
Inheritor of the shadow clan's legacy

Mark, a middle aged man who lady luck never showed her beautiful to, commits suicide due to his peculiar circumstances and gets reincarnated into the body of a noble child- Levi. Mark believes that his life had finally taken a turn for the better, after all he was now the son of one of the country's most influential nobles count Raymond Swordhearth, but all is not as it seems as Levi soon discovers his severe lack of magical talent. Belonging to the absolute most untalented group on the planet, Levi becomes the laughing stock of his family and other nobles. His twin sister and mother scorned him, and his eldest brother and father ignored him and he was seen as complete and utter trash. All hope seemed to be lost for Levi, until IT appeared. The magical book that changed Levi's life forever. "S-shadow grimoire?" Read as Levi learns about the elusive power source known as Aether and the lost shadow magic under the tutelage of the shadow grimoire itself. Read about his adventures, trials and tribulations in the new world of magic as he grows stronger and slowly unravels the truth of the lost shadow clan. ——– Join my discord. Link: https://discord.gg/AmP9Fp9g ——– My entry to the WSA.

Dream_101 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Chapter 54: Tremor boars[3]

Levi's laughter. A sight so uncommon that it was on the level of his magicless affinity in terms of sheer rarity. It was so unnatural that Levi had not even laughed in front of up to ten people during both his lives.

Levi had only shown his laugh to four people in this life, and those people were; Mariam the cute and lovely personal maid of his, Grim the incorporeal existence and Levi's most trusted ally, Stan the peculiar bartender with a mysterious air about him. Stan was someone who Levi felt very similar to, and seeing as the latter never really discriminated against him due to his age, the two were able to get along quite well.

The last and most recent person he had laughed in front of was Raja. The hurricane wolf which he had taken a liking to for some reason. Levi found it very easy to relate with the wolf and they had shared more than a few laughs during their private conversations.

There were also the few from hs past life, the first individuals that Levi had ever thought about and openly referred to as friends, but those people were a story for another day.

Most individuals that knew Levi, both humans and others, knew that he was not a very cheerful or sociable person. He did not like people and preferred solitude, but there were still those few people that had managed to overcome his spiteful barrier and made a place for themselves in his utterly cold heart. They all had one thing in common.

They had Levi's unwavering loyalty.

"Hahahahaha!" Levi's laugh resonated throughout the dimly lit forest whose singular source of illumination was the moon. The laughter originated from just a single person, yet it managed to solicit several different reactions from the two parties that heard it.

Swift's bulged eyes were a testament to his shock and surprise at the unexpected occurence, as well as a tiny but noticeable nonetheless hint of fear at the dubious tone which Levi possessed. The tremor boars instead donned completely scared expressions as the very mischievous laughter struck fear in their hearts.

Even though they were not too hurt to be unable to move completely, they still could not bring themselves to do it for some reason. They simply remained glued to their respective positions, seemingly having forgotten of the reason why they even began fleeing in the first place.

The thick fog of dust which they had conjured behind them had barely even begun to clear, so Levi's vision was still greatly obstructed. He could not see what was behind the group of Tremor boars, though it was not like Levi still cared much about that.

By now, all of his thoughts were focused on the creatures before them and the havoc which he was about to wreak upon them.They had taken so much of his attention that he had failed to notice the relatively loud noise of footsteps, which had been previously masked by the stampede's noise, from a good distance behind the thick dust cloud.

At this point, all the present Tremor boars knew.....something dreadful was coming, and they were terribly unlucky to be on the receiving end.

Why was Levi laughing? Most would ask, but the answer was actually quite simple...

His plan had worked. Nothing more, nothing less.

The impromptu strategy which he had come up with had actually worked, what reason was there for him not to be happy? What reason was there not to express his happiness.

'Welp, sucks to you guys.' Grim chimed in, after reading Levi's mind and the massacre which was about to ensue.

Suddenly, as if it had all been a mere illusion, Levi's ecstatic laugh and smile faded just as quickly as it had appeared. Giving way to a much more serious visage as Levi's beautiful blue eyes began radiating a deep intensity. He was immensely serious at this moment.

'As much as I hate it, I have no choice but to deal with these guys as quickly as possible. It's already too damn late. Raja and the others must be terribly worried by now and there is still that damned demon bear! For all we know, he could be anywhere.' Levi said to his partner with a bit of regret in his tone. To which his partner responded to by transmitting the mental equivalent of a nod.

'Then let's wrap this up quick, agreed?'


And just like that, the human and his partner came to a unanimous decision. The consensus which they had achieved was quite simple and straight forward to ensure quickness and effectiveness.

Death! A quick and instant demise to all their foes.

The ferociousness of Levi's gaze was downright frightening, so much that all Tremor boars felt a chill run down their spine, and a few that were on the front lines took a step back purely out of instinct. A pointless action, if I do say so myself.


With a swing of his arm, the mid sized tree which he had uprooted served the purpose of a wooden bat. The swing decimated the already wavering front lines of the enemy, injuring a good few while plunging the rest into a state of unabated panic.

Numerous sounds of fear and pain rang out following his actions, but Levi paid no heed to them. After all, that was merely the preliminary phase which was intended to shatter any left over composure which the enemy had, and to ensure they made more sloppy mistakes that would cause them to fall easily to his attacks.

With the first part concluded, it was time for the slaughter to commence.


Levi seemingly blurred out of existence. His rapid movements were far too much for the untrained eyes of the idiot Tremor boars to handle as none of them could follow Levi's movements, and that left them frantically turning their heads left and right in hopes of at least catching a glimpse of their seemingly disappeared enemy.

The panic and confusion was written all over their faces as they searched, a few of them even exchanging fear filled grunts and the like at the sudden occurence.

But by the time they finally realized what had happened, it was already far too late.





The grotesque sounds which were accompanied by the pained shrieks of their brethren, drew the attention of all the boars from the location from which the sounds had originated.

There was no stopping the surprise or shock from showing on the faces of many Tremor boars as they feasted their eyes upon the unexpected.

Two of their kind had perished so quickly that they were unable to tell what had happened, due to the fact that their slow eyes were far too inadequate to keep up with the swift movements of the human.

The Tremor boars felt the level of their fear rise exponentially as they gazed pop-eyed upon the bloodied corpses of two Tremor boars whom they may have or may have not known. But merely the death of their members would have never instilled in them so much fear.

From the corpses, it was not too difficult to discern the way by which the unfortunate beasts had died. As such, it was all to easy to determine that the boars had died a very quick death from a single lethally precise attack.The terrifying fact caused the boar's fear levels to practially skyrocket.

Why wouldn't they though? Two of their strongest D-rank members had just fallen, and to a single attack for that matter!

Their incessant trembling was all but justified!

'Hmmm. From the looks of it, there doesn't seem to be any C-rank among this bunch..... Well, that's a relief.' Levi said inwardly as he continued the massacre.

Mowing through the horde in a randomized but deadly pattern, Levi brought down beast after beast, with lethal and concise blows, leaving a bloody trail of boar like creatures in his wake.

Of course, there were an exceptional few who managed to dodge Levi's attacks before trying to retaliate. But it was either they got killed before they could do anything significant, or Levi evaded their pitiful attempt easily before finally maiming them and sending them into the cold hands of the grim reaper.

Once again, Swift was forced to assume the position of a mere observer while the one sided massacre continued, and once again he could not help but gaze in awe with his mouth slightly gaped at the scene which unfolded before him.

'A-amazing...' The wolf thought as he took in what was going on.

That was the only word that Swift could think of to describe what was going down. It was not surprising that he would act this way, after all, the Tremor boars were among the top predators in the entire Estian forest, second only to the hurricane wolves and the rogue demon bear.

In fact, the rankings only remained that way due to Raja's presence. If it was not for him, then the wolves would have had a much harder time keeping their place at the top of the food chain.

But then, what was this sight unfolding before him? Swift could not believe it!



Levi was absolutely decimating these very same beasts, smashing through their ranks like they were nothing. In fact, the first two D-ranks which Levi had killed were almost at the same level of power with him, and Levi murdered them both in an instant!

It had not even been a day, yet the gap in power between the two had grown by an insurmountable margin.

"This guy...just what kind of monster is he?" Swift muttered to himself in utter disbelief as a feeling on inferiority came over him. There was no doubt that this came as a result of the massive disparity between their abilities.