, having already come to that conclusion due to it seeming too coincidental for it to be just that, a coincidence. "Or by who?"

"Let me guess, one of Gotham's many supervillains?"

Batman nodded his head. "Scarecrow or Jonathan Crane as he was known formerly."

"I thought Crane's whole thing was inspiring fear, they didn't look very scared at all, in fact, they looked pretty fearless." Esau recounted.

"That's true, Crane has always created Fear Toxins to make people see their worst fears. It is how he controls people, but it seems he's worked on a toxin that eliminates a person's fear entirely. For example, making random civilians want to commit their darkest and most evil desires. Stealing, murder, rape." Esau grimly nodded his head.

"And in a large area, making people erupt into all-out brawl in the middle of Gotham Heights."

"Exactly." Batman continued, pleased to see that Esau had a good head on his shoulders, he'd need that if he wanted to survive this world of superpowered individuals when he was only a human. "You were there when it happened, you know what this drug is capable of. I want you to help me stop Scarecrow before he can create enough of this stuff to turn Gotham into a war zone."

After a few moments of silence, Esau nodded his head and pushed off the counter. "Yeah, alright." He walked up to Batman so that they would stand near face to face, Esau having grown a couple more inches to stand at a respectable height of six feet. "But let me make one thing clear, this doesn't make me part of your little Bat Family and I'm not doing this because you asked me, I'm doing this for Barbara and Jim. No one else."

Nodding his head, Batman moved past Esau and towards the window that miraculously stayed intact despite the rest of Esau's apartment being wrecked. Luckily for the blonde, no one would really care or complain about the noise partly because people made just as much noise in their own apartments.

"Meet me in the alley across from the building when you're done." With those instructions, Batman jumped out of the window and used his cape to glide across the sky and onto the roof of the adjacent building.

Esau watched him go and then released a sigh of defeat. "What the hell are you doing, Esau?" He questioned himself before walking into his room and lifting up one of the panels of his bedroom floor and pulling out the duffle bag that was there.

Brushing off some of the dust that had gathered on it, Esau opened the bag to reveal his Black Hood attire.

"Seriously, what the fuck are you doing?"

So, another chapter is done and with it, things are starting to get even more chaotic with a mass chaotic brawl taking place in Gotham Heights as a result of the Fearless Toxin Scarecrow created. However, why did Scarecrow create a Toxin that removes a person's fear? That's the question I'm asking all of you. But we also see what a fight between Batman and Esau would look like and as you can expect, it was a slaughter. Esau didn't stand any chance at all against the superior fighter and got his ass handed to him. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed and if you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.

Carrots123creators' thoughts